Topic on User talk:Mehni

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Think I can shed some light on this. The WorkToMake (for items) and WorkToBuild (for buildings) stats are in units of game ticks.
Now I'll explain the messy bits....

  • Many properties for stats used to be listed like "Flammability" and later changed to be like "Flammability Base". The WorkToMake XML tag should be stored in the property "Work To Make Base", however, many pages were never changed over from the obsolete "Work To Make". I think I tried cleaning up alot of that, but clearly missed some.
  • Here's the other mess... At normal speed, there are 60 game ticks per second. If an item's XML says its WorkToMake is 450 but the wiki says "Work To Make Base" is 8, then that is in units of seconds; ticks divided by 60 and then rounded up. The author either got that by doing the math, or more likely from the stat listed from the game's GUI for that item. Apparently the game converts it rather than showing you the raw tick count from the XML. The problem is that some pages have "Work To Make Base" in ticks while some are in seconds. That should be fixed for consistency.

Feel free to reach out to me for most anything. Starting about 4 years ago, I've worked on this wiki with properties, tables, infoboxes, templates, and SMW queries. I've never worked with Cargo, but I'm willing to learn and help.