Topic on User talk:Turnovus

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Hey Turnovus... love your stuff. Got me thinking... saw your compact hospital design. So not to sound negative, but I'm going to punt something out there without checking this is spot on - but I think it is. Your "compact" hospital seems to have lots of space wasted on a dresser and bedside tables. I'm pretty sure that if you make a good (possibly excellent - icr) bed or higher, the comfort is 1.0+ anyway. I think bedside tables and dressers give a comfort buff; the pawns I don't think appreciate any comfort buff beyond 1.0.

So what I'm trying to say is that if you have an excellent (maybe even good) hospital bed, there's no benefit for having bedside tables and dressers. Certainly not on comfort anyway. It makes the room more beautiful and rich - but there are easier ways to do this that don't clutter up the beds, get in the way of doctors along with vital monitors which need to be there for the surgery chance boon.

So I think you lose all of that extra furniture... you end up with a lot more compactness :)