Move Speed

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Move Speed is a stat: Speed of movement in cells per second. Its minimum allowed value is 0.15 c/s. Its default value is 3 c/s. A default Human has a base movement speed of 4.6 c/s.



First of all the following offsets are applied to the Move Speed Base value.


The following factors are applied after the Offsets.

  • Moving capacity: 100% importance, no allowed defect. No Max (effectively 428%).
  • Glucosoid pump:Content added by the Biotech DLC Creates Glucosoid Rush effect, +12% per Glucosoid pump. Maximum four, for x148%. Requires ability to Deathrest.
  • Genes:Content added by the Biotech DLC These genes create offsets on Move Speed under certain conditions.
    • Mild UV sensitivity:Content added by the Biotech DLC ×90% when in sunlight (when on an unroofed tile while light levels from natural sunlight are 11% or more).
    • Intense UV sensitivity:Content added by the Biotech DLC ×80% when in sunlight (when on an unroofed tile while light levels from natural sunlight are 11% or more).
    • Pollution stimulus:Content added by the Biotech DLC Scales with time spent on polluted tiles, maximum of ×120%.
  • Age: Children have offsets on their movespeed, determined by age.
Age 0-2 3-9 9-13 13-18 >18
Speed Factor ×0.2[1] ×0.75 ×0.85 ×0.95 x1
  1. As defined in the game defs, however in practice not applicable due to babies being unable to move.

External factors[edit]


  • Rain and Foggy rain: ×90%
  • Rainy thunderstorm and Hard snow: ×80%

Path cost[edit]

Floors, buildings, items and plants add path cost. Where each path cost adds about 7.7% to the time it would take the pawn to traverse this tile unhindered. The move speed factor can therefore be calculated like this:

move speed factor = 1 / (1 + path cost * 0.077)

For terrain, flooring and things with a path cost of 20 or below, a pawn is slowed down every time they enter a tile with that thing. For things with a path cost of 25 or above continuing walking on a thing with a path cost of 25 or higher doesn't slow the pawn down again (even if it gets higher).[Fact check] Walking over an item on a workbench slows the pawn down again, items on shelves have no additional effect, however.

Below is a selection of some common values. Minified things have a path cost of 14.

Path cost Move speed factor Examples (random)
0 100% Holding spot Content added by the Anomaly DLCWall torch lampWall lampBonsai tree Content added by the Ideology DLCColumnSmooth stonePen marker
1 93% Rough-hewn stoneBurned floorStraw matting
2 87% Flesh Content added by the Anomaly DLCSoilRough stoneGray surface Content added by the Anomaly DLC
3 81% Lichen-covered soil
4 76%
8 62%
10 56% Egg box
12 52%
14 48% Fungus darktorch Content added by the Ideology DLCBearskinMilkPsychic emanatorToxipotato plant Content added by the Biotech DLCTall grassSmashed stumpGauranlen pod Content added by the Ideology DLCLuciferiumHemogen pack Content added by the Biotech DLC... further results
20 39% Slab bed Content added by the Ideology DLCSlab double bed Content added by the Ideology DLC
24 35% Blood torch Content added by the Biotech DLC
25 34% Pew Content added by the Ideology DLCKneel pillow Content added by the Ideology DLCKneel sheet Content added by the Ideology DLC
30 30% Baby decoration Content added by the Biotech DLCPassive coolerToy box Content added by the Biotech DLCEnd tableGrand meditation throne Content added by the Royalty DLCMeditation throne Content added by the Royalty DLCReliquary Content added by the Ideology DLCMoisture pumpBryoluxPincushion cactus... further results
42 24% Poplar treeGene bank Content added by the Biotech DLCHemogen amplifier Content added by the Biotech DLCCryptosleep casketAncient lamppostChokevineCampfireAnima tree Content added by the Royalty DLCRoyal bedDresser... further results
50 21% Defoliator Content added by the Royalty DLCAncient container Content added by the Ideology DLCDeep drillRocketswarm launcherAncient dropship engine Content added by the Ideology DLCMech capsule Content added by the Royalty DLCAncient stove Content added by the Ideology DLCMortarElectric stoveAncient operating table Content added by the Ideology DLC... further results
60 18% Ancient fence Content added by the Ideology DLC
80 14% Fence

You can see the path cost of every thing here.

Flooring and terrain[edit]

For flooring and terrain see the full list below. Note that pawns are slowed down continuously by terrain, but things on top of it with a path cost equal or below it, don't slow the pawn additionally.

  • Floor Move Speed Factor
    Burned floor 0.93
    Flesh Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0.87
    Fungal gravel Content added by the Ideology DLC 0.87
    Gray surface Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0.87
    Rough stone 0.87
    Rough-hewn stone 0.93
    Straw matting 0.93
    • Other terrain
      • Chest-deep moving water: ×24%
      • Marsh, Shallow ocean water, Shallow water and Shallow moving water: ×30%
      • Marshy soil, Mud, Soft sand and Ice: ×48%
      • Sand: ×76%
      • Lichen-covered soil: ×81%
      • Soil, Stony soil, Rich soil: ×87%
    • Snow
      • Thin: ×76%
      • Medium: ×62%
      • Thick: ×52%


    Moving speed of a particular pawn can be calculated using the following formula:

    Move speed = (Base value + Offsets) × Factors × External factors

    Let us calculate how fast a human could possibly go. It would have the following values:

    Move speed = (4.6 c/s + 0.4 c/s + 0.4 c/s + 0.1 c/s + 0.5c/s + 0.4c/s) × (4.28 × 1.20 x 1.48 1.4) × 1 = 68.11 c/s
    1. Be aware that it is not normally possible to achieve this speed in a short time since the three hard drugs required to take have a 100% chance of causing a Minor Overdose and reducing Consciousness by 50%. With Biotech (DLC)Content added by the Biotech DLC, it is possible to gain Genes that can reduce the likelihood of an overdose, or even prevent it entirely. However, even with the Gene for Wake-up Impervious, a heart attack can still occur if the pawn does not have a Bionic heart.


    Offsets, such as the speed decrease from gear or traits, occurs before multiplicative factors such as Moving. So while a normal human moves at 4.6c/s, and a human in a flak vest moves at 4.48c/s for a difference of -0.12c/s, a pawn with 2 archotech legs would move at 6.9c/s while the same pawn in a flak vest would move at 6.72c/s for a difference of -0.18c/s. Similarly, jogger-traited human moves at 5.00c/s for a difference of 0.40/s compared to baseline, but a pawn with 2 archotech legs would move at 6.9c/s while the same pawn as a jogger would move at 7.50c/s for a difference of +0.60c/s.

    Stat Def Data[edit]

    Def Name
    Label For Full Stat List
    Offset Label
    Description Category Parameters Complex
    • Def Name:
    • Label:
      move speed
    Speed of movement in cells per second.
    • Display Order:
    • Def Name:
    • Label:
    • Display All By Default:
    • Default Base Value: 3.0
    • Min Value: 0.15
    • To String Style: FloatTwo
    • Format String: {0} c/s
    • Scenario Randomizable: true
    • Capacity Factors:
    • Parts:
      • StatPart_Glow:
        • Humanlike Only: true
        • Factor From Glow Curve:
          • Points:
            • (0,0.80)
            • (0.30,1.00)
        • Ignore If Incapable Of Sight: true
        • Ignore If Prefers Darkness: true
      • StatPart_RevenantSpeed Content added by the Anomaly DLC

    Slowing down attackers[edit]

    Different constructions and items that can be placed in a corridor to slow down attackers.

    Structures can be built to reduce the speed of movement of attackers, for example before a killbox.

    One of the most commonly used techniques is to place objects or constructions alternating with empty tiles, as it is not the items or constructions that slow down the pawns, but the fact of climbing on and off them.

    However, pawns are significantly more slowed down by doors held open in a row, and even more by placing chunks or other items inside them.

    Here is a table of the configurations shown in the thumbnail video, as well as other similar items or constructions (time is to cross 41 tiles, move speed factor is approximate):

    Corridor contents
    (not exhaustive)
    10 100% Most floors (concrete, tiles, smooth stone, etc.), plant pots, power switches, pen markers, columns.
    15 66% Spaced item stacks (any item, such as stone blocks, wood, etc.), standing lamps, animal sleeping boxes, animal beds, corpses (fresh, rotten, human, animal, mechanoid, etc.), ship landing beacons.
    20 50% Spaced stools, chairs, armchairs, firefoam poppers, moisture pumps.
    24 42% Spaced barricades, sandbags, chunks (stone & steel), braziers.
    27 37% Spaced small shelves, deep drills.
    29 34% Alternating chunks and items/corpses.
    38 26% Spaced fences.
    40 25% Row of doors held open (autodoors held open act the same).
    41 24% Row of doors held open containing chunks in a row.
    54 19% Row of doors held open containing spaced chunks.
    59 17% Row of doors held open with alternating chunks and items/corpses.
    • Only 1×1 constructions have been tested here.
    • It doesn't seem to matter what the construction is made of (wooden shelves are identical to granite ones, as are the doors), how big it is (an elephant's corpse is just as quick to get past as a rat's, one block is the same as a stack of 25), or if it's turned on or not (for example, braziers that are lit or not are identical).
    • Fence gates have been tested, but enemies cannot pass over them, open them or shoot through them, so they are not useful here.
    • Items and constructions available in the DLCs have not been tested.


    The best solution seems to be to have a row of open doors with alternating chunks and corpses (1×1 stockpiles are an easy way to replace destroyed items and corpses).

    The advantage of adding rotting/dessicated human corpses is that it gives enemies who pass the 'Observed rotting corpse ×5' debuff -12 (also using 1×1 stockpiles, placing 5 corpses is sometimes not enough, but 10 are), the downside is that it gives the same debuff to your pawns if they're within four tiles (unless they are bloodlust; cannibals and psychopaths don't care about fresh corpses, but corpses rot pretty quickly). Animal corpses can also be used, but they're often more useful as meat.

    One drawback is that it is not possible to target a fire in a door with the Waterskip psycast, but on the other hand, heat spreads slower as every door creates its own room (although temperature gets quickly extreme as the 'room' is tiny).

    In the early game, using only chunks every two tiles is a good option, as they cost nothing and can be quickly replaced using the stockpile trick.

    Version history[edit]