Topic on User talk:Harakoni

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Zaeryn (talkcontribs)

What's all this template stuff? How is anyone supposed to edit anything if they find something wrong or the game updates and changes something?

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

The templates are to automatically update properties to prevent having to find and then manually update dozens of entries on dozens of pages for each item, often with math that would be prone to mistakes.

Almost all the templates are updated from the main infobox template that's listed first, and most of the relevant variables are listed and should be easily editable.

What are you having trouble with specifically? Depending on the issue, I can see about making it more intuitive, make reforms on the template use (or overuse), provide tutorials, or make the relevant edits myself if you can identify them.

Zaeryn (talkcontribs)

I apologize for the late reply but a problem during a PC reset wiped my hard-drive and I stopped caring about this stuff for a while.

I'm not sure what page to find the Templates on for editing. All I can find are things like this, that explain them or all of these, that don't actually allow the information shown in them to be altered in any way that I know of. I would appreciate if you would link the page that has the actual Templates that can be edited.

Anyways, a lot of the "Hit Chance" percentages on the Body Parts table are wrong. While parts like the Eyes, Ears, Nose and Jaw are ON the Head and thus take hits for it, body parts like the Femur and Tibia are IN the Leg so the Leg has to be hit in order for either bone to be.

I.E. Neck has a 7.5% Coverage but is covered 80% by the Head so Neck is only a 1.5% Hit Chance and the Head 6%; however, the Ears, Eyes, Nose and Jaw cover a combined 53% of the Head so it has a 2.82% Hit Chance but the table lists it as 1.7% for some reason. With 18% internal Coverage, the Skull should have a 0.5076% Hit Chance but is listed as 0.22%, which isn't even 18% of the Head's listed 1.7%.

The Brain is only hit 80% of the time that the Skull is hit, which is only hit if the Head is hit, so the Brain should have a 0.40608% Hit Chance; however, it's listed at 0.86%, which should put the Skull at 1.075% and the Head at 5.972%

A Leg covers 14% of the Torso and a Foot covers 10% of the Leg so it has a 12.6% Hit Chance and each Leg bone(10% Coverage) has a 1.26% Hit Chance; however, the page counts each bone as having 1.4% Hit Chance due to each covering 10% of the Leg, while the Foot covers another 10% of the Leg so it is listed with only a 9.8% Hit Chance.

Similarly, the organs are improperly listed as covering the Torso, giving it only a 15% Hit Chance when it actually has a 40.5%. The organs should be their Coverage multiplied by 40.5%, not 100%. So, the Heart only has a 0.81% Hit Chance, not a 2%.

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