Topic on User talk:Zesty

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Hi, and sorry for the late reply. I've had a family visit for about a week. Thank you for installing Page Forms.

After some troubles here and there, I've installed mediawiki locally, and now also with the extensions we have here (give or take). Cargo 2.2 is installed and seems to be working, though I'm yet to create templates and such as the entire wiki empty. But I don't get any error messages when trying out the Cargo special pages, and I see cargo_tables and cargo_pages tables inside the main wiki database when I log on with phpmyadmin. The update.php script ran without errors, so I guess that worked out.

Not sure how this would be done without root access, mind you. What I did was to download the extension from github and then extract it in terminal (I have Linux Mint) with a tar command. Then put that under /extensions and rename the folder to Cargo. Insert the installation line in LocalSettings.php and then run the update.php script.

Don't know if this helps given we are on different setups (and I used MediaWiki 1.33), and I have root access since this is just a localhost wiki. Didn't use Composer either as I've never used it before and it looked to require quite a bit in the dependency department.

I'll try to export some pages from the RimWorld wiki and see if I can get something done locally instead. That way I don't have to worry about mucking up something, and won't have to struggle with captcha questions nor user right restrictions. Will try to rewrite some templates (if I can export->import and get it working decently enough) and fiddle about a bit.