Flesh sack

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Flesh sack

Flesh sack

A swollen lump of flesh with something inside. These stationary fleshbeasts act as digestive organs, supplying the surrounding fleshmass with nutrients. However, they're unable to break down non-organic matter, meaning that valuable items can occasionally be found within.

Base Stats



2 × 2

Flesh sacks are structures added by the Anomaly DLC that are associated with fleshbeasts and drop loot when destroyed.


Flesh sacks are only generated within the Pit gate's undercave and the Distress Signal quest map.[How many?]


Flesh sacks contain items which are dropped when the sack is destroyed.


The following items may be found within a flesh sack.[Add Details] [Verify In Game]

Item Amount Chance
Pirate1557.png Pirate corpse 1 ~ 7.81%
Villager1557.png Villager corpse 1 ~ 7.81%
Elite1557.png Pirate boss corpse 1 ~ 7.81%
Harbinger seed Harbinger seed 1 ~ 7.81%
Shard Shard 1 ~ 3.91%
Gold Gold 15 - 30 ~ 3.91%
Plasteel Plasteel 15 - 30 ~ 3.91%
Hyperweave Hyperweave 15 - 30 ~ 3.91%
Bionic eye Bionic eye 1 ~ 1.95%
Bionic arm Bionic arm 1 ~ 1.95%
Bionic leg Bionic leg 1 ~ 1.95%
Bionic spine Bionic spine 1 ~ 1.95%
Bionic heart Bionic heart 1 ~ 1.95%
Bionic stomach Bionic stomach 1 ~ 1.95%
Archotech arm Archotech arm 1 ~ 1.95%
Archotech eye Archotech eye 1 ~ 1.95%
Archotech leg Archotech leg 1 ~ 1.95%
Recon helmet Recon helmet 1 ~ 1.95%
Shield belt Shield belt 1 ~ 1.95%
Marine helmet Marine helmet 1 ~ 1.95%
Flak jacket Flak jacket 1 ~ 1.95%
Plate armor Plate armor 1 ~ 1.95%
Nerve spiker Nerve spiker 1 ~ 1.95%
Turret pack Turret pack 1 ~ 1.95%
Antigrain warhead Antigrain warhead 1 ~ 1.17%
Shard animal pulser Shard animal pulser 1 ~ 1.17%
Psychic soothe pulser Psychic soothe pulser 1 ~ 1.17%
Biomutation pulser Biomutation pulser 1 ~ 1.17%
Doomsday rocket launcher Doomsday rocket launcher 1 ~ 1.17%
Triple rocket launcher Triple rocket launcher 1 ~ 1.17%
Shard insanity lance Shard insanity lance 1 ~ 1.17%
Shard shock lance Shard shock lance 1 ~ 1.17%
Biomutation lance Biomutation lance 1 ~ 1.17%
Void sculpture Void sculpture 1 ~ 1.17%
Psychic emanator Psychic emanator 1 ~ 1.17%
Disruptor flare pack Disruptor flare pack 1 ~ 1.17%


The summon pit gate ritual can be used to continously generate undercaves which will come with three fleshsacks [Anecdotal] and consumes 75 bioferrite. This means that with a sufficiant amount of entities they can be farmed for archotech legs, arms and eyes in a late game colony, which is a far more efficient method than trading for them. Always accepting distress signals can also help with this. Loot is generated when the pit gate is entered for the first time, so can be very easily save scummed if you have the patience to repeatadly clear the undercave.


Version history[edit]