Template:Body Modder Summary

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As an artificial part, aesthetic shapers will give a mood buff to anyone with the Body modder trait, and a mood penalty to anyone with the Body purist trait. They will also satisfy colonists with a transhumanist ideology.

As an artificial part, installing one will provide a mood buff to any pawns with the Body modder trait

Source Type 0 parts 1 part 2 parts 3 parts 4 parts 5 parts 6+ parts
Body modder
Mood − 4 + 4 + 7 +9 +11 +12 +13
Opinion 0 + 8 +16 +24 +32 +40 +40
Body purist
Mood 0 −10 −15 −20 −25 −30 −35
Opinion 0 − 8 −16 −24 −32 −40 −40
Body Modification: Abhorent
(Precept)Content added by the Ideology DLC
Mood 0 −? −? −? −? −? −?
Opinion −? −? −? −? −? −? −?
Body Modification: Disapproved
(Precept)Content added by the Ideology DLC
Mood 0 −? −? −? −? −? −?
Opinion −? −? −? −? −? −? −?
Body Modification: Approved
(Precept)Content added by the Ideology DLC
Mood +? +? +? +? +? +? +?
Opinion +? +? +? +? +? +? +?

Body mod abhorent ideo Mood (I) installed prosthetic -30 6 days, (except if body modder) Opinion (You) installed porshetic -10, 20 days 3 stack limit (except if body modder)

-18 mood and -5 opinion for having one installed (except if body modder)

Body mod Dsiapproved ideo Mood (I) installed prosthetic -5 6 days, (except if body modder) Opinion (You) installed porshetic -5, 20 days 3 stack limit (except if body modder)

-4 mood and -3 opinion for having one installed (except if body modder)

Body mod Approved -3 mood, -3 opinion for none, (except if body purist) +1, +1, +2, +2, +3, +3, (except if body modder - its moods take precendece)

bionic legs will give a mood buff to anyone with the , and a mood penalty to anyone with the Body purist trait. . Also, having implants of any kind installed will annoy fellow colonists who have the Body Purist trait, stressing their relationship.

As with all bionics, it will give a mood bonus to anyone with the Body modder trait and a heavy penalty to anyone with the Body purist trait. Similar effects are also applied to pawns following an Content added by the Ideology DLC ideoligion with a Body Modification precept.

As an artificial part, bionic legs will give a mood buff to anyone with the Body modder trait, and a mood penalty to anyone with the Body purist trait.

As with all bionics, it will give a mood buff to anyone with the body modder trait and a heavy penalty to any colonist who is a body purist. They are a strong option for body modders - not conflicting with any other. Also, having implants of any kind installed will annoy fellow colonists who have the Body Purist trait, stressing their relationship.