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Health item bionic.png

Learning assistant

A sensory recording system that replays important experiences during sleep, strengthening the formation of new memories.

Health item natural.png


A biological human liver. Plays an important role in metabolism.

Health item bionic.png

Love enhancer

Humans have always tried to use every new technology to enhance sexual satisfaction. Bionics were no exception. This implant makes physical and chemical changes to the body which enhance the experience of lovin' for both partners - both physically and psychologically. The implant unit can adapt to enhance both men and women upon being implanted.

Health item natural.png


A biological human lung. A pair of these form the core of the human respiratory system.

Health item prosthetic.png

Mech gestation processor

An implant which increses the speed at which a mechanitor can produce mechs in a mech gestator. The processor optimizes the behavior of the mechanites in the mech forming tank. The implant can be self-installed in the same way as the mech link. The implant can be installed up to 6 times to increase its effect.



A bionic implant that allows direct control of mechanoids. Mechlinks are used by soldiers to control war mechs, and by workers to control labor mechs. A person with a mechlink is known as a mechanitor.
Mechlinks are self-installable. Pressed into the back of the throat, the unit injects itself through the flesh to clamp inside the base of the skull where it meets the spinal cord. There, it threads a web of ultrafine wires throughout nearby neuronal tissue to make the direct mental link between the user and the mechanoid control band.
Mechlinks are not simply devices for sending radio signals to mechanoids, because mechanoids are not merely robots. In addition to traditional computers, mechanoids have a dim psychic presence, so fluently controlling them requires a psychic connection. By linking mechanitor and mechanoid both psychically and electromagnetically, the mechlink permits deeper control than screen-and-button interfaces.
Since the mechlink interlaces deep within the brain tissue, it can only be removed after death.
Note: A mechanitor must be capable of smithing work to gestate mechanoids.

Metalblood heart

A special bioferrite prosthetic that can pump a small amount of metalblood into a ghoul's bloodstream, making it more resistant to damage for a short period of time. Metalblood also makes the ghoul more vulnerable to fire. The prosthetic causes widespread swelling, slowing the ghoul down.
Due to the extremely painful nature of the prosthetic, only ghouls can tolerate this enhancement.

Health item prosthetic.png


Inflicts continuous pain on the user. Mindscrews are used by some authorities as a long-term punishment. Some even install them voluntarily as a demonstration of ideological or religious devotion.

Health item bionic.png


A non-intelligent microcomputer controlled by a visual/tactile neural interface. It assists with memory and calculation, like a calculator and notepad embedded in the brain.

Health item bionic.png

Nuclear stomach

A micro-nuclear reactor combined with complex chemical synthesis replaces the body's need for food energy. Food is required only to replace matter lost from the body, reducing the user's intake needs significantly. This artificial stomach cannot get food poisoning. However, there is little room to shield the reactor, so the radiation increases the risk of cancer.

Health item prosthetic.png


A brain implant which inhibits nociception, or pain sensation. While it does allow the user to accomplish more, it turns out pain has a purpose. When you don't feel it, you can get hurt really bad really easily.

A Painstopper is a brain implant that will completely eliminate a colonist's pain and any pain-related mood effects.

Woodlog a.png

Peg leg

A wood log fashioned into a crude but effective artificial leg.

Peg legs are a artificial body part that replaces a pawn's leg. It is the worst kind of leg available, but is better than having a missing leg.

Health item prosthetic.png

Power claw

A combat-oriented hand replacement consisting of a mechanical hand with a hooked claw on each finger. It cuts deep, and it is strong enough to crush a skull like a hand crushes an egg. The claws can be retracted, making it as useful as a natural hand for non-combat tasks, however its overall ungainliness slows down movement slightly.

Power claws are artificial hand replacements that also function as moderately powerful melee weapons at the expense of slowing a pawn's moving.

Health item prosthetic.png

Prosthetic arm

An arm prosthesis. While it lacks a neural interface, its complex arrangement of internal joints allows it to mimic natural movement quite convincingly. Still, it is inferior to a real arm.

A prosthetic arm is an artificial body part that acts as a replacement for a pawn's natural arm. The least advanced of the arm replacements, prosthetic arms have a part efficiency of 50%, therefore one prosthetic arm and one healthy natural arm provides 75% manipulation, while having two prosthetic arms provides 50% manipulation.

Health item prosthetic.png

Prosthetic heart

A heart prosthesis. It contains an electric motor that pumps blood smoothly around the body. Users often report feeling tired, but it's better than the alternative.

Health item prosthetic.png

Prosthetic leg

Simple prosthesis made to replace missing leg. Not very comfortable but quite efficient.

Prosthetic legs are an artificial body part that replaces a pawn's leg. They are much better than a peg leg or no leg at all, but are inferior to bionic legs, which actually improve the pawn's moving capacity.

Health item archotech.png

Psychic harmonizer

This brain implant projects the user's mood in a spherical psychic field, forcing others nearby to feel a blurred, simplified version of their emotions. It can be an powerful tool to keep morale high, but if the user becomes unhappy, it can lead to collective disaster.

Health item archotech.png

Psychic reader

Gives limited mind-reading ability, improving the user's ability to get the upper hand in negotiations and social situations. The effect is proportional to the user's psychic sensitivity.

Health item archotech.png

Psychic sensitizer

This brain implant stimulates growth in the regions of the brain related to psychic interaction, thus increasing psychic sensitivity.


Psylink neuroformer

A consumable archotech-created device that forms or upgrades a psylink in the user's mind.
The user presses the device over the eyes, where it links to the brain directly and restructures part of it. Afterwards, the device disintegrates into worthless ash.

Health item prosthetic.png

Remote repairer

A neural implant which allows the mechanitor to repair from a distance. The user links to the mechanoid and uses their own brain to psychically guide the self-repair mechanites.
This implant can be self-installed without surgery.
This implant can be installed up to 3 times to increase its range.

Health item prosthetic.png

Remote shielder

An implant which allows the mechanitor to place a personal defense shield on a mech. The mechanitor must continuously focus on the mech in order to maintain the shield.
Placing a shield at a distance requires a substantial amount of energy. It can be used to save a mech at a critical moment.
This implant can be self-installed in the same way as the mechlink.
This implant can be installed up to 3 times to increase its range and shield energy.

Health item prosthetic.png

Repair probe

An implant which increases the speed at which a mechanitor can repair a mechanoid. This does not affect the overall energy needed to repair a mechanoid.
The implant allows the mechanitor to plug in directly with the mechanoid while they are repairing it. This allows them to more quickly understand the mechanoid's injuries, and better-direct the mech's self-repair mechanites to assist with the repair.
This implant can be self-installed in the same way as the mechlink.
This implant can be installed up to 6 times to increase its effect.

Health item bionic.png

Reprocessor stomach

An advanced chemical processing system breaks down nutrients the body could normally never use, leading to increased efficiency.

Health item bionic.png

Revenant vertebrae

A prosthetic spine that allows the user to become temporarily invisible. The prosthetic is crafted from a modified Revenant spine, using archotech shards to restrain the dormant revenant. The user can manipulate the visual centers of those nearby, effectively turning themselves invisible.

Health item bionic.png

Sterilizing stomach

An artificial stomach replacement with a broad-spectrum toxin filter and neutralization system. It allows the user to eat almost anything without ever worrying about food poisoning.

Health item bionic.png

Stoneskin gland

This bionic gland releases chemicals and nanomachines that transform the user's skin into a built-in suit of armor. The whole epidermis thickens and hardens to resist burns, while jointed exterior keratin plates form everywhere they can - including the head and face. While it's very difficult to physically hurt someone using this implant, the plates and hard skin significantly reduces the user's physical attractiveness.

Health item bionic.png

Toughskin gland

This bionic gland releases chemicals and nanomachines that toughen the skin, making it somewhat more resistant to damage. While it doesn't add as much protection as some other skin-hardening glands, the toughskin gland has the advantage of not noticeably altering the user's appearance.

Health item prosthetic.png

Venom fangs

A pair of injectors implanted through the canine teeth, connected to a venom pump. The user can bite an enemy, extend the injectors, and pump venom into the target.

Health item prosthetic.png

Venom talon

A retractable finger talon connected to a venom pump in the lower arm. The user can scratch an enemy while squirting venom into the wound. The talon is designed to be installed in the middle finger. It's fast, but poor at penetrating armor.

Woodlog a.png

Wooden foot

An installed wooden foot.

Wooden feet are medieval artificial body parts that replace a pawn's foot. They are better than having a missing foot or replacing the foot with a peg leg, but are inferior to all other options.

Woodlog a.png

Wooden hand

An installed wooden hand.

A wooden hand is an artificial body part that acts as a replacement for a pawn's natural hand. A medieval prosthetic, wooden hands have a part efficiency of 60%, therefore one wooden hand on an otherwise healthy pawn provides 80% manipulation, while having two wooden hands provides 60% manipulation.



A self-contained biological organ containing one or more implantable xenogenes.

Once implanted inside a host's body, the xenogerm modifies the host's genes, gene expression, and phenotypic development using viruses, hormones, bio-synthesized drugs, and possibly mechanites. Depending on the xenogerm, the host will develop any of a wide variety of exotic traits and abilities, transforming them into a different human xenotype.

Xenogerm implantation is a traumatic process. Once implanted with a xenogerm, a person will be bedridden for days as the transformation sets in.

During storage and transport, xenogerms are kept safe in sealed containers.