Topic on User talk:Ickputzdirwech

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> I don't want to know how often that template is called.

Its on something like 1300 pages... yeah its a lot. Glad to know that nothings broken - I've been looking and haven't found anything either. It'd have to be a weird edge case that relied on the variable somehow I think, but I've never seen anything like that.

> do the combined bluntAndQualityFactor and sharpAndQualityFactor really make a difference?

It was most a test to see how much of a difference a small difference would make - that same extra var call and multiplication was done what, like 20 times if every one fired? Iirc it was a couple of percent different. Not huge, but not nothing. Nothing I could see was pulling those values out to use, and I didn't really see a use for doing so either, but if you disagree you're welcome to revert that bit. Whatever you need. The vast majority is from changing it to #show/fixing the defaults.

> I think the templates could be optimised enough to activate the material toggle in the preview

Fantastic! Its 100% something that'd be great to have. It just has to work.