Ancient cryptosleep casket

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Ancient cryptosleep casket

Ancient cryptosleep casket

This cryptosleep casket looks like it has been here for a very long time. Who knows what it might contain?

Base Stats

Market Value
370 Silver


2 × 1
Cover Effectiveness


Deconstruct yield
Steel 135 + Uranium 4

The cryptosleep casket is used to contain a humanoid or animal in a state of suspended animation.


Can only be found inside ancient shrines. They are almost always occupied by Ancients and guarded by either mechanoids or insectoids, however the information panel will only show the contents as 'unknown' without any specification. If any of the caskets in a shrine are disturbed, every one of the caskets will release their occupants which are often, but not always hostile. They will automatically eject their occupants when hit with any type of attack.

An empty cryptosleep casket may be claimed and used by the colony as its own.


A pawn can enter or be carried into a cryptosleep casket to activate cryptosleep. Inside, the occupants biological functions are suspended; they will not age biologically, and most needs and health conditions like hunger, drug addiction, disease, are suspended. However, social standing and time-sensitive mood effects do tick down while in cryptosleep. While in a casket, a colony's pawn counts as 100% of their actual wealth, but only count as 30% of a colonist when determining raid points. This means that pawns do count for determining raid size, but at a lesser amount.

For colonists, simply select the colonist, right click the casket, and select "Enter ancient cryptosleep casket". Other colonists can drag downed pawns by right clicking the pawn in question. Animals or prisoners can be put into cryptosleep caskets, but they need to be downed first. You can set an operation to apply anesthesia, which requires a unit of medicine. Alternatively, you can use violence, or, if they have a brain implant Content added by the Royalty DLC, they can also be EMPed to cause brain shock to quickly and cheaply down them.

After waking from cryptosleep, a humanoid will have cryptosleep sickness for a short time, which reduces consciousness and manipulation and causes vomiting.

In order to exit an ancient cryptosleep casket, another pawn must be directed to open it. If no controllable pawn is available to open a casket, you are unable to do anything until a raider or another random event happens to destroy it.

When an ancient cryptosleep casket is damaged to less than 20% of its maximum health, it will begin to spark and emit a hissing sound for anywhere between 140 ticks (2.33 secs) to 150 ticks (2.5 secs) before exploding, dealing 10 Flame damage in a 2.66-tile radius and potentially igniting flammable pawns, buildings, and flooring in the area. For a full list of effects, see Flame.


This device can help relieve a colony during a crisis, such as an intense psychic wave or medicine shortage, by safely storing pawns until the problem is resolved. Additionally, pawns addicted to a drug will not progress through withdrawal during stasis, making the casket a handy way of saving the life of a Luciferium-user, or decrease total demand over time.

With the use of anesthetic, prisoners can also be stored temporarily to lessen the drain on colony resources while they await sale, harvesting or, if the Royalty DLC is installed, exchanged for Honor. It is also useful to save enemies/animals for recruitment and taming until an inspiration, particularly - thrumbos and enemies with high resistance.

Unlike the other two types of cryptosleep casket, ancient caskets do not need to be built. See below for more details.

Comparisons to other caskets[edit]

There are three types of cryptosleep casket:

  • Casket Acquisition Placement Opening Resource Cost
    Cryptosleep casket Built Anywhere Can only be opened by a hauler, using the 'Open' designator Steel 180 + Uranium 5 + Component 4 + Advanced component 1
    Ship cryptosleep casket Built Must Connect to Ship Beam Colonist may eject self Steel 120 + Uranium 14 + Component 3 + Advanced component 3
    (+Steel 200 + Plasteel 40 + Component 3 + Advanced component 1
    per 8 caskets)
    Ancient cryptosleep casket Found in Ancient shrines Where found Can only be opened by a hauler, using the 'Open' designator None
  • Ancient cryptosleep caskets have the massive advantage of not requiring research or materials. However, you are also required to empty out a potentially dangerous ancient shrine, along with its current inhabitants. Also, ancient cryptosleep caskets cannot be moved. Cryptosleep caskets can be built anywhere, while ship cryptosleep caskets can only be built next to a ship structural beam.

    Version history[edit]

    • 0.8.657 - Ancient cryptosleep shrines now generate on the map.
    • 0.9.722 - Cryptosleep sickness added.
    • 0.12.906 - ‘Open’ designator added
    • Sprite was updated in in A14
    • Sprite was updated again at some point.
    • Version/1.1.0 - Open caskets now look different from closed ones.
    • 1.5.4062 - Fix: Empty caskets aren’t claimable.

    See also[edit]