Rice plant

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Rice plant

Rice plant

A short, fast-growing crop that yields small edible grains. Its great nutritional output and ease of cultivation has made it the economic core of many great civilizations. While rice grows quickly, it is sensitive to soil fertility and will not fare well in poor soil.

Base Stats

0 (1)
Path Cost



Plant Stats

Time to grow
3 days (5.54 days)
Work to Sow
170 ticks (2.83 secs)
Work to Harvest
200 ticks (3.33 secs)
Base Harvest Yield
6 Rice
Min Fertility
Fertility Sensitivity
Min light to grow
Ground, Hydroponic

Rice plants yield rice. They grow faster but provide less food per harvest than any other crop, meaning your grower must work harder to get more. Therefore, rice will often be the first crop planted, but then, once a food reserve has been established, rice will be (slowly) rotated out in favor of other crops that are better long-term producers (see Analysis, below).

Each plant has a base maturation time of 3 days (or 5.54 days when accounting for nightly resting period) and provides 6 rice per harvest.


  • Ground Type Gravel Soil Rich Soil Hydroponics
    Fertility (%) 70 100 140 280
    Real Grow Time (days)[1] 7.91 5.54 3.96 1.98
    Base Yield/day[2] 0.76 1.08 1.52 3.03
    1. Actual days to grow, taking into account rest time.
    2. Per plant, assuming Crop Yield Multiplier of 1.0.
      Note that Difficulty settings change the Crop Yield Multiplier.
  • Comparison to Other Crops

    Rice Plants' daily nutrition is fractionally higher than corn and potatoes (102.7% and 105.4% in regular soil), however rice's greatest strength is its quick growth: the short maturation time makes it ideal for establishing a colony, as an 'emergency' food crop when food runs low, for biomes with short growing seasons, and as a 'last planting' crop when winter is fast approaching. The frequent harvests also mitigate the damage of losing of a crop to blight, cold snap, heat wave, or fire, and provides a steadier flow of nutrition than slower-growing crops.

    However, this also means rice requires far more labour to reap and sow for the same nutrition compared to potatoes (183%) and especially corn (366%), and for this reason it is not usually recommended as the primary foodsource past midgame unless you have an excess of farmers without work to do.

    While rice is no more affected by soil fertility than corn, the innate strengths and weaknesses of its short harvest cycles are magnified by higher fertility, providing even faster production but demanding even more labor to harvest and then sow again. For example,while rice provides significantly more nutrition over time than any other hydroponics basin crop, it requires a harvest and replant every other day to do so.

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