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A mechanoid reinforcement drop beacon. When activated, it calls in a group of mechs to land in drop pods nearby.

Ancient long crate.png

A long, empty crate which was abandoned ages ago. It's too rusted to store anything.


An ultratech weapon of mass destruction designed for area denial. By harvesting available compounds and converting them into self-reproducing opaque molecules, it can spew enough smoke to block the sun in a whole region of the planet.

Ancient mega-cannon barrel east.png

A barrel from a long-range cannon for artillery or anti-ship use. When it was new, it must have been frighteningly powerful. Now, it's far beyond repair and every useful component has been looted.

Hi-tech research bench.png

A high-tech bench with computers and electronic measurement equipment. Allows more rapid research, and unlocks advanced research projects.

Royal bed south.png

A luxurious gold-inlaid bed fit for the highborn. Very comfy and beautiful, it is a work of art in itself. Fits two.

Ancient washing machine.png

An ancient device used for washing textiles. Smashed and rusted, it is completely useless now. How it got here is hard to say.

Ancient lamppost.png

Road lighting from long ago. No longer functional.


A cozy bed with safe latticed sides, perfect for a sleepy baby. A high quality crib will make a baby happy. Multiple cribs can be placed in a bedroom without turning it into a barracks.


An ancient ultratech spacedrone.

Dining chair south.png

A comfortable and attractive chair. Can be used at tables, work stations, and elsewhere.

Ancient operating table.png

A table once used for surgical operations. It has long since deteriorated into uselessness.

Slab double bed.png

A slab of hard material made to sleep on. Slab beds are uncomfortable, but some see their use as a demonstration of moral good. This one is wide enough to fit two people.


An ancient-style decorative container.

Ancient warwalker foot.png

A massive foot from an ancient warwalker. It seems to have been torn free from its owner by some kind of heavy weapon. All the useful components were looted or deteriorated long ago.

Archotech tower.png

A moderately-sized archotech tower rising from the ground. Traces along its surface glow steadily with a strange color. Humans can only begin to guess at its purpose.

Ancient equipment blocks.png

A collection of ancient equipment blocks of unknown function. Valuable parts are missing, and everything else is degraded to uselessness.


A doorway hung with thick overlapping strips of fabric or leather. It allows animals to pass while insulating the temperature. Animal flaps are commonly used as barn doors to give penned animals a sheltered place to sleep.

Throne south.png

A large, ornate chair designed for a dignity-focused psycaster to sit and meditate. Reigning on a throne is a form of meditation that builds up psyfocus. For dignity psycasters, more impressive meditation thrones and thronerooms increase the rate of psyfocus gain.


An automated mechanoid factory. It periodically assembles and deploys new mechanoids.


An automatic smokeleaf-burning device which generates a smoke cloud around itself. Anyone in the cloud will become high on smokeleaf over time.

Ancient troop carrier.png

An ancient, broken troop carrier. Everything that isn't rusted away was looted long ago.


An ancient engine block that is rusted through. No repair could salvage this.

Butcher spot.png

A place for butchering animals. Due to the lack of equipment, butchering here yields only 70% of the meat and leather of each creature.

Dresser south.png

A dresser. Gives a small comfort bonus to all nearby beds. Placing more than one dresser near the same bed has no effect.

Ancient dropship engine.png

An ancient dropship engine. It probably came off a military troop carrier. Its delicate internals are rusted to uselessness, and the valuable parts were looted long ago.

Ancient kitchen sink.png

An ancient kitchen sink made of some non-metallic fiber-sheet material. It is badly deteriorated and there's no way to salvage anything from it.
How it got here must be a long story.

Small altar.png

A small platform that plays a role in ideoligious rituals.

Totemic slab (medium) A wood.png

A wooden bas relief of totemic imagery for decorating a floor.

Auto inferno turret.png

A self-powered turret mounted with an inferno cannon. It cannot sense targets at very short ranges.

Ancientexostriderleg a.png

The remains of the leg of a massive, ancient exostrider mechanoid.


A portable automatic turret. Requires steel to refurbish its barrel after heavy use. May explode when damaged. Its dumb AI brain can't be directly controlled, so beware of friendly fire.

Toy Box.png

A toy box containing many small toys. Toy boxes can be used to play with babies, satisfying their need for play.


A box with soft material made to hold eggs. Egg-laying animals will lay eggs in egg boxes if they can. Your haulers will take all the eggs out only when the box is full, to save time. The box also protects eggs from deteriorating outdoors, though it does not protect from temperature damage.

Ancient pod car.png

An ancient pod car once capable of automated flight. Its valuable parts were looted long ago, and the rest is badly deteriorated.


A simple bench with writing implements and simple measurement devices. Researchers work here to discover new things.

Animalist slab (broad) A wood.png

A wooden bas relief of animalist imagery for decorating a floor.

Ancient locker bank.png

An ancient, rusted bank of lockers. All of the lockers have been forced open with nothing valuable left behind.

Small nature shrine.png

A small shrine for honoring spiritual beings. Tribal psycasters can focus on this shrine while meditating to increase psyfocus gain. Nature shrines lose their power if they are close to artificial structures, so they are always built in nature. Since they look like natural objects to unobservant outsiders, raiders will generally ignore them.


A slanted platform that holds a text in front of a speaker. Place it near the focus of rituals and speeches to extend the duration of their positive effects.

Ancient nav beacon.png

An ancient, broken ship navigation beacon. Every useful component was looted long ago.

Ancient comms console.png

An ancient console with an attached communications dish. Valuable parts are missing, and everything else is degraded to uselessness.

Table tailor electric north.png

A workbench with a sewing machine for rapid tailoring of clothes. Can work without electricity at 50% of normal speed.

Table1x2 north.png

People eat off tables when chairs are placed facing them.


An area-denial device which annihilates nearby plants without affecting animals.
In planetary wars, these weapons are scattered across farmlands or jungles to deny the enemy food or cover. They're usually associated with orbital-drop mechanoid swarms.

Ancient large crate.png

A large crate which was abandoned ages ago. It's too rusted to store anything.


An ultratech machine that generates a sheet of exotic fields at high altitude, turning the sky opaque and blocking the sun.

Ancient tank trap.png

An defensive fortification for stopping vehicles. It's been deteriorating for many years

Sculpture grand abstract a.png

A huge sculpture sized to dominate a room.

Ancient hydrant.png

An ancient hydrant. Heavily rusted, it is completely useless now. How it got here is hard to say.