List of adulthood backstories

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(Short Title)
Description Skill Modifications Incapable of Civil Raider Slave Trader Traveler Tribal
Ace fighter pilotTemplate:Br(Ace) NAME graduated from the Star Academy with honors and distinguished themself as an ace fighter pilot in three campaigns against more advanced aggressor cultures.Template:BrHowever, after one vicious battle, they found themself stranded and their carrier ship destroyed. With nowhere to go, they entered their escape pod and prayed. Shooting: +3Template:BrMelee: +2Template:BrMining: −3Template:BrMedical: +3Template:BrSocial: +3Template:BrIntellectual: +2 None ? ? ? ? ? Ex.png
Acolyte of starsTemplate:Br(Priest) Ever the dreamer, NAME traveled across the universe to find the thing they felt was calling to them.Template:BrThey became poorer and poorer, but used every means possible to carry on. Artistic: +7Template:BrMedical: +4Template:BrSocial: −3Template:BrIntellectual: −3 Dumb laborTemplate:BrViolent ? ? ? ? ? ?
Actor NAME travelled their homeworld with a company of actors, playing to packed theatres and loving audiences everywhere. They were a perfectionist, and made their own props and costumes rather than use the ones they were given. Crafting: +3Template:BrSocial: +8 Dumb labor Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
Addiction counselTemplate:Br(Counselor) After recovering from a joywire addiction, NAME adopted a non-violent way of life and vowed to help others.Template:BrTravelling between communities, they used medicine, arts, and crafts to aid others who struggled with their own addictions. Crafting: +3Template:BrArtistic: +3Template:BrMedical: +3Template:BrSocial: +8 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Adventurer NAME's thirst for adventure took them to many planets. They visited the brightest glitterworlds and the darkest war-torn toxic planets in their quest to find novelty.Template:BrThey worked as little as possible, often skirting ethical boundaries to make a quick buck. Among all jobs, they hated cooking the most. Shooting: +3Template:BrMelee: +3Template:BrAnimals: +2Template:BrCrafting: +3Template:BrMedical: +3Template:BrSocial: +3 Cooking ? ? ? ? ? ?
Adventurous weirdoTemplate:Br(Weirdo) A creative but strange individual, NAME dedicated their life to their twin passions of medieval world history and high technology.Template:BrThey were fascinated by the idea of becoming a 'skyknight' with glittering armor and a giant sword. Shooting: −2Template:BrMelee: +6Template:BrCooking: +2Template:BrCrafting: +2Template:BrArtistic: +2 Mining ? ? ? ? ? ?
Aerospace engineerTemplate:Br(Engineer) NAME was an engineer responsible for the production of aircraft and spaceships. They focused on improving production lines, and were known for their mastery of technical and research issues. Shooting: +2Template:BrConstruction: +2Template:BrMining: +2Template:BrSocial: +2Template:BrIntellectual: +4 CleaningTemplate:BrPlant work ? ? ? ? ? ?
AI programmerTemplate:Br(Programmer) NAME enlisted in the military's robotics division, developing smarter combat AI.Template:BrThe whole time they were there, they never spoke with another human. They spent all their time conversing with the AI they were developing. Crafting: +6Template:BrIntellectual: +7 Plant work ? ? ? ? ? ?
AI researcherTemplate:Br(Researcher) NAME was a renowned researcher in artificial intelligence, robotics, and interactive holography. Their friendships with the artificial minds they created gave them the confidence to interact with real people, and they soon excelled at personal communication. Melee: −2Template:BrMining: −2Template:BrCrafting: +1Template:BrSocial: +4Template:BrIntellectual: +6 Dumb labor ? ? ? ? ? ?
Alcoholic truckerTemplate:Br(Alcoholic) NAME was a space trucker working for Arcknight Industries when they killed their wife and daughter in a crash.Template:BrTheir body was repaired with an experimental nano-genetic therapy. Now their muscles continually regenerate and harden, and every movement tears the tissue anew. They bear the pain in silence. Shooting: +2Template:BrMelee: +2Template:BrMining: +4 CaringTemplate:BrSocialTemplate:BrIntellectualTemplate:BrArtisticTemplate:BrCleaning ? ? ? ? ? ?
Anarchist rebelTemplate:Br(Anarchist) After being abandoned on a special operation, NAME swore vengeance upon the state. They formed an anarchist group dedicated to bringing down core world governments.Template:BrAfter too many close calls, and too few successes, NAME fled to the outer rim. Shooting: +6Template:BrMelee: +2Template:BrSocial: +6 CraftingTemplate:BrCleaning ? ? ? ? ? ?
ArchaeologistTemplate:Br(Explorer) They were trapped in an uninspired life. One day, they jumped on a ship to learn archaeology and see the universe.Template:BrThey learned how to survive. They also learned about people - although they understood the dead better than the living. Shooting: +2Template:BrConstruction: +4Template:BrCrafting: +2Template:BrSocial: −2Template:BrIntellectual: +5 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Architect NAME designed and constructed buildings. On their glitterworld home, most of the technical aspects of architecture were handled by an AI. This enabled them to push the artistic limits of the craft, but also meant they never had to get their hands dirty at building sites. Construction: +5Template:BrCrafting: −3Template:BrArtistic: +7 Dumb labor Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
Archotech spyTemplate:Br(AI spy) NAME was a cybernetic researcher. Studying a transcended world, they became too involved with their subjects. Over time, the archotech machine core recruited them into its service, and used them as a spy.Template:BrWhen they later rebelled against their non-human master, it sent mechanoids across space to hunt them down. Shooting: +8Template:BrMelee: +2Template:BrConstruction: +4Template:BrCooking: −2Template:BrCrafting: +2Template:BrIntellectual: +4 Mining ? ? ? ? ? ?
Army cookTemplate:Br(Cook) NAME joined the army as a worker and spent most of their time cooking and repairing. While they were stationed on a dangerous planet, they underwent basic shooting and survival training. Shooting: +2Template:BrMelee: +2Template:BrConstruction: +2Template:BrCooking: +3Template:BrCrafting: +1Template:BrIntellectual: −2 CaringTemplate:BrSocialTemplate:BrFirefighting ? ? ? ? ? ?
Army scientistTemplate:Br(Scientist) NAME did scientific research for a planetary army. They studied war scenarios and designed weapon systems to help win battles with a minimum of fuss. Medical: +2Template:BrIntellectual: +8 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Army sergeantTemplate:Br(Sergeant) NAME served in their nation's military, commanding small units as a non-commissioned officer.Template:BrThey excelled at creating tactically sound plans despite difficult circumstances. Shooting: +8Template:BrMelee: +2Template:BrConstruction: +2 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
AromatherapistTemplate:Br(Therapist) NAME practiced aromatherapy, using essences extracted from home-grown plants. Shooting: −3Template:BrMelee: −3Template:BrCooking: +4Template:BrPlants: +6Template:BrMedical: +4 None ? Check.png ? ? ? ?
Artifact hunterTemplate:Br(Artifacter) NAME became depressed and lost interest in life. They travelled from planet to planet, searching for psychic artifacts amid mechanoid ruins in the hope that they would cure the pain in their soul.Template:BrA steady trigger finger and careful planning kept NAME alive. Shooting: +8Template:BrConstruction: +4 Social ? ? ? ? ? ?
Artificer rampantTemplate:Br(Artificer) Fuelled by the thrill of discovery and his own megalomania, NAME set out to invent new devices and improve existing ones, breaking laws and customs as necessary.Template:BrThey formed a crew to gather materials for their work - and to deal with outsiders who might interfere. Construction: +2Template:BrCrafting: +8Template:BrMedical: +2Template:BrIntellectual: +6 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Ascetic priestTemplate:Br(Priest) After taking a vow of silence, NAME joined a monastery on a peaceful backwater planet to spend their days in quiet contemplation.Template:BrThey found happiness growing vegetables in the garden and making cheese in the monastery cellars. Cooking: +2Template:BrPlants: +4Template:BrMedical: +2 ViolentTemplate:BrSocial Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
Assassin (1) NAME was a professional assassin. They were cold, calculating, and made a good profit. In this business, an utter lack of empathy was an asset. Shooting: +10Template:BrMelee: +10 Dumb laborTemplate:BrSkilled laborTemplate:BrCaringTemplate:BrSocialTemplate:BrIntellectual Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Assassin (2) NAME was specially trained as an operative to be used for high-risk assassinations. Their skill with a rifle was unrivalled.Template:BrThey were eventually betrayed by their superiors when a target found out about the hit and offered to fund their future projects. NAME swore to never trust anyone again. Shooting: +7Template:BrMelee: +4 CaringTemplate:BrArtisticTemplate:BrCraftingTemplate:BrCookingTemplate:BrCleaningTemplate:BrPlant work ? ? ? ? ? ?
AWOL soldierTemplate:Br(Soldier) NAME was an infantryman.Template:BrWhen they were informed of their assignment to the Xennoa-Zartza War, they decided they did not want to be a soldier. They were able to escape via military spacejet. Shooting: +6Template:BrMelee: +5 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Bandit leaderTemplate:Br(Bandit) NAME rose up the ranks of the crime organization, eventually becoming the leader of one of their most remote cells of bandits. Their dog Rest never left their side. Shooting: +5Template:BrMelee: +5Template:BrSocial: +2 IntellectualTemplate:BrCleaning ? ? ? ? ? ?
Banished soldierTemplate:Br(Outlaw) NAME became the most physically intimidating of the slaves, spending their little free time obsessively sculpting their body. Their efforts eventually paid off when the lord offered them a job as a personal bodyguard.Template:BrLater, when they plotted to use their position to kill the lord and free the slaves, they were discovered and barely escaped with their life. Melee: +7 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
BartenderTemplate:Br(Barkeep) NAME worked as a bartender on a seedy space station. The job entailed one part drink mixing, one part diplomacy, and one part head-bashing. Melee +2Template:BrCooking +2Template:BrSocial +4 None Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png
Battle mechanicTemplate:Br(Mechanic) NAME was a tech-obsessed mercenary in an early fusion-era system.Template:BrThey were unusually obsessed with gathering the right gear, and often customized their own equipment with original modifications. Shooting: +5Template:BrMelee: +3Template:BrCrafting: +4 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Battlefield techTemplate:Br(Technician) NAME had received firearms training, but their work was focused on technical adaption and manipulation of combat mechanoids on the battlefield.Template:BrThey developed PTSD after narrowly escaping a primitive firebomb attack in a wheat field. The army medically discharged them from service. Shooting: +3Template:BrConstruction: +4Template:BrCooking: −3Template:BrCrafting: +4Template:BrIntellectual: +4 FirefightingTemplate:BrPlant work ? ? ? ? ? ?
Beast slayerTemplate:Br(Slayer) NAME traveled between planets, following news of animal attacks. They would camp on the planet for weeks, learning about their prey before striking. They most enjoyed hunting thrumbos.Template:BrPreferring to work alone, NAME enjoyed the thrill of the hunt, and the meat from the kill. Shooting: +4Template:BrMelee: +4Template:BrCooking: +3Template:BrGrowing: +2 Caring ? Check.png ? ? ? ?
Behaviour researchTemplate:Br(Scientist) Captured as a feral child, NAME was forced into the ways of modern society. They quickly adapted and became a behavioural researcher, eventually owning a private facility. They specialized in canines, but learned a great deal about all animals. They never had interest in plants, however. Melee: +1Template:BrCooking: −2Template:BrPlants: −3Template:BrMedical: +6Template:BrSocial: +2Template:BrIntellectual: +8 Artistic ? Check.png ? ? ? ?
Biosphere managerTemplate:Br(Botanist) NAME lived on a peaceful glitterworld where all menial work was done by robots and people devoted themselves to leisure. They managed the plant and animal life of a sprawling park, where citizens came to admire the natural beauty. Shooting: −4Template:BrPlants: +6Template:BrAnimals: +6 Dumb laborTemplate:BrCraftingTemplate:BrCooking Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png
Blacksmith (1) As a smith on a medieval world, NAME gained a reputation for the high quality of their work. They weren't bad at using the swords they forged either. Shooting: −5Template:BrMelee: +4Template:BrCrafting: +6 Intellectual Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png
Blacksmith (2) As a smith on a medieval world, NAME gained a reputation for the high quality of their work. They weren't bad at using the swords they forged either. Melee: +2Template:BrMining: +2Template:BrCrafting: +8 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Blacksmith shooterTemplate:Br(Gunsmith) As a young blacksmith, NAME's family shop was raided by the police. They shot two officers before they knocked him out and arrested them.Template:BrSentenced to life in prison, NAME learned about traveling and raiding from other criminals. Shooting: +5Template:BrConstruction: +3Template:BrCrafting: +3 Intellectual ? ? ? ? ? ?
Bloodgame survivorTemplate:Br(Bloodgamer) NAME was sold to the Corestars Entertainment Company and used as meat in one of the company's system-wide broadcast shows.Template:BrTheir manipulative nature made them quite a nightmare, even to the audience. They were kicked out and exiled to a planet full of deadly animals, criminals and armed camera-drones. Melee: +7Template:BrConstruction: +2Template:BrSocial: +6 Crafting ? ? ? ? ? ?
Bloody dentistTemplate:Br(Dentist) After studying at a famous college, NAME's weak personality eventually snapped under the strain of angry administrators and whining patients. They went on a secret murder spree, killing many of those under their care.Template:BrAfter a pursuit, they managed to escape their planet and travel to a new world. Artistic: +2Template:BrMedical: +6Template:BrIntellectual: +4 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Bloody wandererTemplate:Br(Wanderer) NAME was a wanderer, traveling from town to town, taking odd jobs and stealing to live.Template:BrOne day, they had a mental break and went on a long rampage, destroying several towns and killing many. They eventually calmed, but their bloodlust never left them. Shooting: +3Template:BrMelee: +4Template:BrConstruction: +2Template:BrCrafting: +2Template:BrIntellectual: −2 SocialTemplate:BrFirefighting ? ? ? ? ? ?
Bodyguard NAME found work on a midworld, protecting whoever paid them from harm. They gained proficiency in many different combat forms, and was known for their ruthlessness against those who crossed them. Shooting: +4Template:BrMelee: +4 Social Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png
Bounty hunterTemplate:Br(Hunter) (1) NAME is a self-employed bounty hunter. They spent their days hunting space pirates and collecting cash bounties. Shooting: +6Template:BrMelee: +4Template:BrMedical: +2 Cleaning ? ? ? ? ? ?
Bounty hunterTemplate:Br(Hunter) (2) NAME was a bounty hunter on a massive glitterworld. They worked sensitive assignments for extremely wealthy clients, and were known for quiet execution and total discretion. Shooting +8Template:BrMelee +5 None ? Check.png ? ? ? ?
Bounty hunterTemplate:Br(Hunter) (3) When the civil war ended, NAME had to find a new way to use their fighting skills. They decided to hunt down war criminals and soon realized that they enjoyed capturing bad guys by any means necessary. Shooting: +5Template:BrMelee: +3Template:BrCrafting: +2Template:BrSocial: +2 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Brigand NAME flew with a band of brigands they called friends. They even had a ship of their own - The Dung Mucker 2000. Shooting: +2Template:BrMelee: +3Template:BrConstruction: +2Template:BrCooking: +2Template:BrCrafting: +1Template:BrMedical: +1 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Bush sniperTemplate:Br(Sniper) NAME's peaceful life was cut short when their country was brutally invaded.Template:BrNAME was drafted into service as soon as they were of legal age, and quickly showed an aptitude for rifles. They spent months living in the forests picking off soldiers who dared cross the border. Shooting: +6Template:BrCooking: +2Template:BrPlants: −3Template:BrAnimals: +4Template:BrArtistic: −2 Caring ? ? ? ? ? ?
Business gangsterTemplate:Br(Gangster) Staying one step ahead of the law, NAME became a legitimate businessman and silenced anyone who dared say otherwise. As proprietor of brothels, speakeasies and eateries, NAME's good fortune continued while their competition suffered a series of unfortunate and unexplained accidents. Shooting: +3Template:BrMelee: +5Template:BrArtistic: +2Template:BrSocial: +7 CaringTemplate:BrCleaningTemplate:BrPlant work ? ? ? ? ? ?
Caravaneer NAME was the leader of a caravan. They were responsible for the safety of their caravan and were the head negotiator in countless trade deals.Template:BrThey and their people prospered, but their wealth made them a target for brigands. They often had to take up arms to fend off bandits and highwaymen. Shooting: +4Template:BrSocial: +7 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Cargo pilotTemplate:Br(Pilot) NAME was brought up by cargo hands on a long-haul ore transport ship. They perfected their skills at trading and manipulation of people while running weapons between systems. Shooting: +4Template:BrMelee: +2Template:BrConstruction: +2Template:BrMining: +1Template:BrSocial: +1 CookingTemplate:BrCleaning ? ? ? ? ? ?
Casket builderTemplate:Br(Builder) NAME was fascinated with cryosleep, and spent their life learning about the mysterious technology.Template:BrWorking as an assembler on a midworld, NAME built an experimental prototype casket from discarded parts. Unfortunately, while they were searching for the final component, their home was leveled by a bomb. Construction: +4Template:BrMedical: +3Template:BrIntellectual: +4 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Castaway (1) NAME was the only survivor of a ship crash on an unhabited animal world. For many years until their rescue they scrounged an existence out of whatever they could find.Template:BrTheir survival skills became razor-sharp, but spending so long alone severely dampened their conversational abilities. Melee: +5Template:BrConstruction: +4Template:BrAnimals: +3 SocialTemplate:BrIntellectualTemplate:BrArtistic Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
Castaway (2) NAME was a passenger on a routine interstellar transit. When their ship was destroyed, they lived as a castaway on an uninhabited planet for several years. Construction: +2Template:BrMining: +2Template:BrCooking: +2Template:BrPlants: +3 N/A ? ? ? ? ? ?
Cave tenderTemplate:Br(Tender) While the others were out hunting and foraging, NAME would stay at home to cook and take care of the young and sick. Cooking: +4Template:BrCrafting: +2Template:BrMedicine: +3 N/A Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png
Caveworld illuminatorTemplate:Br(Illuminator) Among tunnel-dwellers, those with vision as strong as NAME’s are revered as sages. They would lead the way, marking spots to dig with bioluminescent fungus and warning others of impending danger. Mining: +3Template:BrSocial: +2 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Chief engineerTemplate:Br(Engineer) As chief engineer on board a large spaceship, NAME was an expert in all things fiddly and complex.Template:BrTemplate:BrHECAP relied on other members of the crew for some of the basic necessities of life. HECAP and HIS ship eventually disappeared into a longsleep voyage of exploration. Social −2Template:BrConstruction +3Template:BrMining +2Template:BrCrafting +3Template:BrResearch +3 Animals Check.png ? ? ? ? ?
Charity workerTemplate:Br(Altruist) Glitterworlds are havens of safety and comfort for those lucky enough to live there, but NAME could not ignore nearby planets where people suffered in poverty. They spent their working life appealing for donations and supporting those in need. Mining: −3Template:BrSocial: +6 Violent Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
Chemist (1) NAME was a renowned chemist on a thriving midworld.Template:BrAfter performing inhumane experiments that turned men into beasts, they were arrested and banished to a far-off rim world. Crafting: +6Template:BrSocial: −3Template:BrIntellectual: +6 Caring ? ? ? ? ? ?
Chemist (2) NAME was a research chemist. They worked with chemicals, from pharmaceuticals to explosives, to develop new substances and treatments. Medical: +4Template:BrSocial: +2Template:BrIntellectual: +6 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Chief engineerTemplate:Br(Engineer) As chief engineer on board a large spaceship, NAME was an expert in all things fiddly and complex.Template:BrThey relied on other members of the crew for some of the basic necessities of life. They and their ship eventually disappeared into a longsleep voyage of exploration. Construction: +3Template:BrMining: +2Template:BrCrafting: +3Template:BrSocial: −2Template:BrIntellectual: +3 Animals ? ? ? ? ? ?
Civil engineerTemplate:Br(Engineer) NAME was a well-known civil engineer. Their job involved designing and maintaining rock fortification structures. They did enough statistical analysis to keep their mind sharp. Construction: +7Template:BrMining: +2Template:BrSocial: −3Template:BrIntellectual: +3 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Civil servantTemplate:Br(Clerk) NAME worked as a low-ranking administrator for a moribund government bureaucracy. They are mostly at home filling out complicated paperwork and playing office politics. Construction: −2Template:BrSocial: +3Template:BrIntellectual: +3 None Check.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png
Clan chiefTemplate:Br(Chief) NAME managed a small criminal clan on an outlying trade hub world. Shooting: +6Template:BrSocial: +7 Caring ? ? ? ? ? ?
Clone farmerTemplate:Br(Cloner) Harvesting the products of clone farms is mostly done by the clones themselves - particularly to those whose sims tended towards the social. This clone was one such, who escaped from the farms and headed out to the stars. Crafting: +2Template:BrMedical: +4Template:BrSocial: +6 CookingTemplate:BrFirefightingTemplate:BrMining ? ? ? ? ? ?
Coliseum fighterTemplate:Br(Fighter) Applying the knowledge that they gained from years around fighters, they became a successful gladiator in the coliseum that they once cleaned. Shooting: +5Template:BrCrafting: +3Template:BrSocial: −1Template:BrIntellectual: +2 CaringTemplate:BrArtisticTemplate:BrPlant workTemplate:BrMining ? ? ? ? ? ?
Colonial governorTemplate:Br(Governor) Disillusioned by rampant government corruption, NAME ran for governor and won. However, the local gangs and their pet officials soon forced them out of power.Template:BrThey left the community to return to their life as a marshal. Shooting: +1Template:BrConstruction: +3Template:BrSocial: +6 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Colony engineerTemplate:Br(Engineer) The children took over the facility, and they declared independence from the corporation.Template:BrNAME had used the VR system to become a master engineer, and they worked diligently to prepare the colony for the corporation's inevitable return. Construction: +7Template:BrCrafting: +4Template:BrMedical: −3Template:BrIntellectual: +4 Artistic ? ? ? ? ? ?
Colony settlerTemplate:Br(Settler) NAME was a settler on a new colony world.Template:BrSuch a life requires a jack-of-all trades at basic hands-on tasks. Construction: +4Template:BrMining: +4Template:BrPlants: +4 None Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png
Combat engineerTemplate:Br(Engineer) (1) NAME became a combat engineer. They built bases, fixed guns, and repaired vehicles for the army - when they weren't shooting at people, that is. Shooting: +5Template:BrConstruction: +2Template:BrCrafting: +3 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Combat engineerTemplate:Br(Engineer) (2) NAME was recruited by the military as an engineer and set to work improving the navy's space shuttles. The harsh training taught them how to build and repair military vehicles and structures.Template:BrOne mission left NAME with pyrophobia and a strong desire to avoid plants. Shooting: +4Template:BrConstruction: +6Template:BrCooking: −2Template:BrCrafting: +2Template:BrMedical: +2Template:BrSocial: −3Template:BrIntellectual: +3 ArtisticTemplate:BrFirefightingTemplate:BrPlant work ? ? ? ? ? ?
Combat medicTemplate:Br(Medic) After their home country entered a large-scale war, NAME was drafted into the army as a combat medic.Template:BrTheir few years in the trenches trying to keep their fellow soldiers alive gave them an acute sense for first aid. Losing many friend has made them stoic and reserved. Shooting: +2Template:BrMelee: +1Template:BrArtistic: −2Template:BrMedical: +6 Social ? ? ? ? ? ?
Combat medtechTemplate:Br(Medic) As a military medtech, NAME's job was to fix and build anything they could get their hands on, from living people to machines and mechs.Template:BrSent into dangerous areas, they never had a problem saving soldiers' lives and building the technology and machines needed to win. Construction: +3Template:BrCrafting: +5Template:BrMedical: +5Template:BrIntellectual: +1 Plant work ? ? ? ? ? ?
Combat negotiatorTemplate:Br(Negotiator) After escaping their homeworld, NAME took their skills to the stars.Template:BrThey chose to operate as a hired gun, working for various rebel organizations, enslaved groups, and merchant enclaves. Their specialty was negotiation in combat situations. Shooting: +4Template:BrMelee: +3Template:BrSocial: +3 None Check.png ? ? ? ? ?
Commoner lordTemplate:Br(Lord) After years of training in martial arts and diplomacy, NAME was eventually given land and subjects of their own to rule.Template:BrBecause of NAME's commoner heritage, the other lords disapproved. They framed them for a heinous crime, and the emperor had no choice but to exile them. Melee: +7Template:BrSocial: +6 CookingTemplate:BrCleaning ? ? ? ? ? ?
Computer engineerTemplate:Br(Tech head) Bored of their code-monkey office job and missing the glory days of the Academy, NAME saw a commercial about the frontier where "only the strong survive".Template:BrWith their wife Morgan, NAME undertook a journey into the unknown. Crafting: +2Template:BrSocial: +4Template:BrIntellectual: +8 Dumb laborTemplate:BrViolent ? ? ? ? ? ?
Con artist NAME never created anything in their life. They did, however, prove to be a natural at getting others to give them what they had created. Social: +10 Violent Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png
Conceptual artistTemplate:Br(Artist) NAME was well-known in art circles on their home world for their unique and creative conceptual artworks.Template:BrNobody was sure exactly what they were trying to communicate, but their pieces were highly valued by collectors. Crafting: +1Template:BrArtistic: +8 CaringTemplate:BrSocialTemplate:BrHauling Check.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png
Construction engineerTemplate:Br(Builder) NAME was a construction worker on a midworld. They lead a team which built everything from office blocks to cathedrals.Template:BrTheir busy job and numerous nearby fast-food outlets meant they never cooked for themself. Construction: +8Template:BrPlants: −3 IntellectualTemplate:BrCooking Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png
Core world jewelerTemplate:Br(Jeweler) After NAME had completed all of her surgeries, she found that she had a lot of time and energy to dedicate to her passion: trinket crafting. She spent years perfecting her art as a jeweler, then left her home world to sell her wares across the galaxy. Shooting: −3Template:BrConstruction: +3Template:BrCrafting: +7Template:BrArtistic: +5 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Corp researcherTemplate:Br(Researcher) (1) NAME was sold to a corporation and put to work as a corporate slave doing scientific research.Template:BrUnable to adapt to the social politics of their workplace, they buried himself in their work and failed to progress up the corporate ladder. Every day, they yearned to be left alone. Shooting: −3Template:BrMelee: −3Template:BrCrafting: +4Template:BrMedical: +4Template:BrIntellectual: +8 Social ? ? ? ? ? ?
Corp researcherTemplate:Br(Researcher) (2) NAME was a leading researcher for a massive space exploration corporation. Cooking: −2Template:BrCrafting: +3Template:BrMedical: +6Template:BrSocial: +3Template:BrIntellectual: +8 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Corporate builderTemplate:Br(Builder) Even as they stewed in their own wasted potential, NAME found they had a knack for moving objects quickly. It was just what the planetary mega-corps wanted in their construction divisions.Template:BrUnfortunately, the monotonous work erased their remaining creative impulses. Construction: +7Template:BrMining: +4 Artistic ? ? ? ? ? ?
Cosmetic rejectTemplate:Br(Reject) Living on the streets, NAME submitted themself to an unethical cosmetics lab in exchange for food and shelter.Template:BrAfter some painful cosmetic modification, NAME barely resembles their former self. Having been forced to work for the lab until they were rescued, NAME is now too afraid to lash out at anyone. Construction: +4Template:BrCooking: +5 Violent ? ? ? ? ? ?
Cosmetic surgeonTemplate:Br(Surgeon) NAME had a terrible bedside manner due to their abrasiveness. They often bullied their patients into getting cosmetic surgery. They made a lot of money this way.Template:BrWhile very studious and careful in their work, they never had to lift a finger doing domestic chores. Artistic: +6Template:BrMedical: +8Template:BrIntellectual: +3 Cooking ? ? ? ? ? ?
Costume crafterTemplate:Br(Costumer) By day, NAME was an office worker on a midworld. At night, they designed and built elaborate monster costumes for science fiction conventions.Template:BrThey learned a great deal about sewing. Unfortunately this came at the cost of being able to cook anything more complex than an instant meal. Crafting: +8Template:BrIntellectual: +4 Cooking ? ? ? ? ? ?
Counselor A terrifying trauma when NAME was a young adult caused them to develop a serious eating disorder. With counseling they learned to have a healthier relationship with food, and decided to put their new skills to use helping others overcome their emotional problems. Social: +9 Cooking Check.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png
Courtesean NAME was used for their body by hundreds of customers in brothels on several planets. They gained some mental marks and a special kind of street smarts. Melee: +3Template:BrSocial: +8 Dumb laborTemplate:BrSkilled labor Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Craft shaperTemplate:Br(Shaper) NAME locked themself in their studio for years, ordering delivery food to save time on cooking.Template:BrEventually, their creations brought them the highest honor on Semantic World: Permission to materialize any design in minutes using the most advanced technologies. Construction: +4Template:BrCrafting: +8Template:BrArtistic: +5Template:BrSocial: −3 CookingTemplate:BrCleaning ? ? ? ? ? ?
Crime lord Through brutality and cruelty, NAME rose to the rank of crime lord.Template:BrThey relied less on their fists and more on their guns. Their reputation spread faster due to his cold-bloodedness and ruthless methods. Shooting: +6Template:BrMelee: +2Template:BrSocial: +3Template:BrIntellectual: +2 CaringTemplate:BrArtisticTemplate:BrCleaning ? ? ? ? ? ?
Criminal kingpinTemplate:Br(Kingpin) NAME discovered their gift - people did what they said, when they said it. Taking advantage of this, they set off for the rimworlds planets to make a name for themself in the criminal underworld.Template:BrHaving people do things for them taught them to avoid manual labor at all costs. Shooting: +2Template:BrMelee: +2Template:BrSocial: +5 Dumb labor ? ? ? ? ? ?
Criminal surgeonTemplate:Br(Surgeon) Being near many injured fellow criminals, NAME took it upon themself to work on them.Template:BrAlthough many people died, they did get better at using knives. Melee: +6Template:BrArtistic: +1Template:BrMedical: +5Template:BrSocial: −2Template:BrIntellectual: −3 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Deep space minerTemplate:Br(Miner) NAME did the sweaty, grimy work of pulling metal out of asteroids on a deep space rig. They used their hands-on industrial skills daily - and weren't bad in a bar fight either. Melee: +2Template:BrConstruction: +3Template:BrMining: +7 None Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Deep space surveyorTemplate:Br(Surveyor) NAME was a deep space surveyor. They studied which worlds were the most suitable for colonization.Template:BrTheir expeditions were met by hostile natives, green-painted space-women, and wannabe Greek gods. Surviving many firefights, they learned to build rudimentary lathes and rock cannons to fend off enemies. Shooting: +4Template:BrConstruction: +4Template:BrPlants: −3Template:BrSocial: +2Template:BrIntellectual: +6 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Defector (1) Early in their adulthood, NAME decided to leave the oppressive dictatorship where they lived. Their defection was not well-received, and agents were sent out after them.Template:BrThey spent years on the run, treating their own wounds so no doctor could betray them. The ordeal made them bitter and untrusting. Shooting: +5Template:BrMedical: +3Template:BrSocial: −4 Artistic Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png
Defector (2) NAME decided to leave the oppressive dictatorship where they lived. Their defection was not well-received, and agents were sent after them.Template:BrThey spent years on the run. Since they could trust no doctor, they treated their own wounds. The ordeal made them bitter and untrusting. Shooting: +4Template:BrMelee: +2Template:BrConstruction: +3Template:BrCrafting: +3Template:BrMedical: +4Template:BrSocial: −2 AnimalsTemplate:BrArtistic ? ? ? ? ? ?
Defense lawyerTemplate:Br(Lawyer) NAME found that they could make more money with a quick word than a blaster. Seeking a job where their silver tongue could be useful, they turned to the law.Template:BrThey often defended the illegal speeder racers they grew up with. Shooting: +3Template:BrSocial: +8Template:BrIntellectual: +5 Dumb laborTemplate:BrSkilled laborTemplate:BrCaring ? ? ? ? ? ?
Destroyer-generalTemplate:Br(General) NAME held the rank of Destroyer-General in a powerful midworld military.Template:BrThey were known for their mastery of weapons, and were also a good ship pilot. Shooting: +6Template:BrMelee: +3Template:BrArtistic: −3Template:BrSocial: +6 Dumb labor ? ? ? ? ? ?
Digger NAME and their tribe carved their home deep into the side of a mountain. NAME feels most at home picking through rock and shoring up cave walls. Construction: +2Template:BrMining: +5 None Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png
Discharged soldierTemplate:Br(Soldier) NAME prostituted themself to fund their drug habits. As an escape, they joined the military and learned to fight.Template:BrToo smart for the army, they questioned and often disagreed with their superiors' decisions. This eventually led to their dishonorable discharge and left them with a chip on their shoulder. Shooting: +6Template:BrMelee: +4Template:BrCooking: +2 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Doomsday pariahTemplate:Br(Pariah) NAME managed to open a vault of otherworldly technology while scavenging a dig site. They unwittingly triggered a doomsday device that cleansed the planet of all life. More interested in the tech than human life, they boarded the vault’s spacecraft and departed to find more relics to abuse. Shooting: +2Template:BrMelee: +2Template:BrConstruction: +2Template:BrCrafting: +2Template:BrIntellectual: +3 CaringTemplate:BrArtistic ? ? ? ? ? ?
Dreaded dudeTemplate:Br(Dude) Some followers say that NAME and their crew of misfits found the Fountain of Youth, many, many centuries ago, and that they caused the extinction of the dinosaurs on many planets.Template:BrThere's even a religion about them, somewhere, involving noodles and meatballs. Mining: −3Template:BrCrafting: +4Template:BrArtistic: +8Template:BrMedical: +2Template:BrIntellectual: +6 Cleaning ? ? ? ? ? ?
Drifter NAME never figured out what to do with their life. They travelled often, taking up casual work wherever they found it.Template:BrThey also occasionally worked on a novel that they knew would be a bestseller - just as soon as they could find a publisher who was interested. Construction: +3Template:BrCooking: +3Template:BrArtistic: −4 None Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
Dromedary knightTemplate:Br(Knight) Having caught the eye of their people's Sand King, NAME was trained in the Sandy Boomlet fighting technique. Always with a camel to carry their things, they served their sand people faithfully. Shooting: −3Template:BrMelee: +4Template:BrAnimals: +4Template:BrSocial: +4 Hauling Check.png ? ? ? ? ?
Drug lieutenantTemplate:Br(Drugman) NAME worked the drug trade under kingpin Grady Loughman. They had their men sell drugs when it was profitable, and fight the other cartels when the government came around.Template:BrTheir social skills kept them on top of the political game, and they always had servants to cook and clean. Plants: +4Template:BrMedical: +7Template:BrSocial: +7 ArtisticTemplate:BrCookingTemplate:BrCleaning ? ? ? ? ? ?
Energy researcherTemplate:Br(Researcher) NAME was working on an idea for rapid communication over long distances. They made an error which destroyed their lab and most of the city. They fled the planet to escape the authorities. Crafting: +2Template:BrArtistic: −1Template:BrSocial: −2Template:BrIntellectual: +8 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Engineer NAME found a job as a tinkering engineer on the trading hub planet Irithir. Tough local traders forced them to learn negotiation skills, and they made good profits selling refurbished weapons and tools. Construction: +2Template:BrCooking: −2Template:BrCrafting: +8Template:BrSocial: +2Template:BrIntellectual: +1 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Engineered pilotTemplate:Br(Pilot) After their province was besieged by one of its neighbors, NAME volunteered for a genetic modification program that created pilots for the very fighter craft that they had helped develop. The modifications allowed them to pilot the ship, but also made them less able to focus on the people around them.Template:BrBy this time, people were calling them "Squirrel". Shooting: +5Template:BrMelee: +2Template:BrMedical: +2Template:BrSocial: −2 None ? ? Check.png ? ? ?
Envoy of the starsTemplate:Br(Envoy) NAME entered the diplomatic corps. Honor and tradition were the values they took with them on every mission.Template:BrTheir prestigious position distanced them from backbreaking manual labor, allowing them to focus on their wordsmithing abilities. They left the blacksmithing to others. Shooting: +1Template:BrArtistic: +2Template:BrMedical: +2Template:BrSocial: +8 Dumb laborTemplate:BrSkilled labor ? ? ? ? ? ?
Escaped convictTemplate:Br(Escapee) NAME denies involvement in the crimes that brought about their incarceration in a brutal penal colony. They escaped by tunnelling beneath the perimeter using modified cutlery. Mining: +4Template:BrCrafting: +2 Caring Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
Evangelist As a youth, NAME experienced a religious awakening. They decided to spend the rest of their life spreading the word of their deity, the beauty of its culture, and its unusual medical tradition. Artistic: +4Template:BrMedical: −3Template:BrSocial: +4 None Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
Executive officerTemplate:Br(Executive) NAME was an executive officer for a large space trading corporation. After a failed attempt at manipulating their way up the corporate ladder, they were framed for the rape and murder of another executive and her family.Template:BrThey were found guilty. However, because of their family's influence, they were exiled instead of put to death. Melee: +2Template:BrConstruction: +3Template:BrSocial: +7Template:BrIntellectual: +4 Caring ? ? ? ? ? ?
Exiled researcherTemplate:Br(Exile) NAME's love of robotics was not appreciated in their technophobic empire. The High Cardinal of the system excommunicated them, and they were never allowed to return. Shooting: +2Template:BrCrafting: +3Template:BrArtistic: +2Template:BrMedical: +4Template:BrIntellectual: +8 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Exotic chefTemplate:Br(Chef) NAME has always gone overboard when it comes to food. They are always seeking new and exotic ingredients.Template:BrTheir quest for ingredients has brought them into some close calls with local flora and fauna. Cooking: +6Template:BrCrafting: +1Template:BrArtistic: +2 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Expert handymanTemplate:Br(Handyman) NAME worked as a traveling engineer. They fixed things ranging from a simple communications array to the intricate software harness in their ship's AI meta-core. Nothing is beyond repair for them. Construction: +7Template:BrCrafting: +3Template:BrIntellectual: +4 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Explorer NAME traveled from planet to planet, gathering samples, stories, and research. They hoped one day to compile a record of every animal, plant, mineral, and machine and device in known space: The Complete Traveler's Guide to the RimWorlds. Shooting: +2Template:BrMelee: +2Template:BrMining: +3Template:BrCrafting: +2Template:BrIntellectual: +3 None ? ? ? ? Check.png ?
Explorer-writerTemplate:Br(Explorer) NAME traveled from planet to planet, gathering samples, stories, and research.Template:BrTheir goal was to bring together enough knowledge to make a survival guide for future generations. Construction: +3Template:BrCooking: +2Template:BrPlants: +3Template:BrCrafting: +2Template:BrMedical: +3Template:BrIntellectual: +4 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Explosives expertTemplate:Br(Blaster) NAME was an explosive engineer employed in mines. They took their job very seriously and were well-versed in the technicalities - so much so that they refused to demean themself by helping with the clean-up once their carefully-calculated explosion was complete. Mining: +5Template:BrIntellectual: +5 Dumb labor Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Faction leaderTemplate:Br(Leader) Early in their adulthood, NAME found themself surrounded by a gaggle of low-lifes.Template:BrFor fun, they gathered them and lead them to a certain death. They knew then that they had the talent to realize their ambitions of leadership. Melee: +2Template:BrMedical: +2Template:BrSocial: +8Template:BrIntellectual: +3 Cleaning ? ? ? ? ? ?
Factory workerTemplate:Br(Worker) NAME did menial, unskilled work in an industrial-era factory. Their job also included caring for the mules and horses which transported goods around the city. Construction: +3Template:BrAnimals: +3Template:BrCrafting: +2 IntellectualTemplate:BrArtisticTemplate:BrCooking Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png
Fallen officialTemplate:Br(Official) NAME was an official for an autocratic government.Template:BrWhen their superiors demanded they participate in atrocities, NAME resigned and escaped from their homeworld with nothing but the clothes on their back. Melee: +2Template:BrMedical: +2Template:BrSocial: +5 Skilled labor ? ? ? ? ? ?
Fearful chefTemplate:Br(Chef) NAME was a excellent chef who worked in a high-end restaurant.Template:BrOne day, they left the stove on, and accidentally burned down the whole building. This event shook them so much that they swore to never touch a stove again. Plants: +2Template:BrMedical: +2Template:BrIntellectual: +2 CookingTemplate:BrFirefighting ? ? ? ? ? ?
Feline scientistTemplate:Br(Scientist) NAME became a renowned scientist in the field of felines. Wanting the best for their animals and specializing in selective breeding, they set out on a journey to find the perfect breeding grounds for their cats. Medical: +3Template:BrSocial: +2Template:BrIntellectual: +4 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Fervent researcherTemplate:Br(Researcher) As a young adult, NAME was sure that their planet and its people were nearing their time of transcendence.Template:BrA firm belief that their research would be the catalyst drove them to increasingly alarming acts as bureaucrats and bioethics committees worked to stall their progress. Shooting: +2Template:BrMedical: +8Template:BrIntellectual: +6 Dumb laborTemplate:BrSkilled labor ? Check.png ? ? ? ?
Fighter controllerTemplate:Br(Controller) During the Zartha crisis, NAME fought across many worlds, providing the vital link between the ground and the air as a fighter controller. During the campaign, they saw friends injured and killed. This mental trauma haunts their dreams to this day, but their aim remains sharp. Shooting: +5Template:BrMelee: +5Template:BrCooking: +1Template:BrMedical: +3Template:BrSocial: +2 Intellectual ? ? ? ? ? ?
Flaneur NAME strolled and sipped their way through the streets and cafes of their world, pursuing freedom at every turn, never becoming attached.Template:BrThrough all this time, they remained distrustful of others. And never took an order from anyone. Cooking: +3Template:BrArtistic: +3Template:BrSocial: +6Template:BrIntellectual: +3 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Forest prowlerTemplate:Br(Prowler) NAME led a band of wild men in the forest. They foraged for food, hunted, and sometimes murdered more civilized people to steal their shiny objects. Melee: +3Template:BrCrafting: +2Template:BrSocial: +4 Mining ? ? ? ? ? ?
Frontier marshalTemplate:Br(Marshal) NAME was the marshal of their colony. They tried to honorably uphold the law, but the corrupt local mayor killed their family and left them for dead.Template:BrAfter regaining their health, NAME arrested the mayor. They left their homeworld and started a new life working to make a difference in the universe. Shooting: +5Template:BrMedical: +3Template:BrSocial: +4 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Fugitive NAME rebelled against the corporation they worked for. They failed, and were forced to go on the run.Template:BrThey were always on the move, always leaving everything behind. They tried to gain supporters for their cause, but failed due to their poor social skills. Cooking: +4Template:BrPlants: +3Template:BrMedical: +4Template:BrSocial: −2 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Game developerTemplate:Br(Game dev) NAME was an independent game developer.Template:BrAfter an early success, their career quickly degenerated into a circus of misguided ideas, deals gone wrong, and desperate, failed PR stunts. Construction: −2Template:BrMining: −2 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Game testerTemplate:Br(Tester) Making a new life on a barely-livable planet after nuclear war, NAME was able to fulfill their desires with money borrowed from their father.Template:BrThey loved playing a particular colony simulator. Their favorite thing to do in the game was to build elaborate hospitals. Spending most of their time playing, they forgot the horrors of war and their need for revenge. Shooting: +4Template:BrMelee: +4Template:BrMedical: +4Template:BrSocial: −2Template:BrIntellectual: +5 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Gang bossTemplate:Br(Boss) To survive, NAME's gang often had to rob interstellar traders for food and supplies. Sometimes they had to kill the guards. Sometimes they had to kill the police who arrived to stop them.Template:BrAfter years of this, they became one of the most-wanted criminals in the local stellar empire. Shooting: +8Template:BrMelee: +6Template:BrConstruction: +4Template:BrMedical: +3Template:BrSocial: −3 Animals ? ? ? ? ? ?
Gang soldierTemplate:Br(Soldier) Living for many years between three raider settlements, NAME persevered through many challenges: a spacecraft implosion, cryptostasis, crashlanding on a miserable dustball of a planet, and nursing an old man back to health, and many of battles.Template:BrThey eventually took control of a violent gang. Shooting: +6Template:BrMelee: +3Template:BrConstruction: +2Template:BrCooking: +2Template:BrMedical: +2 ArtisticTemplate:BrHauling ? ? ? ? ? ?
Gardener On industrial worlds, wealth concentrates in the hands of those who own the factories and sell the goods. NAME worked at the mansion of one such rich family, tending the lavish gardens as part of a team of servants. Plants: +8 IntellectualTemplate:BrCrafting ? ? ? ? ? ?
Gatherer NAME is a master gatherer. They can find food in the most barren of places using their deep knowledge of plants, roots, and berries. Plants: +4 None Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png
Gardener On industrial worlds, wealth concentrates in the hands of those who own the factories and sell the goods. NAME worked at the mansion of one such rich family, tending the lavish gardens as part of a team of servants. Growing +8 IntellectualTemplate:BrCrafting Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png
Genetic engineerTemplate:Br(Geneticist) NAME carried out their first genetic experiments on farm animals. They soon grew to become quite skilled in all forms of genetic engineering.Template:BrA horrifying lab accident left them with a mortal fear of rodents. Plants: +1Template:BrMedical: +2Template:BrIntellectual: +6 Violent ? ? ? ? ? ?
Genetic scientistTemplate:Br(Geneticist) After the war they joined a genetic engineering firm. They worked on enhancements for humans and livestock. Their experiences in inflicting and healing wounds were very beneficial to their work, but they developed a black sense of humor. This made social gatherings awkward. Shooting: +2Template:BrMedical: +3Template:BrIntellectual: +4 SocialTemplate:BrArtisticTemplate:BrCraftingTemplate:BrCooking ? ? ? ? ? ?
Geologist NAME worked with miners and cave-diggers, identifying rock types and natural formations.Template:BrDuring their years underground they also gained experience repairing drilling machines and other technical equipment. Mining: +8Template:BrCrafting: +3 None Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png
Gigolo NAME sold themself into slavery for money to purchase boomrat pizza. They were then traded to the Zeglar colonies, where they worked as a prostitute.Template:BrIn a fluke event, they managed to join other escaping slaves as they hijacked a ship. After fighting with the captain of the slave crew over the last piece of boomrat pizza, NAME was sent off the ship in an escape pod. Shooting: +3Template:BrMelee: +6Template:BrCooking: +7 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Glitterworld empathTemplate:Br(Empath) NAME had an amazing ability to relate to others and mediate conflict. They were selected to train as an empath. The training intensified their natural abilities, but they became unable to harm others. Medical: +2Template:BrSocial: +8 Violent Check.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png
Glitterworld officerTemplate:Br(Officer) Though glitterworlds are peaceful places, they often remain prepared for war. NAME's unit rarely saw any real action.Template:BrThough they pursued their artistic hobbies, their subordinates preferred to entertain themselves by brawling, so NAME got good at breaking up fights. Melee: +6Template:BrArtistic: +4 Dumb labor Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Glitterworld surgeonTemplate:Br(Surgeon) NAME worked as a surgeon on a world mostly free of disease and human suffering.Template:BrTheir job mostly involved elaborate and creative cosmetic surgeries. They have a good understanding of human biology, but never had to remove a cancer - or a bullet. Artistic: +5Template:BrMedical: +3Template:BrSocial: +1Template:Br None Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
GnomebiologistTemplate:Br(Biologist) NAME was a xenobiology professor in a glitterworld university. They went to conferences and managed an art gallery.Template:BrHowever, they never stopped sculpting yard gnomes, and considers this to be their true profession. Crafting: +4Template:BrArtistic: +7Template:BrSocial: +4Template:BrIntellectual: +4 CookingTemplate:BrFirefightingTemplate:BrCleaning ? ? ? ? ? ?
Government agentTemplate:Br(Agent) NAME worked for the government against rebel groups and excelled in this capacity. During their training they were taught firearms, melee combat and medical skills.Template:BrHaving grown up in a war-ravaged city, dirt, blood and dead bodies don’t bother them and they see no reason to clean them up. Shooting: +4Template:BrMelee: +4Template:BrMedical: +3 Cleaning ? ? ? ? ? ?
Graphic designerTemplate:Br(Designer) NAME's interest in artistic expression led them to become a designer. Their eye for detail made them a reasonably well-known artist on their planet, though their meticulousness often led them to spend too much time perfecting a single project. Crafting: +1Template:BrArtistic: +7 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Guardian After they learned what truly matters in life, NAME changed for the better. They learned to work hard and protect the things that matter - not money or material things, but friends and loved ones.Template:BrThey became a professional guardian. Shooting: +4Template:BrMelee: +4Template:BrMedical: +4 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Gun dealer NAME traded high-tech firearms between warring factions.Template:BrOver time, they became very skilled at conducting product demonstrations and negotiating profitable deals. Shooting: +4Template:BrSocial: +8 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Gunfighter NAME was a deadly shot. Peace wasn't for them. They found their family among the brothers and sisters that they spent years fighting alongside.Template:BrAfter most of those close to them died, they once again set off to lend their gun to those who needed it - or those who could pay. Shooting: +8Template:BrMelee: +2Template:BrMedical: +6 Social ? ? ? ? ? ?
Healer (1) NAME took the time to admire the beauty of the world.Template:BrTheir passive aggressiveness surfaced once in a while, but they tried to adapt to their changing life. Plants: +5Template:BrMedical: +7 Dumb laborTemplate:BrMining ? ? ? ? ? ?
Healer (2) After their tribe’s elder healer was killed in a raid, NAME took on the role. They spent their days scrounging up herbs and mineral compounds from the nearby area to use in surprisingly effective remedies. Plants: +3Template:BrMedical: +4 None Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png
Hedge fund managerTemplate:Br(Banker) A top hedge fund manager on a teeming urbworld, NAME's portfolio grew rapidly as they charmed clients with a sweet voice and devious intent. When the deal turned out too good to be true, they were forced to flee the planet with a bounty on their head.Template:BrAs they travelled the stars they found a passion in the arts, making masterpieces fit for high society customers. Construction: −2Template:BrPlants: −2Template:BrArtistic: +7Template:BrSocial: +4Template:BrIntellectual: +3 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Herbalist NAME lived in the forest near a village. Though many of the villagers feared them, sick villagers would come to them to purchase salves and poultices made from the herbs they grew in their garden. They were happy to help them - for a price. Plants: +4Template:BrMedical: +4Template:BrSocial: −2 None Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png
Hermit Worn out by the pressures of social interaction, NAME left their crowded midworld city to live a simple life in the wilderness. There, they spent their days alone, tending their garden and crafting the simple tools they needed to survive. Construction: +1Template:BrPlants: +4Template:BrCrafting: +3 Social Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
HerpetologistTemplate:Br(Herper) After a terrible mining accident, NAME set off into space in search of exotic new animal species.Template:BrThey hoped to leave their past behind and find long-lived companions. They knew the pain of loss too well. Plants: +2Template:BrAnimals: +6Template:BrMedical: +4Template:BrIntellectual: +2 Mining ? ? ? ? ? ?
Hired assassinTemplate:Br(Assassin) NAME was a master thief, working mostly for organized crime. Over time, they made a name for themself and shifted their business into the paid "removal" of human threats. Shooting: +4Template:BrMelee: +5Template:BrSocial: +3 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Hired gun NAME always wanted to prove they could make a living without their parents' help. They did shady jobs that often involved pointing guns at innocent people.Template:BrThey eventually made enough money to board a cheap freighter. They discovered why it was so cheap when it crashed. Shooting: +6Template:BrMelee: +2Template:BrCooking: +2Template:BrMedical: +3 Plant work ? ? ? ? ? ?
Hired muscleTemplate:Br(Hired thug) Knowing what life on the streets was truly like, NAME slipped into police work. However, a particularly disturbing case ended with them beating the perpetrator to death.Template:BrDishonorably discharged from their duties, they used their contacts and skills to find work as a thug for hire. Shooting: +5Template:BrMelee: +3Template:BrSocial: +3 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Hiveworld droneTemplate:Br(Drone) NAME worked as a mindless construction drone in a massive hiveworld civilization. Though they are now freed from the brutal social experiments to which they were subjected, they remain incapable of creative thought and leadership. Construction: +5Template:BrMining: +4Template:BrSocial: −2 IntellectualTemplate:BrArtistic Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
House servantTemplate:Br(Servant) Early in their adulthood, NAME was kidnapped and sold to wealthy aristocrats as a domestic servant.Template:BrThey got to know the kitchens and basements of their master's mansion well, but never did any work outside. Mining: −3Template:BrCooking: +4Template:BrPlants: −3 Intellectual Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png
Housemate As an adult, NAME kept house and cared for children while their spouse worked. Cooking: +3Template:BrCrafting: +2Template:BrMedical: +3 None Check.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png
Human computerTemplate:Br(Computer) NAME turned out to have an excellent memory and a gift for performing complex calculations in their head. A midworld dictator decided to employ NAME to keep track of their state's finances and expenditure, since electrical computers were too susceptible to hacking. Shooting: +3Template:BrIntellectual: +7 Artistic Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Human traffickerTemplate:Br(Trafficker) NAME stole children from their homes to sell them to interested buyers.Template:BrOver time, they lost what little moral sense they had left. Melee: +4Template:BrCrafting: +2Template:BrSocial: +3 CaringTemplate:BrArtisticTemplate:BrPlant work ? ? ? ? ? ?
Hunter NAME was a master hunter. They learnt to track and trap any animal in the most dangerous of places, and had deep knowledge of many ingenious methods of taking down specific large animals. Shooting: +6Template:BrPlants: +2Template:BrMedical: +4 Mining ? ? ? Check.png ? ?
Hunter of the kingTemplate:Br(Pest guard) NAME was forced to protect their colony in the name of the king after a mysterious outbreak of murderous genetically-modified wildlife.Template:BrDespite their best efforts, their kingdom was destroyed. NAME developed PTSD, a hatred of animals and a bad case of technophobia. Shooting: +6Template:BrMelee: +4Template:BrCrafting: −3Template:BrMedical: +3Template:BrIntellectual: −2 AnimalsTemplate:BrArtisticTemplate:BrPlant work ? ? ? ? ? ?
Illegal shipwrightTemplate:Br(Shipwright) There is a law that says that you're not allowed to put terawatt-range grasers on a cargo scow. Especially if you hide them under what looks like a communications dish for better ambush potential. NAME discovered that there is great profit to be made, however, from those who are uninterested in these laws. Construction +7 None Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Imperial generalTemplate:Br(General) NAME's thirst for power defined them. They quickly rose through the military ranks and soon attained the rank of general.Template:BrThey were given the most challenging task - conquering distant and unexplored rim worlds. Victory here could even position them as a successor to the emperor. Shooting: +4Template:BrMelee: +4Template:BrConstruction: −2Template:BrMining: −3Template:BrMedical: +2Template:BrSocial: +5Template:BrIntellectual: +4 Dumb labor ? ? ? ? ? ?
Information brokerTemplate:Br(Broker) NAME caught a ship to the next star system and began a life of travel and learning, quickly collecting a massive bank of knowledge from people of all shapes and sizes.Template:BrThey learned to sell this knowledge for great profit, and became a powerful broker of information. Shooting: −1Template:BrMelee: −2Template:BrSocial: +5Template:BrIntellectual: +4 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Intelligence agentTemplate:Br(Agent) Because of their hacking skills, NAME was recruited by their home planet's governing body to serve as an intelligence agent. The government trained them in combat, but they prefer psychological warfare.Template:BrGovernment rules proved too strict for them, so they went rogue. Their current activities are unknown. Shooting: +7Template:BrMelee: +4Template:BrSocial: +8 Artistic ? ? ? ? ? ?
Intimate assassinTemplate:Br(Assassin) NAME was a professional assassin. They were sadistic, calculating, and appeared utterly harmless.Template:BrThey preferred using intimate means to dispatch their targets. This fulfilled both their contracts and their own personal desire for control. Melee: +8Template:BrSocial: +4 CaringTemplate:BrAnimals ? ? ? ? ? ?
Inventor On their homeworld, NAME worked as a moderately successful inventor. They developed several minor technologies. Crafting: +5Template:BrIntellectual: +2 None Check.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png
Involuntary hermitTemplate:Br(Hermit) NAME’s escape pod was jettisoned onto an unexplored region of a frontier world. They eked out a lonely existence with only a herd of muffalo for company.Template:BrLater, they were spotted clad in pygmy wombat furs, discussing the importance of hoof hygiene with a group of elderly muffalo. Melee: +4Template:BrConstruction: +1Template:BrPlants: +3Template:BrCrafting: +3 CaringTemplate:BrArtisticTemplate:BrCleaning ? ? ? ? ? ?
Jailbird NAME spent most of their life in prisons, where they were put to work in the kitchens. They had a habit of getting into fights, and developed an aggressive way of speaking. Melee: +5Template:BrCooking: +3 CaringTemplate:BrSocial Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Joywire artistTemplate:Br(Joywirer) NAME worked in an urbworld lab developing cutting-edge joywire software to maximize user pleasure.Template:BrWhen the local government imposed harsh restrictions on joywire manufacturing, they began selling their products on the black market. Artistic: +3Template:BrMedical: +2Template:BrIntellectual: +2 Dumb labor Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png
King of piratesTemplate:Br(Pirate) As a self-proclaimed king of pirates, NAME was ruthless. Manipulative in nature, they were not afraid to sacrifice the people around them in service of their own goals. They were a good shot, but even more skilled with a sword, and they loved the adrenaline rush of close combat. Shooting: +5Template:BrMelee: +8Template:BrAnimals: +3Template:BrSocial: +4 ArtisticTemplate:BrCookingTemplate:BrFirefightning ? ? ? ? ? ?
Language analystTemplate:Br(Linguist) After war broke out on their homeworld, NAME was conscripted as a linguist. They spent their days in a space station, decoding enemy communications and tending the hydroponic crops.Template:BrAfter a meteorite damaged the station, they were forced to enter cryptosleep and hope for rescue. Plants: +4Template:BrIntellectual: +8 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Lazy programmerTemplate:Br(Programmer) NAME independently developed software that had a competitive edge against local urbworld corporations.Template:BrTheir legally questionable methods lead to a growing number in unsolved claims of intellectual property theft. Intellectual: +8 Plant workTemplate:BrMining ? ? ? ? ? ?
Lone travelerTemplate:Br(Traveler) After escaping their homeworld on a jury-rigged ship, NAME traveled to new worlds to experience their beauty.Template:BrThey joined resistance groups and applied the skills they cultivated on their homeworld. They often warned of the nuclear horror they saw as a child. Shooting: +4Template:BrPlants: +3Template:BrArtistic: −2Template:BrMedical: +3 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Loner NAME never much liked the tribal council or the yearly festivals. They prefer the open plains and the lonely whistle of wind through the rocks.Template:BrThey visit their tribe from time to time, but for the most part they take care of themself using their own survival skills. Shooting: +3Template:BrMelee: +2Template:BrConstruction: +1Template:BrPlants: +5 Social Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png
Lore keeperTemplate:Br(Keeper) NAME was one of a long line of lore keepers in their tribe. Every night around the fire, they would pass on ancient knowledge and helpful wisdom through stories. Artistic: +2Template:BrSocial: +3Template:BrIntellectual: +2 None Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png
Lost marineTemplate:Br(Traitor) Shortly after being promoted to a respected position in their planet's military, NAME disappeared without a trace.Template:BrLater, they reappeared at the head of their own military force. No one knows why they became who they were. Shooting: +7Template:BrMelee: +5Template:BrCrafting: +6Template:BrMedical: +2 Dumb laborTemplate:BrMining ? ? ? ? ? ?
Lost soldierTemplate:Br(Lost) NAME's childhood soldier conditioning failed, and the experiment was shut down. They were abandoned, purposeless, friendless.Template:BrNAME eventually found solace in physically demanding work. They especially liked building houses and crafting heavy armor. Construction: +5Template:BrCrafting: +5Template:BrSocial: −2Template:BrIntellectual: −3 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Low-wage workerTemplate:Br(Grunt) NAME worked a variety of casual jobs to support their family, gaining a set of basic hands-on skills. Cooking: +4Template:BrPlants: +3Template:BrCrafting: +3 None Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Luddite rebelTemplate:Br(Luddite) When the majority of people on their world chose to give up their individuality and biological humanity to join together in an online hivemind, NAME joined a rebel faction that chose to forsake most technology. Melee: +3Template:BrConstruction: +3Template:BrMining: +2 IntellectualTemplate:BrCrafting Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png
Machine collectorTemplate:Br(Collector) NAME was obsessed with old machines and arcane pieces of technology. They obtained them wherever they could, and loved taking them apart to see how they worked.Template:BrThey had a habit of talking about their collection long after people around them had stopped listening. Crafting: +6Template:BrSocial: −3Template:BrIntellectual: +6 None Check.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png
Machine fixerTemplate:Br(Fixer) NAME was adept at dealing with mechanical problems, as long as the problem didn't involve the kitchen.Template:BrAfter a life spent around dangerous machinery and flammable chemicals, they learned how to patch themself up pretty well. Despite the pain, they never learned to dislike fire. Construction: +5Template:BrCrafting: +3Template:BrMedical: +5 CookingTemplate:BrFirefightning ? ? ? ? ? ?
Mad accountantTemplate:Br(Accountant) As an accountant, NAME often socialized with colleagues, and made many friends in upper management.Template:BrOne day, NAME discovered a corruption racket run by some of their bosses. After reporting this, they were fired. Wishing to hunt down those responsible, they went on a mass murder spree. Shooting: +4Template:BrSocial: +4Template:BrIntellectual: +6 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Mad scientistTemplate:Br(Scientist) (1) Stripped of their life’s work and exiled after their unethical experiments on the survivors of the Callos IX incident were published, NAME learned the skills necessary to survive in the outer rim.Template:BrContinuing their research with nothing left to lose, they made minions to carry out the tasks that bored them. Shooting: +5Template:BrCrafting: +2Template:BrMedical: +4Template:BrIntellectual: +5 HaulingTemplate:BrMining ? ? ? ? ? ?
Mad scientistTemplate:Br(Scientist) (2) NAME's lust for knowledge was only matched by their disdain for anyone who would stand in the way of their research.Template:BrTraveling from world to world, they sought answers to questions few dared to ask. Construction: +3Template:BrSocial: −2Template:BrIntellectual: +7 CaringTemplate:BrAnimalsTemplate:BrArtistic ? ? ? ? ? ?
Mad scientistTemplate:Br(Scientist) (3) After finishing their education, NAME was hired by the planet's leading genetic researcher. Later, they were caught running illegal, inhumane experiments.Template:BrDespite their family's influence, they were convicted and sentenced to hard labor on a penal colony. Mining: +3Template:BrAnimals: −2Template:BrArtistic: −3Template:BrMedical: +3Template:BrIntellectual: +8 Plant work ? ? ? ? ? ?
Mafia BossTemplate:Br(Boss) NAME was a high-ranking member of an urbworld crime syndicate.Template:BrThey bribed officials, maintained the loyalty of their subordinates, and extracted overdue payments - by any means necessary. Shooting: +4Template:BrMelee: +3Template:BrSocial: +4 Dumb laborTemplate:BrCaringTemplate:BrCooking Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png
Marble doctorTemplate:Br(Doctor) On a bomb-blasted world, first aid is often the only aid.Template:BrNAME used their medical skills to help the injured and the sick. They believed that while guns and machines may be powerful, a doctor is even more so. Medical: +8Template:Br Intellectual: +4 Crafting ? ? ? ? ? ?
Master chefTemplate:Br(Chef) On a glitterworld, NAME found a job washing dishes at a famous restaurant and worked their way up the ranks.Template:BrA few years later, their career came to an end when someone poisoned the meal they were preparing for the mayor. Jobless, they left to explore the stars once again. Cooking: +8Template:BrArtistic: +4 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Master traderTemplate:Br(Trader) NAME was a master at trading. They earned their nickname by helping a village through a trying time. Cooking: +2Template:BrArtistic: +4Template:BrSocial: +8 Mining ? ? ? ? ? ?
MathematicianTemplate:Br(Math prof) NAME did mathematical research at a university.Template:BrThey spent much of their spare time immersed in shooting simulations, though they were frequently ridiculed by other players for their terrible aim. Shooting: −3Template:BrIntellectual: +8 Dumb labor Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
Mech war veteranTemplate:Br(Veteran) NAME fought against swarms of rogue mechanoids since they were old enough to enlist. They have bled on half a dozen worlds and have lost more than they care to recall. These experiences left them hardened, both mentally and physically. Shooting: +7Template:BrMelee: +4 CaringTemplate:BrArtistic ? ? ? ? ? ?
Mechanics engineerTemplate:Br(Engineer) NAME loved solving problems and, with their steady hands and a reputation for quality work, earned a job as a mechanical engineer. They built and redesigned devices of all shapes and sizes.Template:BrEventually, they were able to pick and choose their corporate clients. They made several wealthy friends, as well as a few powerful enemies. Construction: +5Template:BrPlants: −2Template:BrCrafting: +6Template:BrIntellectual: +2 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Medic soldierTemplate:Br(Medic) NAME enrolled in their planetary army as a frontline medic. They soon knew the horrors of war and were deeply marked by them.Template:BrThey left the military and their homeworld and began researching medicine and helping those they came across. Medical: +7Template:BrIntellectual: +5 Violent ? ? ? ? ? ?
Medical scientistTemplate:Br(Scientist) NAME enlisted as a doctor on a passing science vessel. Roaming the stars with a large crew of xenohumans and transbirds, they did genetic research on encountered species. They developed a deep friendship with one transbird but were forced to leave the ship when the captain dismissed all non-avians. Medical: +2Template:BrIntellectual: +8 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Medieval doctorTemplate:Br(Quack) NAME worked as a doctor on a medieval planet. They firmly believe that most ailments can be cured with a little bloodletting.Template:BrThey were also a master anaesthetist, developing a specialty technique that involved a heavy blow to the head. Melee: +6Template:BrMedical: +1 None Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
Medieval farm oafTemplate:Br(Oaf) Tilling, hoeing, guiding ox carts, pushing wheelbarrows. Digging ditches, planting seeds, predicting the harvest.Template:BrMedieval-level farmers aren't educated in the usual sense, but they know a lot about growing plants without technology. That said, such a life leaves one essentially incapable of participating in intellectual, technology-driven activities. Mining: +3Template:BrPlants: +8 Intellectual Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png
Medieval knightTemplate:Br(Knight) NAME fought for king and country on the battlefield, where they further honed their skill as a swordsman. Their greatest glory was leading a charge into an enemy courtroom and capturing the king at sword point. Shooting: +2Template:BrMelee: +6 Cleaning ? ? ? ? ? ?
Medieval lordTemplate:Br(Noble) NAME was a lord on a preindustrial planet. They went to parties, managed the underlings, and even learned some swordplay.Template:BrTheir soft hands did not hold a work tool during that entire time. They consider manual labor to be beneath them. Shooting: +5Template:BrMelee: +5Template:BrSocial: +7 Dumb laborTemplate:BrSkilled labor Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Medieval minstrelTemplate:Br(Minstrel) NAME was a traveling entertainer on a medieval world.Template:BrThey could always be found telling stories or singing songs, and are capable of protecting themself from the dangers of the road. However, they were always conspicuously absent whenever there was hard labor to be done. Melee: +2Template:BrArtistic: +3Template:BrSocial: +4 Skilled laborTemplate:BrHauling Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png
Mental patientTemplate:Br(Patient) NAME was placed in a psychiatric hospital. There, they spent their time engaged in the calming activities of the asylum.Template:BrThey were eventually released, but they retained their emotional distance, their curiosity about human anatomy, and their namesake manic giggling. Shooting: −2Template:BrPlants: +3Template:BrCrafting: +3Template:BrArtistic: +3Template:BrIntellectual: +2 CookingTemplate:BrFirefightningTemplate:BrMining ? ? ? ? ? ?
MercenaryTemplate:Br(Merc) (1) NAME spent their teenage years as a mercenary, being hired to kill and maim others. They were tall, menacing, and frightening. They could instill fear into the hearts of any man who crossed them, and kill anyone they wanted. Shooting: +4Template:BrMelee: +3Template:BrConstruction: +3Template:BrMining: +2 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Mercenary (2) After escaping a crew of rimworld slavers, NAME developed a lack of respect for life. They proceeded to sign on to a mercenary group where they developed skills using guns and survival techniques. NAME did dirty work where they found it, and traveled to many worlds. Shooting: +5Template:BrConstruction: +3Template:BrMining: +2Template:BrArtistic: −2 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Mercenary (3) After escaping their home planet, NAME fell in with a band of mercenaries. They fought alongside their brothers and sisters in arms for many years.Template:BrOne day, they were caught in a fight they couldn't win. Refusing to retreat, NAME was shot down by their enemies. They were alarmed to awake in a heap of corpses, mysteriously unharmed. Shooting: +6Template:BrMelee: +6Template:BrConstruction: +2Template:BrCrafting: +2Template:BrSocial: +2 Animals ? ? ? ? ? ?
Mercenary chefTemplate:Br(Mercenary) Following in their family's footsteps, NAME was a soldier for hire.Template:BrThey are a naturally gifted sharpshooter. However, their real passion is in perfecting a new recipe or dissecting a new gadget. Shooting: +4Template:BrConstruction: −3Template:BrMining: −3Template:BrCooking: +5Template:BrCrafting: +5 Plant work ? ? ? ? ? ?
Mercenary leaderTemplate:Br(Mercenary) Alone, NAME set out to rebuild their father's life's work. They challenged the leader of a small band of mercenaries and took control, then led the band as they hijacked trade ships and stole valuable cargo.Template:BrTheir men mutinied. They were abandoned, arrested, and sentenced to death. Shooting: +4Template:BrMelee: +4Template:BrSocial: +4 None ? Check.png ? ? ? ?
Mercenary lordTemplate:Br(Merc lord) NAME formed a mercenary company out of freelancers who wanted to make good money while also making slightly better-than-average moral choices. They called it the Ashmarines.Template:BrTo avoid the core worlds' military forces, they moved their company to the rim worlds. There, they established bases and communities. In ruling, they maintained a form of order among the raiders and madmen of deep space. Shooting: +2Template:BrArtistic: +2Template:BrMedical: +3Template:BrSocial: +7Template:BrIntellectual: +4 AnimalsTemplate:BrMining ? ? ? ? ? ?
Mercenary pilotTemplate:Br(Mercenary) NAME convinced their squadron to abscond with their ships and make a course for the rim worlds. There they could fight for the causes they believed in.Template:BrTheir men were loyal and fought hard, but their ideals soon faded away and their cause became that of the highest bidder. Shooting: +6Template:BrMelee: +4Template:BrConstruction: +3Template:BrSocial: −1 CaringTemplate:BrArtistic ? ? ? ? ? ?
Message carrierTemplate:Br(Messenger) On a medieval world, the fastest way to send a message is to give it to somebody on a horse and hope they survive the journey. NAME was that somebody. Melee: +3Template:BrAnimals: +4 Intellectual Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
MicrobiologistTemplate:Br(Biologist) A plague struck NAME's native urbworld. NAME and other researchers revealed that the illness was a bioweapon, but the people turned on them, blaming them for the sickness.Template:BrNAME barely escaped their homeworld as it fell into chaos. Medical: +3Template:BrIntellectual: +5 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Midworld chefTemplate:Br(Chef) NAME ran a high-class midworld restaurant. They were famous among patrons for their creative culinary specialties, and infamous among kitchen workers for their casual disdain for grunt work. Cooking: +6Template:BrSocial: +2 Dumb labor Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png
Midworld sailorTemplate:Br(Sailor) NAME joined their country's Royal Navy. After years as a non-commissioned officer, they eventually cracked and used the skills they had acquired to start a mutiny on their ship.Template:BrIn the end, NAME was the leader of a large group of trained and dangerous pirates. They henceforth always had chefs to cook for them. Shooting: +4Template:BrMelee: +3Template:BrConstruction: +3Template:BrSocial: +4 Cooking ? ? ? ? ? ?
Military commissarTemplate:Br(Commissar) NAME was an internal spymaster in an Imperial army battalion. They made sure that the men were loyal, and did not fall back unless ordered. This made them unpopular, but they gained great skill at detecting the slightest dishonesty. Shooting: +3 None Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Military engineerTemplate:Br(Engineer) NAME worked as an engineer for a colonial military. They got to play with weapons, murder-drones, and other 'fun' stuff.Template:BrThey specialized in repairing and modifying mechanoids' tools. Sometimes they tested them themself. Shooting: +3Template:BrMelee: +1Template:BrConstruction: +3Template:BrCrafting: +4 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Military gunsmithTemplate:Br(Gunsmith) When their world was thrown into conflict, NAME was conscripted along with many of their peers into the war machine that tore across the planet.Template:BrWith their particular expertise, they were lucky enough to find a position serving as small arms mechanic rather than on the front line. Shooting: +5Template:BrMelee: +4Template:BrConstruction: +2Template:BrCooking: +1Template:BrCrafting: +5Template:BrMedical: +2 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Military inventorTemplate:Br(Inventor) NAME, in a final act of rebellion, left their father's lab and joined the local Imperial military.Template:BrThey used their laboratory skills to design machines of war. At this they were one of the best on their planet. Shooting: +1Template:BrConstruction: +3Template:BrCrafting: +3Template:BrSocial: +2Template:BrIntellectual: +3 Artistic ? ? ? ? ? ?
Military officerTemplate:Br(Officer) Obsessed with interstellar travel, NAME left their desolate life behind to join a military academy in hopes of becoming a pilot.Template:BrThey were trained in advanced combat and survival skills. While they excelled in their studies, NAME was a loner and never cared about their crewmates. Shooting: +8Template:BrConstruction: +2Template:BrSocial: −3Template:BrIntellectual: +2 Caring ? ? ? ? ? ?
Militia soldierTemplate:Br(Soldier) NAME joined the militia forces and fought for rights and peace.Template:BrAfter their homeworld was unexpectedly destroyed in the wars, they traveled great distances, seeking a refuge where they could build a new, free way of life. Melee: +3Template:BrConstruction: +3Template:BrCrafting: +3Template:BrArtistic: +4Template:BrMedical: −3Template:BrSocial: +4 CookingTemplate:BrCleaning ? ? ? ? ? ?
Mindwiped assassinTemplate:Br(Mindwipe) The corporation took and remade NAME. They trained them into a tool of destruction and subversion. They took to their new life, finding satisfaction in the jobs they sent them on.Template:BrWhen they learned that they planned on disposing of them, NAME turned on their masters, killing several and fleeing the planet. Shooting: +8Template:BrMelee: +4Template:BrCooking: −2 CaringTemplate:BrArtistic ? ? ? ? ? ?
Minister NAME managed to secure an important position in the government of a minor glitterworld. They got used to the opulence, while attempting to keep their citizens content. They had ample time for pleasure and indulgence – though they never forgot how to do hard work. Shooting: +2Template:BrCrafting: +3Template:BrSocial: +4Template:BrIntellctual: +3 Dumb labor ? ? ? ? ? ?
Missionary NAME decided to devote their life to religious service. They made a vow of peace and spent several years preaching and serving food in soup kitchens for the homeless. Cooking: +4Template:BrMedical: +2Template:BrSocial: +6 Violent ? ? ? ? ? ?
Mob henchmanTemplate:Br(Henchman) After being "saved" from their home world by a slaver ship, NAME was sold to an urbworld crime lord, where they were used as a henchman. They specialized in low-tech beat-downs and intimidation. Shooting: +3Template:BrMelee: +7Template:BrCrafting: +2Template:BrMedical: +2Template:BrSocial: −2 ArtisticTemplate:BrCleaning ? ? ? ? ? ?
Model NAME modelled clothes and jewellery for advertisers, and was also used as a physical blueprint for characters in virtual reality simulations.Template:BrNote: Automatically grants the beautiful trait Artistic: +6Template:BrSocial: +5 Dumb laborTemplate:BrSkilled laborTemplate:BrCaringTemplate:BrIntellectual Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Muffalo researcherTemplate:Br(Researcher) NAME specialized in studying and manipulating the genetic code of the muffalo.Template:BrTheir work left little time to develop an appreciation for the arts or other people's company. Melee: −3Template:BrAnimals: +4Template:BrMedical: +4Template:BrIntellectual: +5 SocialTemplate:BrArtistic ? ? ? ? ? ?
Muffalo shamanTemplate:Br(Shaman) Because of their quiet wisdom and great strength, NAME became the spiritual leader for a nomadic tribe that followed the herds of roaming muffalo. Melee: +5Template:BrSocial: +2 None Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png
Mutinous captainTemplate:Br(Captain) NAME was taken to the stars by slavers after their tribe was decimated in a raid. Over the years they learned the language of their captors, eventually working for them as an interpreter and diplomat.Template:BrThe captain only learned of NAME's true cunning when revenge was taken by form of mutiny. Shooting: +4Template:BrSocial: +8 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Navy scientistTemplate:Br(Scientist) Interstellar warfare is won by technology, so imperial navies are always on the peak of modern research. Even better, they have first access to archotechnological artifacts because they find them in space.Template:BrNAME worked in a navy lab. Intellectual: +8 None Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Navy tech officerTemplate:Br(Navy tech) After repairing a fleet admiral's holoscreen with nothing but a pair of rusty pliers and scrap wire, NAME was invited to the Federation Naval Academy.Template:BrThey received an excellent technical education and extensive firearms training, but had no interest in studying more menial skills. Shooting: +4Template:BrCooking: −2Template:BrAnimals: −2Template:BrCrafting: +5Template:BrIntellectual: +6 Dumb labor ? ? ? ? ? ?
Network engineerTemplate:Br(Engineer) NAME spent all their time working on computer networking systems.Template:BrThey lived without a care in the world - other than uptime and dropped packets. Shooting: +4Template:BrConstruction: +4Template:BrCrafting: +4Template:BrIntellectual: +4 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Neuro scientistTemplate:Br(Scientist) NAME worked for a long time to improve the world's understanding of the human brain.Template:BrAfter succeeding in mapping the whole brain, NAME joined a team of scientists on a quest to map the brains of xeno species. Medical: +3Template:BrSocial: +2Template:BrIntellectual: +8 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Ninja assassinTemplate:Br(Ninja) NAME performed stiletto-precise assassinations for an interplanetary conglomerate. They were assigned the most complex missions involving disguise, deception, subterfuge, and efficient violence.Template:BrA nasty incident with a potted plant and an assassination gone wrong left them with an aversion to plant life. Shooting: +4Template:BrMelee: +3Template:BrCrafting: +2Template:BrSocial: +2 Plant work ? ? ? Check.png ? ?
Novelist NAME lived on a glitterworld, penning wildly successful novels. They lived a carefree lifestyle, spending their days writing and their nights partying - and never did a day's manual labour in their life. Construction: −5Template:BrMining: −5Template:BrArtistic: +8 Dumb laborTemplate:BrSocial Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png
Nurse NAME worked in an industrial-era hospital, doing routine work such as changing bandages and taking temperatures.Template:BrIt was a busy job, but they could always find time for a chat with a patient. Medical: +5Template:BrSocial: +4 Violent Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Orbital reservistTemplate:Br(Reservist) When the government declared that it would strengthen its military defenses, NAME was drafted and trained.Template:BrThey were stationed on an orbital base, manning the defense systems and, in dire situations, descending in a dropship to the surface. Shooting: +7Template:BrMelee: +5Template:BrMedical: +2 None ? ? ? ? ? ?
Paramedic NAME's job was to respond rapidly to medical emergencies. HECAP is used to dealing with severe injuries with only limited medical supplies.Template:BrTemplate:BrHECAP treated so many gunshot wounds over the years that even seeing a gun made HIM uncomfortable. Shooting −5Template:BrMedicine +6 N/A Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Pirate sympathizer From her youth, NAME developed connections in the underworld. There she trained in melee combat and became a trusted underworld advisor.Template:BrAfter participating in a failed rebellion, she fled her homeworld to travel with a pirate band. Shooting: +4Template:BrMelee: +8 None ? Check.png ? ? ? ?
Pit brawler NAME was nine years old when HE got in HIS first fight. HECAP won, but more important was the enjoyment of HIS audience. Pit fighting turned out to be a lucrative career for those who could survive it. And it was even mostly legal.Template:BrNote: Prevents Brawler trait. Melee +8 IntellectualTemplate:BrCaring Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Political assassinTemplate:Br(Deathjack) NAME realized that his true calling was in physical solutions to diplomatic problems. He sought training from the assassins guild on Ceti V. He was a quick study at the arts of subterfuge and death. He soon earned the guild rank of Deathjack. Shooting +8Template:BrMelee +8 Dumb laborTemplate:BrSkilled laborTemplate:BrCaringTemplate:BrSocialTemplate:BrArtistic Check.png ? ? ? ? ?
Pop idolTemplate:Br(Pop idol) NAME performed and did interviews constantly. HECAP refined HIS skills in dancing and singing, and became a master of social presentation.Template:BrNote: Automatically grants the beautiful trait Shooting −4Template:BrMelee −4Template:BrSocial +8Template:BrMining −4Template:BrArtistic +8 Dumb laborTemplate:BrCleaningTemplate:BrHaulingTemplate:BrPlant workTemplate:BrMining ? ? ? ? ? ?
Psychiatric patientTemplate:Br(Patient) NAME spent most of HIS adult life in an insane asylum. HISCAP industrial homeworld had a poor understanding of mental illness, and HE was treated more like an animal than a person.Template:BrTemplate:BrThough HE eventually recovered and was released, HIS experience dampened many of HIS basic life skills. Cooking −2Template:BrCrafting −2 SocialTemplate:BrCaringTemplate:BrScaryTemplate:BrCooking Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Ranch ownerTemplate:Br(Rancher) NAME owned and operated a successful ranch where HE raised animals for meat and wool.Template:BrTemplate:BrHECAP refused to do any dumb labour HE could pay someone else to do for HIM. Animals +8Template:BrCooking −4Template:BrMining −4 Dumb labor Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png
Recruiter NAME was part of an revered order of martial artists, infamous both for their skill in combat and for their practice of refusing to treat their wounded.Template:BrTemplate:BrHECAP travelled HIS homeworld, judging the young people HE met to determine if they might be suitable for training. Melee +5Template:BrSocial +5 Caring Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
Roboticist NAME felt more comfortable with robots and artificial intelligences than with organic people, so she worked as a roboticist. She took a particular interest in mechanites and ancient technology. NAME relied of other people for her basic needs. Construction +3Template:BrCrafting +6Template:BrIntellectual +4 CookingTemplate:BrPlant work Check.png ? ? ? ? ?
Runaway dancerTemplate:Br(Dancer) Grown by and for science, NAME gave it up. Instead, she wanted to dance for crowds across many worlds, from the glamor of the glitter worlds to the dangers of the rim. Such work required wearing a smile on her face and a pistol under her costume. Shooting +2Template:BrSocial +6Template:BrArtistic +4 N/A Check.png ? ? ? ? ?
Sailor NAME traversed the oceans on journeys of exploration, seeking out plant and animal specimens from exotic places, and occasionally fending off pirates. HECAP loved the sea so much HE refused to do all but the barest minimum of work on land, except to sell the treasures HE collected. Melee +4Template:BrSocial +4Template:BrAnimals +4 Skilled labor Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png
Scout Since HIS tribe has made contact with local outlanders, NAME has contracted HIS services out as a guide to the local area. Frequent contact with ancient relics has made HIM fairly comfortable with the old technology. Shooting +2Template:BrSocial +2Template:BrIntellectual +2 N/A Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png
Sculptor NAME started off sculpting person-sized chunks of stone, but HE soon began to think bigger. With the help of mining robots, HE learned how to carve huge monuments out of cliffsides. Soon the nature parks of the glitterworld where HE lived were full of giant rock figures. Growing −4Template:BrMining +4Template:BrArtistic +8 Dumb laborTemplate:BrCraftingTemplate:BrCooking Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
Serial murderer NAME started to enjoy killing people, so HE did more often and perfected HIS methods. HECAP lurked in the darkest streets, stalking prey for hours.Template:BrTemplate:BrHECAP enjoyed making artworks of HIS victims, and was known for leaving HIS signature on the bodies of those HE killed. Shooting +4Template:BrMelee +4Template:BrArtistic +4 Animals ? ? ? ? ? ?
Shaman of ShadowsTemplate:Br(Shaman) When the monsters of fire came from the sky, NAME was called upon by HIS tribe to guide them into battle.Template:BrTemplate:BrNAME made use of medicine and rituals to inspire and lead the warriors of many tribes against the invaders. The pirates were forced to retreat without capturing a single slave.Template:BrNote: comes with "accursed child" as childhood backstory. Social +6Template:BrMedicine +4Template:BrConstruction −2Template:BrGrowing +2Template:BrResearch +2 Hunting Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png
Sheriff NAME was the law enforcer in an isolated industrial town. HECAP was known for having an arrogant attitude and a mean streak. HECAP refused to lift so much as a finger unless it was for money, alcohol, or revenge. Shooting +8Template:BrMelee +5Template:BrSocial −3 Dumb laborTemplate:BrSkilled laborTemplate:BrSocialTemplate:BrCaring Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Smuggler As a contract pilot, NAME had a knack for stealing goods and trafficking contraband without getting caught. She eventually saved up enough to buy her own ship, and used it to travel from world to world dealing her goods in person. Shooting +2Template:BrMelee +2Template:BrSocial +5Template:BrMedicine +2Template:BrIntellectual −2 Art ? Check.png ? ? ? ?
Space pirateTemplate:Br(Pirate) Piracy appears everywhere that governments are weak and society spread thin. NAME was part of this age-old part of human existence, extorting and smashing peaceful trade ships for profit. Melee +4Template:BrShooting +4 N/A Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Space traffickerTemplate:Br(Trafficker) NAME discovered he was heir of his distant uncle's weapons-trading business. To protect the future of the company he went through extensive military training, in case of any "unforeseen circumstances". Shooting +5Template:BrMelee +5Template:BrMedical −2Template:BrSocial +5 HandlingTemplate:BrSmithingTemplate:BrTailoringTemplate:BrArtTemplate:BrCrafting Check.png ? ? ? ? ?
Special forcesTemplate:Br(Specialist) Give me a reason to kill - a good reason! NAME was a soldier and a skilled one - so skilled that he entered the special forces to battle militants and xenohuman raiders. He never imagined himself a lone hero, but he played his part in the group well. Shooting +7Template:BrMelee +6Template:BrSocial +2 IntellectualTemplate:BrAnimalsTemplate:BrArtistic ? Check.png ? ? ? ?
Slave chemist NAME became a gifted pharmaceutical scientist, but was captured by slavers. HECAP was sold to a warlord and forced to create drugs to test on other slaves. This left HIM with deep and troubling questions on the ethics of scientific research and medicine. Melee −1Template:BrMedicine +5Template:BrConstruction −1Template:BrMining −2Template:BrResearch +4 Firefighting ? ? ? ? Check.png ?
Space bartender NAME became a bartender on a space station. He interacted with and befriended many strangers. As time went on, NAME used his knowledge of herbs in order to craft his own strange concoctions for his customers. Social +4Template:BrCooking +5Template:BrGrowing +4Template:BrCrafting +2 N/A ? ? ? Check.png ? ?
Space marineTemplate:Br(Marine) NAME was a warrior in an Imperial navy. HISCAP job was to punch into enemy starships, gun down the crew, and capture the ship intact. And HE was good at it. Melee +5Template:BrShooting +7 N/A Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
SpyTemplate:Br(Spy) NAME was trained by HIS government in infiltration and espionage. HECAP learned to keep a cool head and to talk HIS way out of tight situations. When talking didn't work, HE was capable of more violent direct action. Shooting +2Template:BrMelee +2Template:BrSocial +7 N/A ? ? ? ? ? ?
Starship janitorTemplate:Br(Janitor) While other passengers pass the years between star systems in cryptosleep sarcophagi, NAME had to wake up at periodic intervals to perform inspections, check the navigation systems, and to oil the mechanoids. Construction +2Template:BrCrafting +3 N/A Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png
Tactician NAME joined the space navy in an unstable system, fraught with large-scale interplanetary wars. they turned out to have a sharp mind for battle, and became adept at commanding large armies to great effect. Shooting +4Template:BrResearch +4 SocialTemplate:BrArtistic Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Taster As the taster for a medieval king, any dish served at the royal table had to be sampled first by NAME. HECAP lived a decadent lifestyle at court, getting fat and doing very little work. Cooking +7Template:BrConstruction −4Template:BrCrafting −4 Dumb labor Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png
Taxonomist NAME travelled between star systems, studying and classifying the plant and animal life HE found in the hopes of creating a complete catalogue. Animals +5Template:BrGrowing +5 Violent Check.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png
Teacher NAME was educated in the liberal arts and taught at a public school. HECAP was widely knowledgeable and well-liked by HIS students. Research +3Template:BrSocial +4 N/A Check.png Ex.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png
Test subjectTemplate:Br(Subject) NAME's tests went from geometry to quantum physics, and HE could run the grand gauntlet without a scratch.Template:BrTemplate:BrOne day, Mother said that HIS final test lay beyond the red door, and that even if HE couldn't hear her voice, Mother would always be there. Melee +4Template:BrMedicine +3Template:BrCooking +1Template:BrResearch +4 CaringTemplate:BrSocialTemplate:BrPlant workTemplate:BrMining ? ? ? ? ? ?
Test subjectTemplate:Br(Experiment) Kidnapped as a teenager, NAME was an unwilling test subject in experimental gene therapies for six years. Labs and scientists scare her. Shooting +6Template:BrMelee +8Template:BrSocial −4 Intellectual ? Check.png ? ? ? ?
Tool mechanicTemplate:Br(Mechanic) NAME was a famous tool mechanic in a dusty rim world. After his firm closed due to scandal, he joined a tribe to survive, crafting fine knifes and hammers, traveling, and dealing his wares between settlements. Construction +5Template:BrArtistic +2Template:BrCrafting +8 AnimalsTemplate:BrArtisticTemplate:BrPlant work ? ? ? Check.png ? ?
Torturer Working for a tyrannical monarch on a medieval world, NAME earned a reputation as an expert in 'persuasion.' Any prisoner who went down into the dungeons left with no secrets - and with NAME's smile scarred permanently into their nightmares.Template:BrNote: Prevents Psychopath trait. Melee +6 SocialTemplate:BrCaring Check.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png
Treasure hunter NAME explored outer rim planets in hopes of finding rare treasures. After succeeding in finding one legendary sculpture, he was betrayed by his men. He survived their treasonous attack, but the sculpture was taken. He created the Anvil Mercenary Company to help him seek revenge. Shooting +5Template:BrMelee +5Template:BrSocial +4Template:BrMedicine +2Template:BrCooking +2 Dumb laborTemplate:BrAnimalsTemplate:BrArtistic Check.png ? ? ? ? ?
Tunnelworld illuminatorTemplate:Br(Illuminator) Among tunnel-dwellers, those with vision as strong as NAME's are revered as sages. HECAP would lead the way, marking spots to dig with bioluminescent fungus and warning others of impending danger. Mining +3Template:BrSocial +2 N/A Ex.png Check.png Check.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png
Unethical doctor (Doctor) NAME became a doctor to save lives and research medicine. She soon realized the only way to make progress on her research was to perform experiments on human patients. She often used patients for her experiments - whether they were willing or not. Medicine +6Template:Br Intellectual +6 WardeningTemplate:Br Plant cuttingTemplate:Br HaulingTemplate:Br Cleaning ? Check.png ? ? ? ?
Urbworld entrepreneurTemplate:Br(Entrepreneur) In the urbworlds, most suffer. But someone has to run the corporations.Template:BrTemplate:BrNAME learned the skills of the trade - greasing palms and technical analysis. HECAP is a sociointellectual machine. Social +6Template:BrResearch +3 N/A Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Urbworld pimp At first, NAME made a small profit from selling drugs. Then, HE switched to selling women and made a fortune.Template:BrTemplate:BrHECAP developed great skills with HIS fists. HECAP also learned to fix up the injuries HE inflicted on the girls. Melee +6Template:BrSocial +4Template:BrMedicine +5 Cleaning ? ? ? ? ? ?
Urbworld sex slave NAME was sold into sexual slavery. Having been designed to be inhumanly attractive and too weak to rebel against HIS masters, HE was passed between dozens of owners and knew nothing of freedom.Template:BrNote: Automatically grants the beautiful trait Social +6Template:BrCooking +2Template:BrArtistic −2 HuntingTemplate:BrResearching ? ? ? ? ? ?
VeterinarianTemplate:Br(Vet) NAME treated sick and injured animals for a living. Seeing their suffering affected HIS stance on the practice of eating meat, and for many years HE lived as a vegetarian, rejecting the meat-loving culinary tradition of HIS homeworld. Animals +4Template:BrMedicine +4Template:BrCooking −4 N/A Check.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png
Villain After rising to the top of his criminal band, NAME was taught the arts of villainy, from handling firearms to developing new weapon technologies. He excelled at bending others to his will. Shooting +4Template:BrSocial +6Template:BrMining −2Template:BrIntellectual +2 Hauling ? Check.png ? ? ? ?
Vinho kingTemplate:Br(Booze king) After prohibition came to Aracena VI, NAME expanded his underground liquor business until it dominated the market on two continents. They called him the Vinho King. Though he mostly controlled his competition by masterful political maneuvering, he was not above the occasional beat-down or stiletto assassination. Shooting +3Template:BrSocial +7Template:BrIntellectual +3 Plant work ? Check.png ? ? ? ?
VR designerTemplate:Br(Game dev) NAME designed virtual reality simulations for glitterworld citizens. HECAP paid great attention to the details of HIS worlds, including learning all HE could about plant life to make HIS landscapes more realistic. Construction +3Template:BrGrowing +4Template:BrArtistic +5 Dumb labor Check.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Ex.png
Wandering healerTemplate:Br(Healer) NAME studied to be a doctor, but was dissatisfied with HIS practice on an otherwise peaceful midworld.Template:BrTemplate:BrInstead, HE chose to pull up roots and travel to the rimworlds in order to care for people who needed HIM most. Social +3Template:BrMedicine +7Template:BrCooking +2Template:BrConstruction −1Template:BrMining −1 Violent ? ? ? ? ? ?
War chief NAME was a tribal gang leader on a neolithic planet. For him, the battlefield is a game, and there is nothing more fun than the fires of war. Shooting +7Template:BrMelee +5Template:BrSocial +2 CleaningTemplate:BrHaulingTemplate:BrPlant work ? ? ? Check.png ? ?
Warrior NAME was a fearsome warrior, proficient with many weapons. HECAP participated in many battles. Melee +6Template:BrShooting +2Template:BrSocial −2 N/A Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png Ex.png Check.png
Weaver NAME was an expert at working muffalo wool, plant fibres and natural dyes into beautiful clothing for HIS kin. HISCAP beautiful handicrafts were traded frequently between local tribes. Crafting +5Template:BrGrowing +2 N/A Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Ex.png Check.png
Wildlife rangerTemplate:Br(Ranger) Dismayed at the poachers driving several animal species to near-extinction, NAME became a wildlife ranger. He cared for and protected the animals - by force if necessary. He grew to hate people slaughtering animals for luxury and profit. Shooting +2Template:BrAnimals +8Template:BrMedicine +2 Art ? ? ? Check.png ? ?