Psychic suppressor

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Psychic suppressor

Psychic suppressor

An archotech device that generates a massive psychic suppression field tuned to a particular gender. People of that gender have their psychic activity suppressed, reducing their consciousness. The effect is modulated by an individual's psychic sensitivity.

Base Stats

BuildingMechanoid cluster


6 × 6
Cover Effectiveness
Blocks Wind
Destroy yield
Steel 60 + Component 1 + Plasteel 10 + Steel slag chunk 4

Psychic supressors are mechanoid cluster and quest condition causers added by the Royalty DLC. They reduce the Consciousness of all humans of a gender in a 10 world-tile radius.


A psychic suppressor sets a maximum Consciousness limit to humans of a specific gender, which is scaled by the individual's Psychic Sensitivity. At 100% sensitivity, a pawn's Consciousness will have a maximum of 50%. At 0% sensitivity, Consciousness will have a maximum of 100%, preventing any boosts beyond normal consciousness. Both colonists and raiders are affected by the suppressor.

Consciousness, in turn, affects a wide variety of stats. It directly impacts Manipulation, Moving, Talking Eating, which each have an impact on almost anything a pawn can do. See each page for more details.


Psychic suppressors are massive threats if they affect multiple important pawns at once. A baseline pawn will move 50% slower, do most work 50% slower, and will be much less effective in combat. Reduced Consciousness makes it easier to down or kill any affected pawn. Conversely, if no colonist is currently affected by the suppressor, then this building is beneficial, due to the effect on raiders.

Preferably, use unsuppressed pawns to take out psychic suppressors. Suppressed pawns can still be useful for support via EMP grenades or smoke launchers. Both weapons are unaffected by the loss in Consciousness; their Aiming Time remains the same, while reduced accuracy is irrelevant due to how the weapon mechanics work. However, they will still be vulnerable in combat.

If the condition causer has spawned inside your colony, then you can use mortars to shell it for a distance. Just watch out for mech high-shields.