Topic on Talk:Ice Sheet Guide

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Right... Yes... Caravans are NOT a game feature. Hard to answer when someone has such a good argument.

Like I already mention, the guide does not change if you land in the north pole, you still do quests to survive. And no, quests are rare in any biome, and many of them like peace talks and caravans request dont help you at all, the real values would be 95% ice sheet and 5% tundra and no, I never mention Boreal Forest because thats way too far.

You do quests and caravans in EVERY SINGLE biome, the difference here is that you wont just complete your object and run away because want to stay a little longer to harvest local resources, which is the only reason I even write about it. Caravans are still worth it and you still should try harder to harvest the local resources even if the quest happen in another ice sheet.

The landing zone is a recommendation and not required, it is a guide and we are suppose to give advises to help people survive. Not getting a good landing spot does not invalidate the guide.

Good, you are bodybuilder, I am a computer science researcher. You teach me to lift weights and I teach you to write articles. Deal?

Let me put it simple for you: "You are outdated". Now quests are closer, more rewarding and viable. I am not even saying how bad your current guide is, and you wont bother updating it so let someone else do it.