Topic on Talk:Weapon Guide

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"once the player actually has lattitude to be selective / But there are choices that should be made early and there is more choice than you imply."

As I see it: if (you're) saying not to craft the Gunsmithing/Blowback guns most of the time, then presumably you'd be mostly looting them. If you are looting weapons, then there is little choice in what raiders actually carry, and then one of machine pistol / BA / pump shotgun are the best until you get to the harder raids. You're gonna use what you have; getting multiple BAs from raiders isn't very common, so you can't really plan a build or playstyle, for instance.

Then after gas op, we're directly at SMG/CSG and very close to ARs (for Crashlanded), while gunning for minigun/CR is a bit silly. I'm mostly biased because i rely on trap tunnels a lot. I understand buying weapons and deserter exists, but even these aren't very reliable.