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Revision as of 05:52, 28 January 2014 by AcDie (talk | contribs)
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Orders are used to allot what objects on the colony need to be interacted with.

<translate>Cut plants</translate>
<translate>Haul things</translate>
<translate>Mine</translate> <translate>Harvest plants</translate>


Cut plants

Marks plants to be cut and destroyed. The plant will be completely removed, and any food will be harvested. </translate> <translate>

Harvest plants

Marks plants to be harvested. Food will be harvested as possible from plant, but the plant it self will remain. </translate> <translate>

Haul things

Mark debris to be hauled to dumping areas. </translate> <translate>


Designate areas of rock or mineral to be mined out. </translate>
