EMP grenades

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Revision as of 02:29, 30 September 2018 by PigeonGuru (talk | contribs)
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EMP grenades

"Electromagnetic pulse grenades damaging to electronic equipment."

Base Stats

"Modern Weapons" is not in the list (Neolithic Weapons, Medieval Weapons, Industrial Weapons, Spacer Weapons, Ultra Weapons, Mechanoid Weapons) of allowed values for the "Class" property.
Weapon Class

Ranged Combat

Single Thrown
50 dmg
108 ticks (1.8 secs)
160 ticks (2.67 secs)
12.9 tile(s)
12 (m/s)
Burst Count
1 (per burst)
Miss Radius
1.0 tile(s)
Blast Radius

EMP grenades are ranged weapons can stun mechanoids, improvised turrets, mortars, deplete shield belts, and detonate mortar shells, but have no effect on humans and do not deal physical damage. A target that is stunned shows a mote saying 'STUN'. After being stunned, targets may randomly become 'Adapted' and gain stun immunity. This stun immunity is not permanent, but takes a long time to wear off (usually lasts longer than the fight that caused it).

They can be crafted, purchased or looted from dead raiders.

EMP grenades are very effective against centipedes. Their slow move speed and large size make them easy targets. They have a very high damage potential, so even temporarily shutting them down will give your colonists an advantage in a battle.

It is a good idea to manually aim EMP grenades instead of letting your colonists do that. They will not lead the targets and will not attack targets which can only be hit by area of effect. Repeated applications of stun while the target is already stunned will cause stun adaptation to happen earlier, while not affecting stun time significantly.

Using EMP grenades against friendlies counts as an attack even if they aren't hurt.