Topic on User talk:Harakoni

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  • Combat in Darkness

From what the game tooltips say, darkness precept applies after shooting/weapon accuracy, but before cover. I don't have the means to test if its true. Regardless the precept is absurdly good and why i mention it everywhere it's relevant

  • LMG & Darkness precept:

Good quality, Shooting 10, Distance 18, Combat in Darkness precept, no cover. Game displays that LMG has 50% to hit. AR has 68% to hit. Results in (Optimal DPS * expected accuracy) of 7.89 vs 7.34 respectively.

LMG staggers. But AR has a shorter TtK, which is relevant for killboxes. Shorter burst time = good. AR has its usual advantages like outranging centipede blasters. Plus this isn't considering HSMG (55% acc, 6.787 dps at this range) or CR (61% acc, 8.07).

If you're in a mountain then you would probably be using shotguns / HSMGs instead. If you weren't in a mountain you are most likely fluid + sunblocker and it's not worth the effort to make an entirely different set of weapons. Roofing over everything doesn't work unless the enemy is considered "indoors", which while possible would deviate from the normal set up.

  • Haygrass vs corn

I think one of the biggest pros of haygrass is growing speed. In year-round or like 50/60 you can just make the pen bigger or use dandelions (which should probably be added to more places inc. haygrass).

  • Turret cover

As of 1.4, apparently mini turrets use cover (see here)

  • Cheapest 100% comfort


  • Masterwork wood dining chair - $185
  • Excellent armchair - $322.5 (0.99 comfort)
  • Legendary cloth kneel pillow - $230
  • Legendary wood pew - $210 per seat, 630 all

However I believe the super wealth-managey meta would be to use bi-phasic or some other form of rest schedule, due to how quickly comfort rises and how slowl it falls.

Thus without considering wealth, dining chair better if you have production specialist and/or plenty of wood + work to burn. Armchair easier to make.

Mechanoid page format

My reasoning for the current format (like centipede gunner as-is) is as follows:

  1. Have parity between the 5 combat mechs in core, and combat mechs in biotech
  2. Put all biotech summary stuff in its own subsection. This would be less confusing for players who dont own the expansion

I would agree that it's messy. But I would at least request for "as an enemy" and "as an ally" be completely separate and grouped up.

Maybe the following order could work

  • Occurrence: Enemy appearances & enemy AI
  • Summary: mechanoid summary template & combat
  • Acquisition: Creation & power need & work
  • Analysis / Analysis - as an ally