IED incendiary trap

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IED incendiary trap

IED incendiary trap

Explosives mixed into an incendiary paste with a chemical trigger for dispersal. When someone disturbs the chemical trigger, it ignites burning fuel sprays. Since it doesn't need to detonate high explosives, the chemical trigger is simpler and more reliable than some others.

Base Stats




The IED Incendiary Trap is a stationary trap which detonates when an enemy pawn walks over it. It sets fire to a 5x5 area around it.

It's quite situational for a trap, since it doesn't deal much burn damage on its own, but can set objects and raiders on fire. It deals 10 damage only, plus the damage the flames deal to the burning pawn. This usually amounts to 16 - 25 damage, compared to 50 for an explosive IED trap.
This trap does have an advantage over the regular IED trap, being that it triggers instantly, dousing the nearby area in flaming liquid. It can be used to reliably catch and disrupt faster enemies.

The flames can prove useful in some situations.

  • Pawns on fire will move erratically in an attempt to put out the fires. They won't fight back during this time, allowing you to engage them with less risk of being hurt.
  • It can be used to create an automatic temperature trap to cook enemies alive. This is useful for baiting infestations.
  • Raiders are usually poorly protected against heat (though sometimes you will see someone with good heat protection). This trap may prove useful against enemies well-protected against blunt or sharp damage, or shielded enemies, especially when the flames can penetrate shield belts.