Sleep furniture

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Revision as of 10:53, 28 February 2023 by Ickputzdirwech (talk | contribs) (Added first iteration of comparison table)
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Sleep furniture refers to all the buildings, spots, and furniture that allow pawns to sleep on them to provide additional Rest Effectiveness, Comfort, and Surgery Success Chance Factor

Note: This term is never used in-game. It is used here only to discuss the general class of similar objects without being confused for specific examples, such as bed, or implicitly excluding other classes of furniture for sleeping, such as sleeping spots or bedrolls.


The following are the current examples present in game:

Sleep furniture facilities include:

Animals equivalents include:


Colonists will sleep on a piece of sleep furniture that they are assigned to, according to their schedule. If unassigned, colonists will automatically assign themselves to an empty example. This can be overridden with the "Set owner" button. Rooms will turn into a bedroom if there is 1 item of sleep furniture, or a barracks if there are multiple. Colonists prefer separate bedrooms, and receive moodlets depending on how Impressive their room is. Impressiveness is based on Wealth, Space, Beauty, and Cleanliness.

Sleep furniture can also be assigned to a special purpose:

  • For Colonists: Reserve for colonists. Colonists will only automatically assign themselves to sleep furniture designated like this. This is the default option but swapping back from the other options below will require selecting this mode. They are colored green.
  • For Prisoner: Reserve for prisoners, creating a prison. Prison beds must be in an enclosed room (walls, doors, and other impassible objects count). Colonists and prisoners can't share the same room; when one is set to prisoner, all sleep furniture in the room is set to prisoner. There must be an empty prison piece of sleep furniture in order to capture prisoners or arrest pawns. They are colored orange.
  • For Slave:Content added by the Ideology DLC Reserve for slaves. Unlike prisoners, colonists and slaves can sleep in the same room, though colonists get a −3 moodlet for doing so. They are colored yellow.
  • Medical: Removes ownership. Pawns will rest in medical sleep furniture whenever they are sick or injured, and rescuers will prioritize bringing a pawn to them. Does not overwrite bed designation - a medical bed can be for colonists, prisoners, or slaves. They are colored blue.

Rest Effectiveness


Surgery Success Chance Factor

Comparison table

  • Furniture Rest effectiveness Surgery Success Chance Factor Immunity Gain Speed Factor Comfort Facilities
    Animal bed 1 1 1.07 0.75
    Animal sleeping box 0.93 1 1.05 0.6
    Animal sleeping spot 0.8 0.7 1 0
    Bed 1 1 1.07 0.75 Dresser, End table, Sleep accelerator
    Bedroll 0.95 1 1.05 0.68 Dresser, End table, Sleep accelerator
    Double bed 1 1 1.07 0.75 Dresser, End table, Sleep accelerator
    Double bedroll 0.95 1 1.05 0.68 Dresser, End table, Sleep accelerator
    Double sleeping spot 0.8 0.7 1 0.4
    Hospital bed 1 1.1 1.11 0.8 Vitals monitor, Dresser, End table, Sleep accelerator
    Royal bed 1.05 1 1.07 0.9 Dresser, End table, Sleep accelerator
    Sleeping spot 0.8 0.7 1 0.4
    Baby sleeping spot Content added by the Biotech DLC 0.8 0.7 1 0.4
    Deathrest casket Content added by the Biotech DLC 1 1 1.07 0.75 Hemopump, Hemogen amplifier, Glucosoid pump, Deathrest accelerator, Psychofluid pump
    Ancient bed Content added by the Ideology DLC 0.85 0.65 0.95 0.75
    Slab bed Content added by the Ideology DLC 1 1 1.07 0 Dresser, End table, Sleep accelerator
    Slab double bed Content added by the Ideology DLC 1 1 1.07 0 Dresser, End table, Sleep accelerator