Topic on User talk:Harakoni

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Hi Harakoni,

I noticed there is a small error in the dps calculations of melee weapons (at least with the Persona Zeushammer and Longsword, but I assume it is also the case with other melee weapons).

With melee weapons, it currently has the assumption that every attack takes the same amount of time. Take the Persona Zeushammer with normal quality for example. In the quality table it shows an average DPS of 12.91 (and an average AP of 40%). The attack with the handle takes 1.6 seconds, dealing 15 damage and is chosen 25% of the time. The attack with the head takes 2.2 seconds and deals 31 damage. This one is chosen 75% of the time.

It seems that currently the following formula is used for calculations: (bestDamage/bestCooldownTime)*bestSelectionWeight + (midDamage/midCooldownTime)*midSelectionWeight = DPS.

For the normal quality Persona Zeushammer this translates to the following:

((31 / 2.2) * 0.75) + ((15 / 1.6) * 0.25) = 12.91 DPS.

However, a more accurate formula would be: (bestDamage*bestSelectionWeight + midDamage*midSelectionWeight) / (bestCooldownTime*bestSelectionWeight + midCoolDownTime*midSelectionWeight) = DPS.

This takes the duration of the cooldown of the attack into account. For the normal quality Persona Zeushammer this translates to the following:

(31 * 0.75 + 15 * 0.25) / (2.2 * 0.75 + 1.6 * 0.25) = 13.17 DPS.

I hope this explaination helps!