Topic on Talk:Lore

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We should remove the whole “FTL actually does exist” section

Schoob (talkcontribs)

It could easily just be the psycaster moving at or very close to the speed of light. So acting like it’s existence proves FTL’s existence doesn’t seem accurate.

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

No it can't be. Thats the point. From the reference frame of either the psycaster or the planet, its exceeding the speed of light to move the stellar core material as far as it does, as fast as it does. It doesn't even matter if the psycaster is themself somehow going a significant fraction of c (which theres no evidence for the situation discussed in the section that says its FTL anyway). Its the classic "you're in a car going 99.99% of c and turn on the headlights" - you still see the light move away from you at the speed of light relative to your position.

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