Topic on User talk:Harakoni

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There is a format standard for a reason. The construction cost is not the most important part of the information and even if it was it wouldn't belong in the intro. The intro is a short introduction to topic. Detail goes in the body. This keeps the page formats consistent so readers always know where to go to find the information they're looking for, and stops the intro from being bloated into a monolithic page with no headings where you have to read everything to find the information you want. Removing the heading makes the page worse, makes it inconsistent with the others, and makes it less future proof.

And please stop spamming topics on my talk page. Just pick one and keep posting in it. In that vein of stopping the spam, regarding deterioration doesn't apply to buildings. We don't need to and shouldn't spell out everything that doesn't apply to a page topic unless its a comparatively rare exception. We don't need to put for example that armchairs don't zzt when it rains or that pirates won't try to steal the filth on the floor or that cows don't explode when they die like boomalopes. But noting that corn plants are vulnerable to blight? Thats a good addition because its only the domesticated plants, a fairly small subset of plants, and even then there are a number of exceptions.

We also don't need to spell out things that apply to literally every member of its class, because those are handled by their parent pages. For example, every temperature sensitive plant has the same temperature ranges. There is some variation on when a given single individual plant will die, because it uses an RNG to decide the specific tick it dies on, but the ranges are the same.