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A corpse is the dead body of a human, animal or mechanoid.


Corpses are obtained whenever something dies. They reflect what they had in life; missing limbs will affect a corpse's yield.

Certain means of death may destroy the corpse, or deal so much damage that there is nothing left to see.


Corpses provide negative beauty while on the ground, worse than most items. All corpses have a Missing Body Parts value.

Organic Corpses

The corpses of organic life (e.g. non-mechanoids) can be used for food. When eaten directly, corpses will gain Missing Body Parts until there is nothing left. Animals don't mind, but colonists will recieve the -12 Ate corpse moodlet and have a flat 5% of food poisoning when directly eating corpses. Corpses can instead be butchered, which is a more efficient way of using food - see the below section for details.

Organic corpses will quickly rot[What time?] if left above freezing temperature, 0 °C (32 °F). Animals with scaria also have a chance to rot immediately on death, as does toxic buildup. Rotten corpses cannot be eaten or butchered. Rotten corpses will produce corpse bile, which dirties up a room.

Colonists who see a human corpse will recieve negative thoughts, which are worse if the corpse is rotten. Colonists with the Cannibal, Psychopath, or Bloodlust traits are immune, as does an IdeoligionContent added by the Ideology DLC with the "Corpses: Don't Care" precept.

Butchering & Shredding

Organic corpses without rot can be butchered at a butcher spot or the superior butcher table for meat and leather, which can be processed further. How much is determined on the Meat Amount and Leather Amount, which considers a variety of factors, including corpse size.

When butchering human corpses, colonists will get a -6 We butchered humanlike moodlet, and the butcher gaining a further -6 Mood#I butchered humanlike#I butchered humanlike mood. For the former penalty, it doesn't matter how many corpses you've butchered, it will remain at -6. Colonists with the Cannibal, Psychopath, or Bloodlust traits are immune, as does an IdeoligionContent added by the Ideology DLC that finds Cannibalism acceptable.

Mechanoid corpses can instead be shredded at a crafting spot or machining table, which produces steel and plasteel.

In both cases, having more missing parts means less yield.


The following methods can dispose of corpses:

Butchering & Feeding

Non-rotten corpses can be butchered by a pawn assigned to cooking. Butchering requires 450 ticks (7.5 secs) of work, modified by the butchery speed of the cook and up to two nearby tool cabinets. Mechanoids can be scrapped by a pawn assigned to crafting and requires 300 ticks (5 secs) of work from a table, or 450 ticks (7.5 secs) from a crafting spot.

As butchering human corpses incurs a mood penalty, you may want to feed corpses directly to your carnivorous and omnivorous animals. Otherwise, butchering yields more food and useful leather, which can be converted into meals or kibble.

As corpses and their meat will rot over time, it is recommended to use a cooler to preserve them.

Manual Destruction

Molotov cocktails or incendiary launcers will create fire. Placing a pile of corpses in a fireproof room (such as using stone for walls and floors) and lighting them on fire is the least work-consuming method of disposing corpses. It requires a pawn to be drafted, move to the place in question, and fire a single shot. Make sure that the room is fireproof, as a large fire can destroy much of your progress. Regardless, fire tends to be the best and least time-consuming way to dispose of human and rotten corpses.

Alternatively, you can use frag grenades, which can destroy any item. As multiple grenades are needed to destroy items, it uses more work, but you don't have to mess with fire. Grenades can also destroy walls, so give a little space when throwing them.


Corpses can be buried in a grave or sarcophagus, where the corpse is hauled to its location. Graves are much better for general disposal, costing no resources and 800 ticks (13.33 secs) of work to make. Sarcophagi are more beautiful, so are useful if placed inside.

They can be useful for preserving corpse in a freezer, preventing both rot and overzealous cooks from ruining them. This is useful if you're waiting for a resurrector mech serum to revive the corpse in question. Up to 5 buried coprses can be used for meditationContent added by the Royalty DLC of the Morbid type. Buried humans can be used for the Funeral ritualContent added by the Ideology DLC. Finally, either building acts as solitary recreation, though this type of recreation is always available. Colonists may visit a grave, even if far away.

Having a buried human allows the Corpse Obsession mental break to occur. Everybody who sees the corpse will recieve the normal Saw (Rotten) Corpse penalty, but this is one of the least immediately harmful of the major breaks.

The main problem with burying is space - large raids can quickly consume a lot of time and area. And the further you go, the longer it'll take. It is recommended to swap to another form of corpse disposal, once available, for your enemies.


Corpses can be burnt in an electric crematorium. Each cremation requires 180 units of work[Ticks?], and the crematorium itself requires 700 W of power to function. Manual disposal is more efficent, so cremation is largely for convienence's sake.