IED trap

From RimWorld Wiki
Revision as of 18:44, 1 February 2017 by Void walker (talk | contribs) (added some information, i'm not 100% sure if everything is correct. might need a grammar and spelling check. some of this information could be used for the incendiary IED)
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IED trap

IED trap

An artillery shell connected to a homemade trigger. When someone disturbs the trigger, the shell explodes. The improvised trigger has a random delay that might allow a nimble enemy to escape.

Base Stats




Detonates when an enemy enters a ? block diameter. Explodes in a ?x? area around it.

In terms of defenses its only usefull when placed in a position where the enemies will be stuck for a couple of seconds. it has a random delay to explode which makes it unrecommendable to place out in the open, because animals could trigger it and there is a (good) chance the enemy will have ran past its explosion area. And because of its expensive nature ( 1 component each ) that would be a waste. Its much more recomended to place it near a spot where enemies would find cover. since they will be on that position for enough time for you too be sure it will explode with them in the blast raduis. it can also be placed in chokepoints but because of its random delay its more recommended to use the IED incendiary trap since it will trigger directly.

The IED doesn't give any sign of when it will explode, so pawn or enemies won't run away from it once its triggered.

When exploded the damage is dealt as sharp melee, which may strike any body part, and usually causes bleeding. The actual damage inflicted varies, up to its max damage, and has a fair chance to do enough damage to incapicitate a pawn but has a small chance to kill a pawn. Colonists and friendlies are aware of placed traps and will walk around them, but only if another short route is available. Pawns will not be able to avoid traps placed in a long continuous line, or in chokepoints like a narrow hallway. A trap is less likely to be triggered by a colonist or friendly