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Minimum Skills Needed to TRY Taming?

Havan IronOak (talkcontribs)

I just started playing again after a hiatus of over a year and I've fogotten some things and many things have changed. That said... The "Inspirations" seem new to me. I came here as I've gotten three inspirations on pawns with level 4 Handling skills so far. And none on my animal handlers. I came to the wiki to find out if a particular inspiration was a complete waste after trying every animal on the map. If the guy can't handle taming a Guinea Pig of what value is that inspiration? A chart with Minimum taming skills required by animal type would be VERY helpful.

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

List of animals does have the info you want but the very fact that you didn't find it while looking for that information talla me that we need to work on directing people to the right areas. I'll have a think about how we can improve that.

Havan IronOak (talkcontribs)

Thanks! When I went back today I was able to find it. Not sure if that's because you changed something or if I just came at it from a different angle.

Harakoni (talkcontribs)

No nothing I changed, likely just now you know where to look. I'll still look into improving navigating that page family.

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