Topic on User talk:Dr. Strangelove

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If the current naming scheme for infobox properties is to remain in effect - a list for translating them to XML names will have to be made.

<defName>                   |name = Hare
                            |image = Hare.png
<description>               |description = "This small, solitary herbivore can swiftly hop away from danger."
                            |type = Animals
                            |type2 = Wild
<baseBodySize>              |bodysize = 0.2
<baseHealthScale>           |healthscale = 0.4
                            |movespeed = 6.0
                            |attack1dmg = 3
                            |attack1type = bite
                            |attack1part = teeth
                            |attack1cool = 100
<leatherDef>                |leathername = lightleather
{calculated}                |leatheryield = 15
<manhunterOnDamageChance>   |manhunter = 0.0125
<baseHungerRate>            |hungerrate = 0.23
<foodType>                  |diet = herbivorous
                            |trainable = none
<wildness>                  |wildness = 0.75
<gestationPeriodDays>       |gestation = 13