Topic on Talk:Backstories

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If it would be possible to list all the backstories on a single page together, then naturally, that would make the most sense.

Unfortunately, due to technical limitations, that's not possible. If you post too much data on a single page, and try to view that page, the server either times out and the page doesn't load at all, or you get a resource error.

The reason it's currently working is because the vast majority of special backgrounds are missing. A few of those special backgrounds are included at random (I guess based on whatever the people that kept it up to date until now ran into), but if we want to display all the background information, we'd need 3 or 4 pages.

So, because of technical reasons, we HAVE to split the backgrounds up into multiple pages.

Since the regular backgrounds pop up way more often than the special backgrounds, and since it's possible to show all of them together on a single page without any issues, it makes sense to show all the regular backgrounds directly onto the Background frontpage.

The special backgrounds HAVE to be split up into multiple pages due to technical limitations. We're discussing how.

And honestly, if all you care about is the stats, and you already admitted that you can't see the childhood story, it would only make a LOT of sense to know if it's a special backstory, because if so, you would know which childhood backstory comes with that, and thus, which stats those would provide as well!