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Showing 20 pages using this property.
A simple bed that lays on the floor, usually made of cloth or leather, often lined with fur. It is lightweight and can be rolled up for easy transport, but it is not quite as comfortable as a typical bed. Caravans can use bedrolls while traveling for better sleep.  +
The first beverage besides water ever consumed by mankind. Beer can taste good, but its main effect is intoxication. Excessive consumption can lead to alcohol blackouts and, over time, addiction.  +
A soft, round, flat-crowned hat.  +
Assorted berries. Nice to eat, even when raw.  +
A bushy wild plant which yields delicious berries. Berries can be cooked, but they're also good to eat even when raw.  +
A dryad caste specialized in food production. Together with its Gauranlen tree, this dryad can generate nourishing berries on an ongoing basis. However, it is slow and ineffective at work or combat.<br>In general, dryads are mammal-like creatures that have a symbiotic relationship with the Gauranlen tree. They reproduce together with their tree, which contains a hidden dryad queen. Dryads can morph into various specialized castes.  +
Induce an angry psychosis in the target's mind, causing them to attack anyone nearby.  +
Generate an overwhelming rush of undirected rage in everyone near the target point.  +
A soft-topped bounded table for playing a variety of billiards-type games. It trains shooting ability.  +
An exotic metal-like fibrous substance with both organic and metallic properties. Bioferrite is produced by microscopic mechanites as they process organic material. In cases of disordered mechanite behavior, this happens in a chaotic, cancer-like way.<br>The material is known to interact with some types of psychic flows. If pressurized under specific conditions, bioferrite becomes extremely flammable, making it a useful fuel.  +
An electrical generator that works by pressurizing and igniting bioferrite, then harvesting energy from the resulting heat.<br/><br/>Because of the destruction of psychically active bioferrite, this device generates an uncomfortable psychic drone which disturbs those who pass nearby.  +
When placed near a holding platform, this device draws biomass from the held entity and converts it to bioferrite. The harvester creates more bioferrite than manual extraction.<br/><br/>Larger entities generally produce more bioferrite. However, for most creatures, the process causes extreme discomfort, making the entity harder to contain.<br/><br/>Each holding platform can only support one harvester; however, each harvester can connect to multiple platforms.  +
Heavy plate flooring made from smoothed bioferrite. While ugly and slightly flammable, it's quick to clean and increases the strength of nearby holding platforms.  +
A work bench used to craft bioferrite products. This bench uses heat and electromagnetic stimulation to temporarily coax bioferrite into a pliable state, allowing a worker to shape it into complex shapes and combine it with other materials.  +
Refines biological matter like wood or plant matter into chemfuel.  +
A limited-use psychic effector. It twists and reshapes the musculature of the target, causing them to transform into a terrifying creature. This biomutation lance was crafted from a broken shard of dark archotechnology.  +
A one-use broad-wave psychic effector created from a dark archotech shard. The device creates a pulse that reshapes the musculature of every animal within the region, turning them into terrifying creatures. Animals currently under your control will not be affected.  +
An advanced artificial arm. Silenced mini-servos give great strength, while the biogel nerve-link gives exquisite control. A lattice-dust healing system allows it to recover from damage. It is better than a biological arm in almost every way.  +
An advanced artificial ear implant. A collection of invisible subdermal microphones capture sound and transmit it to a biogel nerve interface that links directly with the auditory nerve. It's sensitive enough to hear a cat before you see it, can't be damaged by loud noise, and automatically tunes itself to pick out meaningful sounds in noisy environments.  +
An advanced artificial eye. With its biogel nerve-link, internal signal pre-processor, and wide-spectrum sensors, it is better than a biological eye in almost every way. A lattice-dust healing system allows it to recover from damage.  +