Topic on User talk:PigeonGuru

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Now here are the types of "guides" that make sense in my opinion:

  • Quickstart, Getting Started, Beginner's Guide, WTF Is Going On Guide -- something along those lines. It should also talk about why you need certain mods to make the game suck a lot less (it's true), and help get a complete newb up to speed with the basics. Guides like this exist for Dwarf Fortress.
  • Intermediate guide for somewhat experienced players. Should be interesting for folks like me, who have maybe launched a space ship on Phoebe/Medium, but mostly messed around and not watched any experienced players (on Twitch or Youtube)
  • Advanced tips and tricks section, like how to survive Naked/Merciless/Icesheet with killboxes and shenanigans.

The division into early, mid- and late-game doesn't really make that much sense. Of course there could be an article talking about the reactor powering event, or mid-game caravaning, but just covering "the mid-game" or "the end-game" is a little arbitrary, and most players will probably not know what to expect from such a guide. It is too abstract.

The rule for a good guide title (and scope) should be this: Most players should know, just by looking at the title, and maybe reading the first paragraph, if the guide is useful for them or not.