AI Storytellers

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RimWorld's AI Storytelling

The gameplay of RimWorld is driven by AI (Artificial Intelligence) Storytellers. The AI Storyteller that you choose will make decisions about what events it wants you to encounter and when, based on the situation you are currently in and on the biases of that particular AI.
Choosing an AI is the first decision you make in RimWorld, and will have a great influence on the narrative that is formed as you play. Some are easier or harder than others, while others may be completely unpredictable!

Current AI Storytellers

The storytellers that currently exist in the game are as follows.

Chill Callie Classic

It start out pretty chill, but it gets really exciting at the end!

~ Chill Callie Classic, RimWorld Yonger AI.
Callie is a less aggressive version of her sister Cassandre. She's good for a first game.

Cassandra Classic

The essence of good storytelling is the perfect progression of intensifying struggle.

~ Cassandra Classic, RimWorld Primary AI.
Cassandra Classic is your go-to AI for a standard RimWorld experience. She will give you a fair game experience that begins with small challenges that amp up over time to intense events that can only be survived by smart planning and perhaps a little luck.

Tough Kassandra Classic

The depths of human nature can only be glimpsed through the lens of suffering.

~ Tough Kassandra Classic, RimWorld Extended AI.
Cassandra's Classic less forgiving cousin. Was added in earlier development stages as a secondary version of Cassandra called Kassandra which runs on the same algorithm, but with a slightly more challenging difficulty curve.

Phoebe Friendly

Can`t we all just get along? I don't want a story that makes me feel tense all the time. Let's make one about friendship and hope.

~ Phoebe Friendly, RimWorld Peaceful AI.
Phoebe doesn't want to hurt anyone. She just wants a relaxing tale about people building a colony. So she'll be very friendly. This AI is best for a sandbox experience in which you can grow your colony without major interference. Minor issues will still arise, but nothing that will seriously impede or end your game. This AI is great for learning the game or just enjoying a peaceful, creative RimWorld experience.

Randy Random

The world it random, dude. Stories should be too! Hey, you got a light?

~ Randy Random, RimWorld Accidental AI.
Randy is the wildcard AI. Any AI event could be triggered at any time with Randy. You may encounter insanely good trade deals, or you may find yourself faced with a raid during a storm while there is an eclipse as your power generator explodes, and you military members go insane. For those looking to ultimately lose to chaos among their attempts at order a la Dwarf Fortress, Randy Random may be the AI Storyteller for you.

Future AI Storytellers

While no other particular AIs are confirmed, there are plans for other AIs such as AI focused on raising population, creating seasonal events, creating a lack of food, and other ideas suggested by the community. It is not confirmed, but it also may be possible that AIs will be somewhat configurable in the future.