Artificial body parts

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Artificial body parts are - as the name would imply - non-organic body parts that exist with the purpose of replacing a missing or damaged body part. There are a variety of different body parts that can be prosthetically replaced in/on pawns. Some replace damaged natural body parts, others are improvements for the original organ. Some offer implanted weaponry or additional capabilities.

Most prostheses fall loosely under one of several categories based on tech-level and research:

  • Neolithic/Medieval: Crude wooden replacements, but better than nothing
  • Prosthetics: "Modern" replacements that are still inferior to their natural human limb/organ, or specialized parts that come with some drawback.
  • Bionics: futuristic replacements, better than the original, or exact replicas that are immune to health issues.
  • Archotech: ultimate, futuristic replacements which cannot be crafted.

In many cases, there is not an equivalent part for every tech level - there is not always a primitive, prosthetic, bionic, and archotech version of a given part. In the case of implants, they are usually available in one form only.

Comparison to Flesh[edit]

Artificial parts offer some benefits over regular, fleshy counterparts:

  • They are immune to certain health conditions. None can be infected or scarred, while health conditions like cataracts, bad backs, and heart attacks are prevented, depending on the part.
  • Injuries to artificial body parts do not cause pain.

Like organic body parts, artificial parts heal naturally over time, and will be destroyed if the part reaches 0 health.

Body Modders and Purists[edit]

Pawns with the Body modder or Body purist Traits will either get a Mood bonus or penalty depending on how many artificial body parts they have, if any at all, while also gaining different Social opinions of other pawns, depending on if they also have artificial parts installed. Nearly every single artificial enhancement installed on a pawn is counted- from a peg leg, organ replacements, Royalty'sContent added by the Royalty DLC glandular enhancements (healing enhancer, immunoenhancer), archotech body parts, a MechlinkContent added by the Biotech DLC, and AnomalyContent added by the Anomaly DLC's flesh limbs and Revenant vertebrae. The only enhancements not considered by either trait is any levels of PsylinkContent added by the Royalty DLC and upgrades used by a Mechanitor beyond the mechlink. No clothing or equipment item is counted, specifically Eltex gear or any psychically active Persona weaponContent added by the Ideology DLC. An implanted xenogermContent added by the Biotech DLC will be counted as one single enhancement no matter how complex the xenogerm is.

Number of
Body Modder Body Modder
Opinion of Others
Body Purist Body Purist
Opinion of Others
0 −4 0 0 0
1 +4 +8 −10 −8
2 +7 +16 −15 −16
3 +9 +24 −20 −24
4 +11 +32 −25 −32
5 +12 +40 −30 −40
6 +13 +40 −35 −40

Installation and Removal[edit]

There are two types of artificial parts: implants and prosthetics. Implants are attached to the natural flesh body part, while prosthetics are replacements that require the original to be removed.

Installing artificial body parts requires medical skill, with a minimum of 3 for wooden parts up to a minimum of 5 for implants. Parts can be installed regardless of if they have been researched, as the research is only required to manufacture the parts.

Most prosthetics and implants can be uninstalled freely to retrieve the item back, with the exception of joywires, mindscrews and death acidifiers. Artificial parts cannot be uninstalled from corpses, with the exception of the mechlinkContent added by the Biotech DLC which can ONLY be removed from corpses.

Artificial body parts cannot be installed on babies,Content added by the Biotech DLC but can be installed on children.Content added by the Biotech DLC

Part Compatibility[edit]

Most implants are compatible with all other implants with the exception of skin glands. However, prosthetic parts cannot have other prosthetic parts or implants installed on them; a bionic arm cannot have a field hand prosthetic or elbow blade implant attached.



All brain implants are compatible and can be installed at once, even if their effects cancel each other out.

Name Type Effects
Joywire Implant
  • +30 mood buff
  • -20% Consciousness
  • Cannot be removed
Painstopper Implant
  • Pain x0%
Content added by the Royalty DLC Circadian assistant Implant
  • -20% Rest fall rate (awake longer)
  • Susceptible to brain shock
Content added by the Royalty DLC Circadian half-cycler Implant
  • Never sleep
  • -15% Consciousness
  • Susceptible to brain shock
Content added by the Royalty DLC Learning assistant Implant
Content added by the Royalty DLC Mindscrew Implant
  • +20% pain
  • Cannot be removed
Content added by the Royalty DLC Neurocalculator Implant
Content added by the Royalty DLC Psychic harmonizer Implant
  • This pawn's mood affects others nearby
  • Effect scales with both implantee and target Psychic Sensitivity
Content added by the Royalty DLC Psychic reader Implant
Content added by the Royalty DLC Psychic sensitizer Implant
  • Psychic Sensitivity +25%


Name Type Effects
Archotech eye Prosthetic
  • 150% efficiency
Bionic eye Prosthetic
  • 125% efficiency


Name Type Effects
Bionic ear Prosthetic
  • 125% efficiency
Cochlear implant Prosthetic
  • 65% efficiency


Name Type Effects
Content added by the Royalty DLC Aesthetic nose Prosthetic[1]
  • Beauty +1
Content added by the Royalty DLC Gastro-analyzer Implant
  • Cooking speed +5.0

^1 The aesthetic nose can be installed when a nose is missing, but has a remove option similar to implants. This allows it to leave behind a fully healed nose when uninstalled, even if the nose was missing before it was installed.


Name Type Effects
Denture Prosthetic
  • 80% efficiency
  • cannot have a tongue
Bionic jaw Prosthetic
  • 125% efficiency
Bionic tongue Prosthetic[1]
  • 100% efficiency
Content added by the Royalty DLC Venom fangs Implant
  • toxic bite attack:
- 15 damage
- 2 second attack
- 22% Armor Penetration
- Toxic buildup in enemy

^1 The bionic tongue cannot be installed without a jaw, despite being able to have a natural tongue without a jaw.



All arms except for the drill arm replace everything from the shoulder down. The drill arm requires a functional shoulder to attach to.

Name Type Effects
Archotech arm Prosthetic
  • 150% Part efficiency
  • 14 damage punch
- 2 second attack
  • 21% Armor Penetration
Bionic arm Prosthetic
  • 125% Part efficiency
  • 12 damage punch
- 2 second attack
Prosthetic arm Prosthetic
  • 50% efficiency
  • 8.2 damage punch (same as default)
- 2 second attack
Content added by the Royalty DLC Drill arm Prosthetic
  • +70% Deep Drilling Speed
  • +160% Mining Speed
  • -8% Movement speed
  • stabbing attack:
- 13 damage
- 2 second attack
- 20% Armor Penetration
Content added by the Royalty DLC Elbow blade Implant
  • cut attack:
- 18 damage
- 2 second attack
- 27% Armor Penetration
Content added by the Anomaly DLC Flesh tentacle Mutation
  • 120% efficiency
  • 8.2 damage punch (same as default)
  • - 1 beauty
  • Inflicts -6 Flesh tentacle mood debuff, disabled if pawn is Inhumanized or a Body modder.
  • Removal causes a FleshbeastContent added by the Anomaly DLC to spawn.
Content added by the Anomaly DLC Flesh whip Mutation


Name Type Effects
Wooden hand Prosthetic
  • 60% Part efficiency
  • cannot punch
Power claw Prosthetic
  • -8% Movement speed
  • Scratch attack:
- 22 damage
- 2 second attack
- 33% Armor Penetration
Content added by the Royalty DLC Field hand Prosthetic
  • Plant work speed + 160%
  • -8% Movement speed
  • 9 damage punch
- 2 second attack
  • 13% Armor Penetration
Content added by the Royalty DLC Hand talon Implant
  • Scratch attack:
15 damage
- 1.5 second attack
- 15% Armor Penetration
Content added by the Royalty DLC Venom talon Implant
  • toxic scratch attack:
- 11 damage
- 1.5 second attack
- 15% Armor Penetration
- Toxic buildup in enemy


Name Type Effects
Archotech leg Prosthetic
  • 150% efficiency
Bionic leg Prosthetic
  • 125% efficiency
Prosthetic leg Prosthetic
  • 85% efficiency
Peg leg Prosthetic
  • 60% efficiency
Wooden foot Prosthetic
  • 80% efficiency
Content added by the Royalty DLC Knee spike Implant
  • stab attack:
- 22 damage
- 2.6 second attack
- 38% Armor penetration



Name Type Effects
Bionic stomach Prosthetic
  • 125% efficiency
Content added by the Royalty DLC Nuclear stomach Prosthetic
  • 125% efficiency
  • Hunger Rate x 25%
  • Food Poisoning chance x0%
Content added by the Royalty DLC Reprocessor stomach Prosthetic
  • 125% efficiency
  • Hunger Rate x 75%
Content added by the Royalty DLC Sterilizing stomach Prosthetic
  • 125% efficiency
  • Food Poisoning chance x0%
Content added by the Anomaly DLC Fleshmass stomach Mutation
  • Food Poisoning chance x0%
  • Pain +8%


Pawns require their heart and liver, and at least 1 kidney and 1 lung to survive.

Name Type Effects
Heart Heart (natural)
  • Pumps blood through the body
Bionic heart Heart (prosthetic)
Prosthetic heart Heart (prosthetic)
Kidney (x2) Kidney (natural)
  • Filters toxins and pathogens from blood
Content added by the Royalty DLC Immunoenhancer Kidney implant
Content added by the Biotech DLC Detoxifier kidney Kidney (prosthetic)
Liver Liver (natural)
  • Filters toxins from the blood
Lung (x2) Lung (natural)
  • Transfers gasses from the air to the blood
Content added by the Biotech DLC Detoxifier lung Lung (prosthetic)


All skin implants are mutually exclusive and cannot be installed together.

Name Type Effects
Content added by the Royalty DLC Toughskin gland Implant
  • Armor - Blunt +10%
  • Armor - Heat +30%
  • Armor - Sharp +35%
  • Movement x 95%
Content added by the Royalty DLC Armorskin gland Implant
  • Armor - Blunt +20%
  • Armor - Heat +40%
  • Armor - Sharp +52%
  • Beauty -1.0
  • Moving x 90%
Content added by the Royalty DLC Stoneskin gland Implant
  • Armor - Blunt +30%
  • Armor - Heat +50%
  • Armor - Sharp + 70%
  • Beauty -2.00
  • Movement x 85%


Name Type Effects
Death acidifier Implant
  • Destroys all carried gear upon death
  • Cannot be removed
Bionic spine Prosthetic
Content added by the Royalty DLC Healing enhancer Implant
  • Natural Healing Factor x 150%
Content added by the Royalty DLC Aesthetic shaper Implant
  • +1 Beauty
Content added by the Royalty DLC Coagulator Implant
  • Total bleed factor 50%
Content added by the Royalty DLC Love enhancer Implant
  • Provide more joy to romantic partners
Content added by the Anomaly DLC Revenant vertebrae Prosthetic

Version history[edit]

  • 0.7.581 - Artificial body part system added.