Topic on User talk:Jiquera

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Harakoni (talkcontribs)

First, woah, you actually managed to work out how they calculated that DPS value. I've been trying to figure out exactly what it was doing for ages! I ran through the math with a few weapons and it seems to match up with the in game values (with some minor rounding issues that easily could be me or the game). Great work.

That said, I think your conclusion about the Actual DPS might be misleading, in that it doesn't take into account the melee verb system implemented in Version/1.1.2610 and so won't be the actual DPS of the pawn. My understanding is that weighting isn't based on the square of the damage anymore (if it ever was), but on categorization of the attacks as described here. Which ultimately would mean that the listed DPS given by the game is more a guideline than anything actually descriptive of how the combat works.

If I'm misunderstanding how the verb system works, I'd love to know though. And either way the listed DPS calcs are really valuable to finally have. (Seriously, great work) But the actual DPS might be different still.

Jiquera (talkcontribs)

No the Actual DPS does use the category system, only the last step is different instead of avg(dmg)/avg(cooldown) you do avg(dmg/cooldown). I'll make it a bit more explicit in the explanation.

Also if you notice differences, please let me know so I can verify that it's rounding or tune it further.

I verified most of these formulas by disassembling the Rimworld binary, this is also why I'm pretty sure the Listed DPS is actually computed wrongly... although, I'll go write a script to simulate a bunch attacks to see what actual DPS comes out to verify

Jiquera (talkcontribs)

and... I made a mistake *sigh* I forgot to factor in the fact that the cooldown also affects the period over which the DPS per attack is relevant. in other words rimworld does it right ;-)

Regardless I think it makes more sense to use the "Carried by pawn DPS" than the DPS listed on the weapons in the table. As the latter is never applied.