Nutrient paste meal

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Revision as of 00:52, 8 July 2017 by Yoshida Keiji (talk | contribs) (Moved content from Nutrient paste dispenser. Due to the misplaced redirect, next step is to bring all the content from the capitalized page.)
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Nutrient paste meals have advantages over meals prepared by a cook. The greatest advantage is that it is extremely efficient on food reserves. It only consumes 0.3 nutrition worth of ingredients to produce a meal with 0.9 nutrition, whereas fine meals or pemmican use 0.5 nutrition to provide the same amount.

A second less important advantage is that nutrient paste meals never cause food poisoning, while meals prepared by a cook always have a chance of causing food poisoning.

Colonists will prefer eating a simple meal or berries instead of using the dispenser. Using a fueled stove, an electric stove or even a campfire provides better meals.