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A caravan is a group of one or more colonists and their supplies, animals, and prisoners. Each caravan is represented on the world map by a yellow icon.


While in the World map, select the colony icon and click 'Form caravan'. You can create multiple caravans.

People and Animals

Choose the colonists, prisoners, and animals you wish to include in the caravan. At least one colonist must be chosen. Each colonist, prisoner, and pack animal (dromedary or muffalo) can carry items. Most animals cannot carry anything.


Use the Items tab to optionally bring supplies, especially food. The estimated days of food is listed at the top. The only pawns that can carry items are colonists, muffalos, and dromedaries.

Carrying capacity:

  • Colonists/prisoners: 35 kilograms (kg). This capacity includes clothing, gear and inventory they already have.
  • Muffalo: 70 kg
  • Dromedary: 66.5 kg

The combined carrying capacity and mass of selected items is listed at the top. Buttons are used to select items/amounts. A double arrow [>>] will take the full quantity of an item. The arrow [>M] indicates you cannot carry the full quantity, but it will automatically take the maximum amount. When over capacity, the arrow [M<] will return some or all of those items so that the mass total does not exceed the caravan's carrying capacity.


Use the Config tab to choose an exit direction. It's possible to have no available exit direction, such as when on a single-tile island, thus a caravan cannot be launched.

A caravan can:

  • Move - Right-click to select destination. A line indicates the optimal route (accounting for terrain speed and elevation changes).
  • Settle - Click Settle to create a new colony. You may not settle a new colony when already at maximum. The default maximum is one. This can be set up to up to five (in Menu - Options).
  • Enter back into the colony.
  • Split - Click the Split button. Each caravan must consist of at least one colonist.
  • Merge - Select two or more caravans in the same tile and click Merge to form a single caravan.
  • Trade - When a caravan has reached a friendly faction outpost, click the trade button to open the trade dialog window.
  • Attack - A caravan can attack any faction outpost, regardless of relations status, though attacking will worsen relations.

Gameplay Notes

Double-clicking a caravan will select all caravans on the screen. In this way multiple caravans can be ordered to a single destination.

Colonists, prisoners, and animals in a caravan require food; automatically eating as needed. When food supplies are depleted pawns will start to starve and will die if they reach max malnutrition.

If a member of a caravan dies, everything they were carrying is lost. If all colonists of a caravan die, then all prisoners, animals, and items are lost.

Inspection Pane

In the World view the caravan's inspection pane displays its status.

Movement status:

  • Traveling - moving to destination.
  • Resting - caravan automatically stops between hours 22 and 6 to sleep.
  • Waiting - no destination selected.
  • Stopped - stopped moving with reason given.

Estimated time to destination - time to destination based on the current tile movement time. Days of food - compare this to 'estimated time to destination' to determine if your caravan has enough food for the journey.

Movement speed is greatly reduced any pawn is incapacitated. If inventory mass exceeds carrying capacity the caravan will become immobilized until the mass is reduced.

Base movement time: Movement speed based on pawns' movement.

Current tile movement time: Current movement speed based on the terrain, biome, and weather (only affected during winter). (See table on this page for details.)

A caravan may stop for various reasons. A caravan will automatically stop between hours 22 and 6 while the members sleep. A caravan will stop if all colonists are downed. A caravan will stop if any member is having a mental break.


The inspection pane has tabs to manage the caravan and view details.

By clicking the red X you can drop items or abandon members - and be lost forever. Items carried by a dismissed pawn will be lost. Dropping items may be necessary if the caravan becomes overburdened and unable to move. Depending on the context, abandoning a caravan member will cause their friends and family to have sad thoughts.

In the gear tab you can swap apparel.


Caravan Encounter

Occasionally another caravan may cross your path giving you an opportunity to trade; or attack them if you wish. If you attack them you'll damage relations. Your pawns may exit the map.


Your caravan has been ambushed by an enemy faction. Colonists cannot exit the map until the attackers are defeated (killed, downed, or fled).

Manhunter Ambush

Your caravan has been ambushed by a pack of manhunter animals. Colonists cannot exit the map until the attackers are defeated.

Movement Speed Table

Last updated for A16.1393

The following table lists the base caravan movement speed in hours per tile for an unencumbered human. Flat terrain is naturally easiest to travel. Hills and mountains will worsen travel speed for that biome. Biomes with cold winters have reduced movement speed during the winter. It appears to be interpolated based on the current season and temperature with the worst case values listed in the table below.

It is unlikely that your carvan will travel at the speed listed here. Clothing, armor, traits, and health conditions all affect a pawn's movement speed. A caravan's movement speed is determined by the slowest member of the caravan across colonists and animals. Some example of things that may slow you down:

  • Clothing and armor (varies; e.g. Parkas and Power Armor have non-trivial movement penalties)
  • Injured colonists
  • Traits (e.g. Slowpoke)
  • Slower animals, including both Muffalo and Dromedaries (the two animals that can haul goods in caravans)
    • Animals can be injured too. A Muffalo missing a leg or two will slow down your caravan even more.
    • Pregnant animals move at 70% speed.
    • Juvenile animals move at 90% speed.
    • Baby animals move at 50% speed.

While the slower Muffalo and Dromedary speeds compared to the human base speed won't significantly affect shorter distances, baby animals and seriously injured colonists can have a significant impact, increasing travel time by 30% or more.

Terrain Biome Flat Small Hills Large Hills Mountains
Easy Arid Shrubland 0.99 1.8 3.4 13
Desert 0.99 1.8 3.4 13
Extreme Desert 0.99 1.8 3.4 13
Tundra (summer) 0.99 1.8 3.4 13
Tundra (winter) 17 18 19 28
Moderate Boreal Forest (summer) 1.6 2.4 4 14
Boreal Forest (winter) 17 18 19 28
Temperate Forest (summer) 1.6 2.4 4 14
Temperate Forest (winter) 11 12 13 23
Rough Ice Sheet 3 3.8 5.4 15
Difficult Tropical Rainforest 5 5.8 7.4 17
Sea Ice 5 -- -- --