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A relic is a holy item revered by your ideoligion. These are created through the ideoligion creation screen in the beginning of your game (1-4 relics), and can be any weapon or relic item, from a goblet to a pump shotgun to a thrumbo horn. These special items are acquired through a 5 part quest involving hacking ancient terminals, infiltrating a tribal village, hacking spacedrones, breaking into compounds, and more. Once all five quests are complete, the location of the relic is revealed. The relic needs to be placed in a reliquary, made out of large amounts of gold. These have ?? effects and can ??.


In order to obtain a relic you must participate in a 5 part quest.

  • Hacking a Spacedrone
    • A spacedrone will land near the colony which you must hack. Raiders from a certain faction will periodically raid the base, with an interval of 8 hours (?). These raids will be focused on attacking the drone, and raiders will ignore pawns shooting at them. The drone has 750 hack points. Once finished hacking, the drone will explode in 30 seconds in 1x speed.
  • Worshipful Village
    • The quest creates a neutral tribal village that is not part of any faction, and worship an ancient terminal containing information about the relic. The villagers are neutral at first, allowing you to visit on the pretense that you are worshipping the terminal too, but will turn hostile upon three conditions: harming a member of the tribe, contact with the terminal, and overstaying your visit (? hours). Reinforcements will arrive if you do not leave in time after turning hostile.
  • Ancient Compound
    • An ancient compound will spawn on the map, containing hermetic crates, fuel barrels, and ??.
  • Ferried Ancient Compound
    • The exact same as the above quest, but the questgiver will shuttle a set number of pawns to the location. The location will not spawn until you arrive.
  • Relic Location
    • In this last and final quest, you are to travel to an ancient structure guarded by some mechanoids. The structure contains a reliquary containing the relic. The relic can be uninstalled and the reliquary deconstructed for valuable gold, ending the quest.

Relic Types

Table of Relics to be completed


  • Mood Bonus?
  • Powerful Weapon

All Relic weapons with Quality will be Legendary.