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Revision as of 02:32, 7 November 2013 by AcDie (talk | contribs) (1 revision)
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 * Add a small dropdown menu to the search box to add the [[Wikimedia technical search]].
 * Created by [[d:User:Bene*]]
// <nowiki>
( function ( mw, $ ) {
	var i18nData = {
		'en': {
			'title': 'Wikimedia tech',
			'description': 'Use the custom Wikimedia technical search',
			'placeholder': 'Wikimedia tech'

	if( $( 'body' ).is( '.rtl' ) ) {
		i18nData.en.dir = 'rtl';
		i18nData.en.left = 'right';
		i18nData.en.right = 'left';
	else {
		i18nData.en.dir = 'ltr';
		i18nData.en.left = 'left';
		i18nData.en.right = 'right';

	var i18nLang = mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ),
		lang = i18nLang.split( '-' )[0];

	if( !( i18nLang in i18nData ) ) {
		i18nLang = 'en';

	if( i18nLang === 'be-tarask' ) { // Hack for be_x_oldwiki
		lang = 'be-x-old';

	 * Returns the localized version of a message.
	function i18n( key ) {
		if( i18nData[ i18nLang ][ key ] ) {
			return i18nData[ i18nLang ][ key ];
		else {
			return i18nData.en[ key ];

	var $improvedsearch = $( '<form>' )
	.attr( {
		id: 'improvedsearch',
		action: ''
	} )
		$( '<div>' )
		.attr( 'id', 'simpleSearch' ) // This is a hack.
			$( '<input>' )
			.attr( {
				type: 'hidden',
				name: 'cx',
				value: '010768530259486146519:twowe4zclqy'
			} )
			$( '<input>' )
			.attr( {
				id: 'searchInput', // This is a hack.
				'class': 'improvedsearch-page',
				type: 'text',
				accesskey: 'g',
				title: i18n( 'title' ) + ' [alt-shift-g]',
				name: 'q',
				autocomplete: 'off',
				placeholder: i18n( 'placeholder' )
			} )
			$( '<button>' )
			.attr( {
				id: 'searchButton', // This is a hack.
				'class': 'improvedsearch-search',
				title: i18n( 'description' )
			} )

	function toggle() {
		$( '#improvedsearch' ).toggle( 'normal' );
		$( '.improvedsearch-page' ).focus();

	function init() {
		var skin = mw.config.get( 'skin' );
		if( skin === 'vector' ) {
			$( '#p-search' ).append( $improvedsearch );
			$( '#improvedsearch' ).hide( 0 );
			$( '.improvedsearch-search' )
					$( '<img>' )
					.attr( {
						width: '12',
						height: '13',
						alt: i18n( 'title' ),
						src: mw.config.get( 'stylepath' ) + '/vector/images/search-' + i18n( 'dir' ) + '.png?303-4'
					} )
			var toggleCss = {
				width: '20px',
				height: '1.3em'
			toggleCss['margin-' + i18n( 'left' )] = '14.5em';
			toggleCss['margin-' + i18n( 'right' )] = '-0.8em';
			$( '#searchform' ).prepend(
				$( '<div>' )
				.attr( {
					id: 'improvedsearch-toggle',
					'class': 'vectorMenu',
					title: i18n( 'title' )
				} )
				.css( toggleCss )
				.click( toggle )
		} else if( $( '#searchBody' ).length ) {
			$( '#searchBody' ).append(
				$( '<br />' )
					.after( $improvedsearch )
			$( '.improvedsearch-search' )
				$( '<input>' )
					.attr( {
						type: 'submit',
						'class': 'searchButton improvedsearch-search',
						value: i18n( 'title' ),
						title: i18n( 'description' )
					} )

	$( document ).ready( init );
} ( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );
// </nowiki>