Topic on Talk:Modding Tutorials/ThingComp

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Parents don't have to be long:

<ThingDef Name ="ParentOneWithDefaultCompValues" ParentName ="BaseHumanMakeableGun">
<li Class "ExampleNameSpace.ExampleCompProperties">

And that's a new XML parent defined. If you want to use the version without the Comp, you'd inherit from one up the chain. In this example BaseHumanMakeableGun.

You mean this part; taking out the last entry of the comp.

     MyCompProprtiesWithDefault[] list = this.parent.GetComps<MyCompPropertiesWithDefault>().ToArray();
     // Remove everything but the last entry; harmless if only one entry:
     for (var i = 0; i < list.Length-1; i++)

The code is valid, but for some reason it just doesn't sit right with me. Why add stuff only to remove it again? Why three default values? (C#, compProps #1, and then a third in compProps #3?)