Topic on User talk:Harakoni

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Summary by Harakoni

Had to change discord accounts.

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

I have been locked out of my discord account while I was absent due to a work trip. I've asked Khitrir to relay this information and any issues posted on the discord to me and he's been nice enough to agree.

If you see any activity from my discord account before I confirm on this page, please let me know via Khitrir or the Wiki itself. I don't believe my account was compromised but I do not want to responsible for any harm if it was.

Thank you, sorry for the inconvenience!

Zesty (talkcontribs)

Gotcha. No worries, I'll keep tabs on the Discord in the meanwhile.

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

After being jerked around by discords help service, I've just made a new account (harakoni254)

Zesty (talkcontribs)

Gotcha. Thanks for the update.