Topic on Talk:List of Player-created Pawns

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Harmonea (talkcontribs)
  1. On sortability-per-faction: I personally feel these take up too much horizontal space for something I see as less useful (so I can... what, see which player-pawns I might be able to collect from a given faction I suppose?), but if it's preferred by the wiki admins and mods, I can redesign the faction spawn list to be more like the existing backstory pages. Admittedly my fuss over horizontal space might only be because I admin a wiki that sees majority mobile traffic. 😅
  2. On Ideology roles: I'm not sure there are enough instances of these to be interesting? But the data was there, and I reclaimed space from the faction spawn tags, so I added it...
  3. On separate child spawn tags: While it's relatively rarer for the child backstories to have any spawnable factions/roles, sometimes they do, and sometimes they differ from the adult tags. Currently I've set the table up as an "or" situation - if either the child or adult backstory had a given faction/role spawn tag, I included it. It felt messy to me to split them, but only sometimes, on the chance you find a child with a solidbio. But I could probably rework this if desired.
  4. On the header info: I think my wording could be clearer, since you can still buy the name-in-game package but not new solidbios. I was trying not to overexplain a mechanic that users aren't likely looking for if they stumble into this page, but I wonder if it needs a massage.
  5. Any other suggestions? (Get in while I still understand how my script works... lol)

--Harmonea (talk) 16:48, 2 December 2023 (UTC)

Harakoni (talkcontribs)
  1. I'd personally prefer the faction sort because its consistent with the other pages and useful for lore and bug hunting stuff (e.g. tribal solidbios don't/didn't spawn with nature meditation focus like they should). We are mostly a PC accessed wiki, though mobile traffic isn't unimportant either. I just don't think people are going to be casually browsing list pages like that on their phones for it to matter. But all of that is my personal preference, not me as moderator saying "thou must".
  2. I'd have logged it as well. If its not in the way, there's no issue with it and maybe it'll be interesting/useful to someone or as new things are found out. Maybe it gets culled or moved if we decide we need the space but otherwise theres no reason not to keep it.
  3. Afaik any child requirements will apply to adults as well, I don't see a need to split them either.
  4. I think it sounds good as is. Its relatively concise, explains the difference between characters and name-in-game and gives context. Though I was under the impression that the new entries like Oskar Potocki are because he worked for the devs providing art (and the VE:Livestock mod) to them, rather than as recognition of his modding/community content. Did you have anyone else in mind that you think falls into the "awarded for merit to the community, prolific mod authors or content creators" category? The only other one off the top of my head is User: Aelanna and iirc she was a backer and got hers that way.
  5. Would you consider posting the script so we can easily update the table in the future in case you move on? You are 100% within your rights to refuse for any reason. No pressure, we've just had wonderful people build tools for the wiki, do great work with them, and then take them with them when they move on. It'd be good to have access to.
Harmonea (talkcontribs)

Okay, will get faction columns added if it's still preferred and useful for reasons I hadn't considered. (Edit: done)

Re: #4, Mlie said on his own discord that he wasn't a backer and got in game (as Emil 'Mlie' Offermo) because his wife emailed Tynan and suggested it after all the work he'd done. I was under the impression Dennis Ritcharski, a German streamer (twitch denzelzockt), was a merit add as well, but I don't have proof - I just assumed because he's a content creator and his backstories were added after the original 290. While I can't speak to the circumstances of their addition, it might be worth looking into Zihan 'Martin' Huang and Val Solo as well as they are also late additions. I'm absolutely certain of Mlie though at least.

Re: #5, Um... so I called it a "script" as shorthand, but the reality is amateurish and embarrassing, and I'm not sure it would be useful to you guys to process updates. Still, after I finish changing the faction sortybits, I will send the tool via discord DM if you trust me not to send you a virus.

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

Oh cool, then the wordings perfect as is then. You might even consider adding the fact re: mlie specifically, just as Trivia.

And yeah Imm happy for you to send it like that if you're happy to do it.

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