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Traits preview.png

Traits personalize and add flavor to your colonists by granting a wide variety of special bonuses or conditions to their day to day activities, and so encourage more complex player-conceived stories based on those individual characters. Traits provide physical or psychological abilities or limitations, likes/dislikes, behavior tendencies, personality quirks, and so on. Some are beneficial, some are harmful to the colonist or your colony as a whole. Some are constant, some only rarely triggered. Some can be more or less easily negated or manipulated to your advantage by catering to them (or denying them), others are more problematic or outright dangerous.


General traits[edit]

These traits are generalized into groups, organized roughly by topic but there are no such groupings laid out formally in the game. There are no relations or prohibitions between traits grouped together here unless noted (e.g. a colonist cannot be both "ascetic", wanting a minimal bedroom, and "jealous" of those with better bedrooms).


One likes what one likes...

Name Description Effect Conflicting Traits Commonality
Night owl NAME likes to work at night. S/He gets a mood bonus if awake at night and mood loss if awake during the day. S/He doesn't get a mood penalty for being in the dark. −10 mood penalty if awake during day (11:00 - 18:00)
+16 mood bonus if awake during night (23:00 - 06:00)
+ : No mood penalty from being in the dark
- 1.3
Undergrounder NAME has no need to experience the outdoors or light. S/He will never feel cooped up or get cabin fever, no matter how long s/he stays inside, and is not bothered by darkness. + : Mood not affected by Darkness
+ : No Outdoors or Space need
: Added Indoors need
+3 mood when indoors / +4 when underground
−3 mood when outdoors
+ : Gains the Morbid meditation focus type Content added by the Royalty DLC
- 0.2
Nudist NAME enjoys the feeling of freedom that comes from being nude. They can handle clothing, but will be happier without it. +20 mood bonus when naked
−3 mood penalty for wearing any apparel, except headgear and utility items
- 0.7
Masochist For NAME, there's something exciting about getting hurt. S/He doesn't know why, S/He's just wired differently. +5 mood bonus for being in a little pain, replacing default −5 and +3 from Pain:IdealizedContent added by the Ideology DLC.
+10 mood bonus for being in medium pain, replacing default −10 and +5 from Pain:IdealizedContent added by the Ideology DLC.
+15 mood bonus for being in severe pain, replacing default −15 and +7 from Pain:IdealizedContent added by the Ideology DLC.
+20 mood bonus for being in mind-shattering pain, replacing default −20 and +9 from Pain:IdealizedContent added by the Ideology DLC. Note: Mind-shattering pain causes pain shock at the default pain shock threshold
+3 mood bonus for wearing a slave body strapContent added by the Ideology DLC
+2 mood bonus for wearing a slave collarContent added by the Ideology DLC
Negates all mood effects for both Skullspike:Desired and DisapprovedContent added by the Ideology DLC
Negates the −5 mood penalty and -20 opinion malus for being fed on by a BloodfeederContent added by the Biotech DLC
+ : Gains the Morbid meditation focus type Content added by the Royalty DLC
Wimp 0.5
Body modder NAME feels limited in POSSESSIVE feeble human body. NAME often dreams of being enhanced by artificial body parts. +4 to +13 mood for having artificial body parts and xenogenesContent added by the Biotech DLC
−4 mood penalty for not having an artificial body part
+8 to +40 opinion of other colonists for each part installed on them
Body purist 0.9
Body purist NAME believes the human body is limited for a reason. To her/him, artificial body parts are unethical and disgusting. −10 to −35 mood for having artificial body parts and xenogenesContent added by the Biotech DLC
−8 to −40 opinion of other colonists for each part installed on them
−20 Mood when administered Luciferium and −30 opinion to the doctor who did the operation.
Body modder 0.7
Gourmand NAME's life revolves around food. S/He gets hungry quickly, and if s/he is in a bad mood, s/he will often satisfy her/his-self by eating. +50% hunger rate
+4 Cooking skill
+/- : So long as there is >10 human-edible nutrition worth of food in storage, the only possible minor mental break is food binge
: Food binges randomly occur with an MTB of 50 days
Ascetic 1

Living space[edit]

How a colonist perceives the walls that they call "home"...

Name Description Effect Conflicting Traits Commonality
Ascetic NAME has forsaken physical comforts and enjoyments in favor of a simple, pure lifestyle. S/He will become unhappy if s/he has a bedroom that's too impressive. S/He also dislikes fancy food and prefers to eat raw. S/He never judges others by their appearance. +5 mood bonus for having an awful bedroom
−5 mood penalty for having a somewhat impressive or better bedroom

+: No mood penalty for ate without table
+/- : Mood not affected by quality of meal, including raw food, nutrient paste meals, and baby foodContent added by the Biotech DLC
+/- : Pawn beauty of others does not change pawn's social opinion on that pawn
+/- : Mood unaffected by quality of crib (as a baby)Content added by the Biotech DLC
+/- : Mood unaffected by gaining a royal title; losing a title; or, if currently titled, whether or not apparel, bedroom, and/or throneroom is appropriate to the title Content added by the Royalty DLC
Gains the Minimal meditation focus type Content added by the Royalty DLC
Loses the Artistic meditation focus type, if they had it Content added by the Royalty DLC
×50% Global Certainty Loss Factor Content added by the Ideology DLC

Greedy NAME needs a really impressive bedroom. S/He gets a mood loss if they don't get what they want. −8/−8/−8/−6/−4 mood penalty for not having a bedroom of Slightly Impressive or better Ascetic
Jealous For NAME, it's degrading to have a less impressive bedroom than someone else. NAME gets a mood loss if any colonist has a more impressive bedroom. −8 mood penalty for not having the best bedroom.
+ : Gains the Morbid meditation focus type Content added by the Royalty DLC
Pyromaniac NAME loves fire. S/He will never extinguish fires, and will occasionally go on random fire starting sprees. S/He will be happy around flames, and happier when wielding an incendiary weapon. +2 mood bonus for having an incendiary weapon equipped
+8 mood bonus for using an incendiary weapon on an enemy.[Detail]+2 Beautiful fire mood Grants +2 mood per fire or lit buildings capable of having a 'fire overlay' (torch lamp, campfire; Content added by the Biotech DLCblood torch; Content added by the Ideology DLCdarktorch, fungus darktorch, effigy, pyre, sacrificial flag; Content added by the Royalty DLCbrazier; or Content added by the Ideology DLCContent added by the Royalty DLCdarklight brazier) within 8 cells, within the same room, and not in a 'fogged' region of the map invisible to the player. Fire not from a lit building, and not on a pawn, grants 2 stacks of this mood bonus; each cell occupied by a lit pyre counts as 1 fire, granting up to 4 stacks in total.
Incapable of firefighting
Only possible extreme mental break is fire starting spree
: Fire starting sprees randomly occur with an MTB of 50 days
−20%' reduction in market value
Gains the Flame meditation focus type Content added by the Royalty DLC
- 0.8

Social views[edit]

In a brutal world, what otherwise might be socially unacceptable or even unthinkable can be a positive survival trait for both you and your fellow colonists... See Human resources for comparative analysis.

Name Description Effect Conflicting Traits Commonality
Bloodlust NAME gets a rush from hurting people, and never minds the sight of blood or death. + : No mood penalty for: Observing fresh corpses, Observing rotting corpses, Human butchering, Organ harvesting, Executions, Colonist/innocent prisoner deaths, Wearing tainted clothes; Content added by the Ideology DLCBlinding ceremonies from Blindness:Horrible, or Scarification ceremonies from Scarification:Horrible
+3/+5/+7/+8 mood bonus for wearing clothing made out of human skin
+8 mood bonus for witnessing a stranger's death
+13 mood bonus for killing strangers
: Four times as likely to start a social fight
+ : No opinion loss of someone who Harvests an organ, Executes a prisoner, or Content added by the Biotech DLCKills a child
+ : Unaffected by ideoligious prohibitions that would ordinarily prevent a pawn from executing prisoners Content added by the Ideology DLC
+ : Gains the Morbid meditation focus type Content added by the Royalty DLC
Requires pawn to be capable of Violence 0.8
Cannibal NAME was taught that eating human meat is wrong and horrible. But one time, long ago, S/He tried it... and S/He liked it. + : No mood penalty for: Observing fresh corpses, Human butchering, Guest or guilty prisoner deaths, Cannibalism; Content added by the Biotech DLCIngesting hemogen packs; or Content added by the Ideology DLC Eating meat from Abhorrent, Horrible, or Disapproved
+3/+5/+7/+8 mood bonus for wearing clothing made out of human skin
+15 mood bonus after eating meal made with human flesh
+20 mood bonus after eating raw human meat (but eating a corpse will cause −12 Ate corpse moodlet and 5% chance of food poisoning)
All mood buffs stack
+ : No opinion loss of someone who Eats meat (Abhorrent, Horrible, or Disapproved) Content added by the Ideology DLC
+ : Gains the Morbid meditation focus type Content added by the Royalty DLC
- 0.6
Psychopath NAME has no empathy. The suffering of others doesn't bother them at all. They don't mind if others are butchered, left unburied, imprisoned, or sold to slavery - unless it affects them. NAME also feels no mood boost from socializing. + : No mood penalty for: Observing fresh corpses, Human butchering, Organ harvesting, Executions, Unburied colonists, Prisoners sold into slavery, Relative/colonist/friend/innocent prisoner deaths, Not being a bonded animal's master, Loss/death/release of bonded pets, Wearing human leather or dread leatherContent added by the Anomaly DLC; ChildContent added by the Biotech DLC killing, Being in a colony with sad youngsters, Having a sad/enslaved/sick/growth vat-interred child, Not having had enough play (as a baby); Content added by the Ideology DLCBlinding ceremonies from Blindness:Horrible, Scarification ceremonies from Scarification:Horrible, or Killing innocent animals from Killing innocent animals:Abhorrent, Horrible, or Disapproved
+ : No opinion loss of someone who Content added by the Biotech DLCKills a child or Content added by the Ideology DLCKills an innocent animal (Killing innocent animals:Abhorrent, Horrible, or Disapproved)
: No mood bonuses from: Being nuzzled, Being a bonded animal's master; Content added by the Biotech DLCBeing in a colony with happy youngsters, Having happy children, Having happy parents (as a child), or Having had lots of play (as a baby)
: No opinion gain from Chitchat, Deep talk (still loses opinion from hostile interactions); Content added by the Biotech DLCTeaching a child, or Taking a lesson (as a child)
+ : Unaffected by ideoligious prohibitions that would ordinarily prevent a pawn from executing prisoners or attacking innocent animals Content added by the Ideology DLC
+ : Gains the Morbid meditation focus type Content added by the Royalty DLC
x50% Global Certainty Loss Factor Content added by the Ideology DLC
Kind 1


When it's us or them...

Name Description Effect Conflicting Traits Commonality
Nimble NAME has remarkable kinesthetic intelligence. S/He seems to dance around danger with preternatural grace. +15 Melee Dodge Chance
×10% Trap Spring Chance
- 1
Brawler NAME likes to fight up close and personal. S/He's accuracy is greatly increased in melee combat, but s/he'll be very unhappy if asked to carry a ranged weapon. +4 Melee skill
−10 Shooting skill
+4 Melee Hit Chance
−10 mood penalty for wielding a ranged weapon
: Disallows shooting passions
+/- : Disallows Shoot Frenzy Inspiration
Careful Shooter


Tough NAME has thick skin, dense flesh, and durable bones. S/He takes much less damage than other people from the same blows. S/He is extremely hard to kill. ×50% Incoming Damage Multiplier
  • Stacks multiplicatively with other Incoming Damage Multiplier factors. See that page for further details.
Delicate 1.1
Wimp[1] NAME is weak and cowardly. Even a little pain will immobilize her/him. −50% Pain Shock Threshold.
−15% market value
x200% Global Certainty Loss Factor Content added by the Ideology DLC
: Negates Pain mood buffs from Pain:Idealized,Content added by the Ideology DLC reverting them to the default values.
Delicate Content added by the Biotech DLC NAME has fragile skin and bones. She/He takes more damage than other people from the same blows. ×115% Incoming Damage Multiplier
  • Stacks multiplicatively with other Incoming Damage Multiplier factors. See that page for further details. Note that the Delicate gene that can add this trait is incompatible with the Robust gene.Content added by the Biotech DLC
Tough 1
  1. With the exception of Genies, hostiles cannot spawn with the Wimp trait.


When your colonists are not fighting for their lives...

Name Description Effect Conflicting Traits Commonality
Too smart NAME is too smart for her/his own good. S/He learns everything much faster than everyone, but can be quite eccentric. +75% Global Learning Factor
+12% Mental Break Threshold
×50% Global Certainty Loss Factor Content added by the Ideology DLC
Nerves spectrum traits
Requires pawn be capable of Intellectual
Fast learner NAME has a knack for learning. S/He picks things up much faster than others. +75% Global Learning Factor Slow Learner 1
Slow learner NAME is slow on the uptake. S/He picks things up much slower than others. −75% Global Learning Factor
×50% Global Certainty Loss Factor Content added by the Ideology DLC
Fast Learner 1
Quick sleeper NAME doesn't need as much sleep as the average person. Whether s/he's sleeping on a bed or on the ground, s/he will be fully rested in about two thirds the usual time. +50% Rest Rate Multiplier - 1.1
Great memory NAME has a fantastic memory for detail. S/He will lose unused skills at half the rate of other people. ×50% Skill loss rate - 1.1
Perfect MemoryContent added by the Anomaly DLC NAME has outstanding memory, both in terms of retaining information but also muscle memory. His/Her skills will never decay. ×0% Skill loss rate - 0
Tortured artist NAME feels alienated and misunderstood by other human beings. S/He will get a constant mood debuff, but gain a chance (50%) to get a creativity inspiration after a mental break. −8 Permanent mood
50% chance of receiving the mental inspiration "Inspired Creativity" after a mental break ends. Note that this does not include breaks from psychic insanity lances, the berserk psycast,Content added by the Royalty DLC pyrophobia,Content added by the Biotech DLC or Void terrorContent added by the Anomaly DLC
+ : Gains the Morbid meditation focus type.Content added by the Royalty DLC
- 0.6


So... are you new on this rimworld?...

Name Description Effect Conflicting Traits Commonality
Kind NAME is an exceptionally agreeable and giving person. S/He never insults others and will sometimes offer kind words to brighten the moods of those around her/him. S/He also never judges people by their appearance. + : Sometimes tells others Kind Words
+5 mood bonus for anyone who has been told Kind Words by this colonist
+ : Will not Slight or Insult others
+ : Opinion of other pawns not changed by beauty, Annoying voice, Creepy breathing or disfigurement
x200% Global Certainty Loss Factor Content added by the Ideology DLC
Abrasive NAME always says exactly what's on their mind, especially if it's bugging him/her. That tends to rub people the wrong way. : Has a tendency to slight and insult people
−15% of the market value
x50% Global Certainty Loss Factor Content added by the Ideology DLC
Requires pawn be capable of Social.
Annoying voice NAME's voice has a particularly grating, nasal quality to it, and tends to talk in barked, garbled phrases. This predisposes others to dislike them. −25 opinion from other colonists. No opinion loss from kind or deaf pawns.
-20% of the market value
- 0.5
Creepy breathing NAME breathes heavily all the time, and sweats constantly. People find it creepy. −25 opinion from other colonists. No opinion loss from kind or deaf pawns.
-10% of the market value
- 0.5
Misandrist NAME really dislikes and distrusts men. −25 opinion of men. 0.3 for men
1.7 for women
Misogynist NAME really dislikes and distrusts women. −25 opinion of women. 1.7 for men
0.3 for women
Asexual NAME has no sexual attraction to anyone at all. +/- : Will not have romantic relationships with people. Gay
Gay NAME is romantically attracted to people of their own gender. +/- : Will only have romantic relationships with people of the same gender. Asexual
Bisexual NAME is romantically attracted to both men and women. +/- : Will have romantic relationships with people from either gender. Asexual
Recluse Content added by the Biotech DLC The fewer people in NAME's faction, the happier she/he is. Being alone is best of all. Mood buff or debuff from the number of human pawns, children, guests, or prisoners in the colony.[Clarify] Mechanoids, ghouls Content added by the Anomaly DLC and tamed animals do not count. 100% chance for starting colonist in solo mechanitor scenario. Additionally, they will not get a mood debuff when pawns are rejected from joining the colony.
Count Mood Count Mood
1 +12 11 −2
2 +8 12 −3
3 +6 13 −4
4 +4 15 −6
5-10 0 16+ −8
- 0.5
  • The Gay/Bisexual/Asexual sexuality traits are unique in that they are the only ones that can generate after the 3 trait limit, resulting in rare pawns with 4 traits.
  • And see also the Beauty category of traits, below.

Spectrum traits[edit]

Theses are groups of related traits, that are inter-related and grouped by degree, creating a "spectrum" of good/bad/better/worse in that specific sphere of behaviour. A colonist can only have one trait from any single related spectrum for these traits, defining whether they are notably outside the norm for, for example, movement speed, or drug interest, or their physical (un)attractiveness.

Drug desire[edit]

These traits affect a colonist's likelihood to consume drugs.

Note that despite the common misconception, chemical fascination and interest pawns no longer randomly go on drug binges independent of mood.

Name Description Effect
Chemical fascination NAME is utterly fascinated with chemical sources of enjoyment. Consuming recreational drugs will create a good mood, while abstaining will lead to increasing frustration over time and possibly drug binges. S/He will ignore directives to not use recreational drugs, and will consume more than a normal person. Has Chemical need, mood buff (up to +6) when satisfied and mood debuff (up to −12) when not

For Beer, Smokeleaf Joints, and Ambrosia only: functions as if "Take for Recreation" and "Take for Addiction" are checked on the Drug Policies tab regardless of the players choices. They will otherwise follow the Drug Policy regarding drugs carried and scheduled.

NOTE: The colonist will still respect allowed areas and will not use forbidden stacks of any drug regardless of chemical need

Content added by the Ideology DLC Unaffected by ideoligious prohibitions that would ordinarily prevent a pawn from taking or administering drugs

Chemical interest NAME has an unusual interest in chemical sources of enjoyment. Consuming recreational drugs will create a good mood, while abstaining will lead to increasing frustration over time and possible drug binges. S/He will ignore directives to not use recreational drugs, and will consume more than a normal person. Has Chemical need, mood buff (up to +3) when satisfied and mood debuff (up to −6) when not

For Beer, Smokeleaf Joints, and Ambrosia only: functions as if "Take for Recreation" and "Take for Addiction" are checked on the Drug Policies tab regardless of the players choices. They will otherwise follow the Drug Policy regarding drugs carried and scheduled.

NOTE: The colonist will still respect allowed areas and will not use forbidden stacks of any drug regardless of chemical need

Content added by the Ideology DLC Unaffected by ideoligious prohibitions that would ordinarily prevent a pawn from taking or administering drugs

Teetotaler NAME abhors the idea of gaining pleasure from chemicals. S/He strictly avoids alcohol and recreational drugs. Will not go on binges

Cannot be directed to take non-medical drugs; force administering the drug will cause a −20 mood penalty
−25 opinion of any pawns with chemical interest or fascination


These traits affect the colonist's Global Work Speed.

Name Description Effect
Industrious NAME has an easy time staying on-task and focused, and gets things done much faster than the average person. Global Work Speed +35%

-5 opinion of all colonists without the same trait

Hard worker NAME is a natural hard worker and will finish tasks faster than most. Global Work Speed +20%

-5 opinion of all colonists without the same or industrious trait

Lazy NAME is a little bit lazy. Global Work Speed −20%
Slothful NAME loves idleness and hates anything productive. S/He moves slowly and rarely stays focused on a task. Global Work Speed −35%

Speed traits[edit]

These traits affect a colonist's walk speed.

Name Description Effect
Jogger NAME always moves with a sense of urgency - so much so that others often fail to keep up. Move speed +0.4 c/s
Fast walker NAME likes to be where s/he's going. S/He walks quicker than most people. Move speed +0.2 c/s
Slowpoke NAME is always falling behind the group whenever s/he goes anywhere. Move speed −0.2 c/s

Disallows Go Frenzy inspiration.

Base mood[edit]

These traits affect the colonist's natural, constant mood.

Name Description Effect
Sanguine NAME is just naturally upbeat about HER/HIS situation, pretty much all the time, no matter what it is. Permanent +12 mood bonus[1]
Optimist NAME is naturally optimistic about life. It's hard to get HER/HIM down. Permanent +6 mood bonus[1]
Pessimist NAME tends to look on the bad side of life. Permanent −6 mood penalty[1]
Depressive NAME is perennially unhappy. S/He has trouble sustaining a good mood even when everything is fine. Permanent −12 mood penalty[1]
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Specific value not listed in flavor text.


These traits affect the colonist's mental break threshold.

Name Description Effect
Iron-willed NAME's will is an iron shield. S/He keeps going through thick and thin, when others broke down long before. Mental Break Threshold −18%

Global Certainty Loss FactorContent added by the Ideology DLC ×25%

Steadfast NAME is mentally tough and won't break down under stresses that would crack most people. Mental Break Threshold −9%

Global Certainty Loss FactorContent added by the Ideology DLC ×50%

Nervous NAME tends to crack under pressure. Mental Break Threshold +8%

Global Certainty Loss FactorContent added by the Ideology DLC ×200%

Volatile NAME is on a hair-trigger all the time. S/He is the first to break in any tough situation. Mental Break Threshold +15%

Global Certainty Loss FactorContent added by the Ideology DLC ×300%


These traits affect the colonist's mental break threshold and their global work speed.

Name Description Effect
Neurotic NAME likes to have things squared away. S/He will work harder than most to attain this state of affairs, but HER/HIS nerves can get the better of HER/HIM. Global Work Speed +20%

Mental Break Threshold +8%

Very neurotic NAME feels constantly nervous about everything that has to get done. S/He will work extremely hard to attain this state of affairs, but HER/HIS nerves can easily get the better of HER/HIM. Global Work Speed +40%

Mental Break Threshold +14%

Shooting accuracy[edit]

These traits affect the colonist's accuracy in ranged combat, as well as aiming time. Mutually exclusive with brawler.

Name Description Effect
Careful shooter NAME takes more time to aim when shooting. S/He shoots less often than others, but with more accuracy. Aiming Time +25%

Shooting Accuracy +5

Trigger-happy Pew! Pew! Pew! NAME just likes pulling the trigger. S/He shoots faster than others, but less accurately. Aiming Time −50%

Shooting Accuracy −5


These traits influence a colonist's appearance and how it affects other colonists' opinions of them - as well as sexual attractiveness.

Each point of beauty corresponds to +20 opinion from other colonists, e.g. a colonist with 2 beauty will have +40 opinion, while another with -1 beauty will have -20.

Name Description Effect
Beautiful NAME is exceptionally beautiful, with an exotic-yet-familiar facial structure and an arresting gaze. People are attracted to her/him before s/he even opens her/his mouth. +2 pawn beauty
Pretty NAME has a pretty face, which predisposes people to like her/him. +1 pawn beauty
Ugly NAME is somewhat ugly. This subtly repels others during social interactions. −1 pawn beauty
Staggeringly ugly NAME is staggeringly ugly. Her/His face looks like a cross between a drawing by an untalented child, a malformed fetus in a jar of formaldehyde, and a piece of modern art. Others must exert conscious effort to look at her/him while conversing. −2 pawn beauty

Psychic sensitivity[edit]

These traits influence how much a colonist is affected by psychic phenomena.

Name Description Effect
Psychically hypersensitive NAME's mind is like a psychic tuning fork. S/He is extremely sensitive to psychic phenomena. +80% Psychic Sensitivity
Psychically sensitive NAME's mind is unusually sensitive to psychic phenomena. +40% Psychic Sensitivity
Psychically dull NAME's mind is psychically out of tune with others. S/He isn't as affected by psychic phenomena. -50% Psychic Sensitivity
Psychically deaf NAME's mind works on a psychic frequency different from everyone else. S/He just isn't affected by psychic phenomena. -100% Psychic Sensitivity


These traits influence how often colonists are infected by a disease.

Name Description Effect
Super-immune NAME has a naturally powerful immune system. S/He will gain immunity much faster than a normal person would, and can survive illnesses that would kill others. Immunity Gain Speed +30%
Sickly NAME has an awful immune system. S/He gets sick more often than usual, frequently with illnesses that nobody in the colony has been afflicted by. Medicine skill +4
Randomly catch diseases independently from rest of the colony, on average once every 30 days

Creepjoiner traits[edit]

These traits are never randomly assigned to pawns. They are normally found on creepjoiners, and therefore have powerful positive or negative effects to balance out the other strengths and weaknesses creepjoiners have.

Positive traits[edit]

These traits are considered benefits, to compensate whatever mysterious downside haunts the creepjoiner.

Name Description Effect
Perfect Memory NAME has outstanding memory, both in terms of retaining information but also muscle memory. His/Her skills will never decay. Skills cannot decay
Occultist NAME has deep knowledge of the twisted patterns of dark psychic energy. S/He can study unnatural entities faster than others. S/He will also periodically teach this inhuman knowledge to others when S/He gets the chance. Study Efficiency +100%
Entity Study Rate +50%
Can share occult teachings during normal social interactions, giving +1 dark research per day
Joyous NAME has the ability to make everyone feel better and inspire them to be the best version of themselves. +20 opinion from other pawns
While not imprisoned or enslaved, +3 mood to all other non-prisoner colonists on the same map who are not currently in a mental break. The effect does not stack even if there are multiple Joyous pawns present. Pawns not of the player's faction cannot receive the mood buff. A Joyous pawn will not grant its mood bonus to anyone it is currently hostile to.
Body Mastery NAME doesn't have basic needs like eating, sleeping, or comfort. His/Her body is driven by some unknown mechanism, which has turned His/Her eyes completely white. Food, Sleep, and Comfort needs disabled

Negative traits[edit]

These traits are downsides, meant to counterblance the creepjoiner's powerful benefits. Note that, unlike most other creepjoiner drawbacks, these traits are never hidden; as such, you be assured there are no other nasty surprises waiting for you.

Name Description Effect
Disturbing NAME is a peculiar person who seems fixated on horrendous ideas. Talking to {PAWN_objective} is often upsetting. When randomly interacting with other pawns, will perform a disturbing chat instead of any other interaction type, giving the recipient −4 mood and −3 opinion of the disturbing pawn for 24 hours (stacks up to 10 times)
Unlocks Morbid meditation
Void Fascination NAME is strangely intrigued by unnatural entities and is easily enthralled by them. Unlocks Void meditation
Disables Artistic meditation
The only allowed extreme mental break is Entity Liberator
Will attempt to release captured entities (regardless of mood) once per year, on average
+6 Captured entity mood when there is captured entity in the colony

Obsolete traits[edit]

These are no longer found as-is in the current game version, though many of them have been renamed or reworked into one of the traits found above.

Name Description Effect Conflicting Traits Fate
Prosthophile NAME feels limited in their feeble human body. NAME often dreams of going bionic. +14 mood bonus for having a bionic body part
−4 mood penalty for not having a bionic body part
Body purist Replaced by Transhumanist
Prosthophobe NAME believes the human body is limited for a reason. To them, bionic body parts are unethical. −10 mood penalty for having a bionic body part body modder Replaced by Body purist
Green thumb NAME has a passion for gardening. They get a mood bonus for every plant they sow. +1 mood bonus from sowing a plant. Stackable up to 20 times. - Removed in Beta 19
Tunneler NAME has no need for space. S/He will never feel cooped up or get cabin fever, no matter how long s/he stays indoors. + : No Outdoors need - Replaced by Undergrounder
Transhumanist NAME feels limited in their feeble human body. NAME often dreams of going bionic. +4 to +13 mood bonus for having artificial body parts
−4 mood penalty for not having an artificial body part
+8 to +40 opinion of other colonists for each part installed on them
Body purist Replaced by Body modder

Version history[edit]

  • 0.0.245 - Traits hidden as they did nothing.
  • 0.7.581 - Brawler, prosthophile, and more added.
  • 0.9.722 - Teetotaller and Chemical Fascination traits added
  • 0.12.906 - Greedy, Jealous, Ascetic, Night Owl traits added.
  • 0.17.1546 - Wimp trait added.
  • 0.19.2009 - Undergrounder, Great memory, Tough, Gourmand, Sickly, Quick sleeper traits added
  • 1.1.0 - Asexual trait added
  • 1.2.2719 - Fix: Psylink counts as an artificial part for a transhumanist.
  • 1.3.3066 - Transhumanist trait renamed to Body Modder. Kind description changed "NAME is a nice person. They have a tendency to brighten everyone else's day and never insult others." -> "NAME is an exceptionally agreeable and giving person. S/He never insults others and will sometimes offer kind words to brighten the moods of those around her/him. {PAWN_pronoun} also never judges people by their appearance.". Undergrounders have a new Need_Indoors, which is increased by spending time indoors, especially inside mountains.
  • 1.4.3523 - Pyromaniacs are happier around fires and get a stacking (up to 4x) mood buff for nearby fires. This includes torches and campfires. “Wimp” trait’s pain shock threshold has been increased from 50% to 60%. Ascetics no longer get a negative mood debuff when eating nutrient paste meals. Plasmaswords and persona plasmaswords now provide the mood bonus to pyromaniacs like other incendiary weapons.
  • After 1.4.3542 but pre 1.5.4062 - Chemical Fascination and Interest now only randomly take beer, ambrosia and smokeleaf joints, instead of any drug
  • 1.4.3555 - Xenogenes count as artificial enhancements for body modders and body purists. Fix: Administer drug doesn't display that teetotalers will be unhappy if there is a chemical dependency gene present.
  • 1.4.3557 - Fix typo: "yielding" -> "wielding" in pyromaniac trait description.
  • 1.5 or prior - Pyromaniac thought mood effect reduced from +5 to +2 and description changed from "It makes me think of flame and fire. I'm so happy" to "It makes me think of flame and fire. I can't wait to use it." New thought added for using a flame weapon.
  • 1.5.4062 - Rebalance brawler trait to offset skill more than mood - mood penalty for using ranged weapon decreased from −20 to −10, shooting accuracy penalty increased from −4 to −10. Added “pyro used fire weapon” thought. Ascetics ignore "Ate without table" thought. Fix: NRE related to pyromaniacs wielding fire weapons.