Topic on Talk:Textiles

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Harakoni (talkcontribs)

Done at the request of readers, but also they make valid points. 1) Textiles are an in-game concept, being the supercategory of leathers, wools and the remaining non-wool fabrics. Leathery and fabric's stuff categories also exist but exist as a separate categorization system 2) The comparison table on materials is not helpful as while a given item will often use either textile type, there is no overlap of textiles and metals on a given item. To quote: the "materials table is a lot less useful to me because having stuff like plasteel, uranium, or granite show up is just clutter when i'm trying to figure out what the best material is that i have on hand to make a duster".

The materials table can and should remain, but there's a reason why Textiles was maintained even when Leather and Fabric were - because it allows users to make easy comparisons with the group that they like.

Ickputzdirwech (talkcontribs)

I get the point and I'm fine with the table on textile remaining were it is. Two things to consider however: 1) There are quite a few cases were items can be made of either Leather or Fabric but not both. More importantly Slave collar has the stuff tags Metallic and Leathery. 2) When someone wants to know what material they should use to craft a certain item (e.g. duster) the page of said item is a far better way to look.

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

Slave collar having both metallic and leathery is kinda irrelevant - first, because it has no relevant stats to bother comparing for, second, in that particular, rare, niche, you can just the materials table and be inconvenienced. The two tables are not mutually exclusive.

As for items like the Tuque or Tailcap etc, they have the Leather and Fabric pages for that, and its explicitly spelled out on those pages that only one of two is an option. Any misunderstanding comes from the game breaking its general trend of treating them as interchangeable, and not the wiki.

As for the individual pages, yes, they do offer a way to check, but they're always tainted by the specifics of the item. Theres more to picking a textile for an item than just the stats of that item such as the opportunity cost of using that material. Having the pure base data on one page makes it easier to do comparisons for multiple use cases at once without having several pages open and without having to do math for each stat.

But I don't think this is going to be too convincing - we could probably talk around in circles for a while on this. I think "users found it useful and requested it back" is probably argument enough - page exists, no harm in using it, and we can agree to disagree on the rest.

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