Topic on Talk:Textiles

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Done at the request of readers, but also they make valid points. 1) Textiles are an in-game concept, being the supercategory of leathers, wools and the remaining non-wool fabrics. Leathery and fabric's stuff categories also exist but exist as a separate categorization system 2) The comparison table on materials is not helpful as while a given item will often use either textile type, there is no overlap of textiles and metals on a given item. To quote: the "materials table is a lot less useful to me because having stuff like plasteel, uranium, or granite show up is just clutter when i'm trying to figure out what the best material is that i have on hand to make a duster".

The materials table can and should remain, but there's a reason why Textiles was maintained even when Leather and Fabric were - because it allows users to make easy comparisons with the group that they like.