Frenzy inducer

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Frenzy inducer

Frenzy inducer

Base Stats

BuildingAnomaly (Buildings)



It can be built. You can unlock it in the basic part of the anomaly tab, you first need bioferrite harvesting, and sleep suppressor.


This building has 100 hp It takes 1 shard and 100 bioferrite to build It has a range of 8 tiles in which it gives your colonists the frenzy field hediff, which at its peak gives them 0.40 speed and a 50& global speed work buff. Upon reaching maximus, it will cause mental break to always become violent, most likely: berkserk Dead calm gene takes priority over the frenzy inducer, leading to non-violent breaks.


The frenzy inducer can be very usefull, especially if combined with the sleep supressor. However this comes at a cost of mood the player should always keep an eye on.

Version history