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Dryads are connected to and spawned by a Gauranlen tree. They begin as immature dryads and then specialize into different castes:

  • Carrier: These chunky helpers will haul things where they need to go.
  • Clawer: Vulnerable but fearsome, the clawer specializes in damage dealing.
  • Barkskin: Slow but tough, the barkskin soaks hits for your other fighters.
  • Woodmaker: Generates wood over time.
  • Medicinemaker: Generates herbal medicine over time.
  • Berrymaker: Generates berries over time.
  • Gaumaker: Produces Gauranlen sprouts to make new Gauranlen trees.

Dryad Spawning

All castes will start off as an immature dryad that will spawn up to every 8 days according to an invisible bar. If there are empty dryad slots, a timer will show counting down to the spawning of the immature dryad. The timer will still run even if there aren't empty dryad slots and will be picked up once a new spot becomes available, either by a previous dryad dying or maintaining a higher connection status with the tree.


Dryads will automatically have the Animals training up to their trainability level upon emerging from their cocoon. The barkskin and clawer dryads have an intermediate trainability, the hauler dryad has advanced trainability, and the rest have no trainability. They can only have their Gauranlen Tree's connected pawn as their master and can form bonds with their master. They do not require regular handling to maintain tameness or other skills. They have a sleep need requirement and tend to sleep at nighttime, not maintaining a normal sleep throughout the day. While following a drafted colonist, they can and will sleep while moving and if not aggroed on an enemy if their sleep need is below the second bar. Dryads will attempt to put out fires on nearby Gauranlen moss that is in the home area. Immature dryads will attempt to immediately form into a cocoon upon spawning, as long as their sleep need is met. While not following a drafted pawn, dryads will meander nearby their Gauranlen tree. Upon releasing a dryad to the while, absolutely nothing will change, they remain connected to the tree and maintain their behavior. They cannot be tamed and your pawns will lose control of them/\.

Changing caste

Upon changing the caste of dryads on a tree, the connected dryads will form cocoons nearby and spend 6 days morphing into the new selected caste.


Dryads heal abnormally fast, and cannot bleed to death (though they still leave blood while bleeding). They cannot regenerate lost body parts.

Gauranlen tree connection interaction

If there are more dryads than the "mother" tree can support (i.e. by going under the minimum connection limit to support a number of dryads) the dryad will "return" to the gauranlen tree. A dryad returning to the tree will not have any effect on the spawn timer.


-Immature dryads still appear as adults on the animals tab