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return {

  ["BasePawn"] = {
    ["Abstract"] = true,
    ["thingClass"] = "Pawn",
    ["category"] = "Pawn",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["Mass"] = 60,
      ["Flammability"] = 0.7,

  ["AnimalThingBase"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "BasePawn",
    ["Abstract"] = true,
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["LeatherAmount"] = 30,
    ["race"] = {
      ["hasGenders"] = true,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0.02,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0.013,
      ["nameOnNuzzleChance"] = 0.5,
      ["trainability"] = "Intermediate",

  ["Muffalo"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Muffalo",
    ["label"] = "muffalo",
    ["description"] = "A large herding herbivore descended from buffalo and adapted for both cold and warm environments. While enraged muffalo are deadly, tamed muffalo are quite docile and can be used as pack animals.\n\nNobody is quite sure why they're blue - it might even be some early genetic modification test that just never got changed.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 4.5,
      ["MarketValue"] = 300,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -55,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMax"] = 45,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 13,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2.6,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["label"] = "left hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 10,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftLeg",
        ["label"] = "right hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 10,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightLeg",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 10,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.5,
    ["comps"] = {
      ["CompProperties_Shearable"] = {
        ["woolDef"] = "WoolMuffalo",
        ["shearIntervalDays"] = 25,
        ["woolAmount"] = 100,
    ["race"] = {
      ["herdAnimal"] = true,
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithHooves",
      ["baseBodySize"] = 2.1,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 1.75,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.85,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Bluefur",
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 28,
      ["wildness"] = 0.6,
      ["trainability"] = "Simple",
      ["packAnimal"] = true,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 15,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.25,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.5,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Gazelle"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Gazelle",
    ["label"] = "gazelle",
    ["description"] = "A small, extremely quick antelope known for its amazingly long leap.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 6.0,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -10,
      ["MarketValue"] = 150,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 5.5,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftLeg",
        ["label"] = "right hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 5.5,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightLeg",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 7,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 7,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithHooves",
      ["herdAnimal"] = true,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.7,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.35,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.7,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Plain",
      ["wildness"] = 0.75,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 22,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 12,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.20,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.4,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Iguana"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Iguana",
    ["label"] = "iguana",
    ["description"] = "These large lizards normally feed on plant matter. However, when angered, their tough hide and sharp claws make them quite dangerous.\n\nResting iguanas hold their heads high, giving them an amusing 'proud' look. But they're not proud; they're just trying to see predators so they don't get eaten.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 3.0,
      ["MarketValue"] = 100,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = 0,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMax"] = 60,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftClaws",
        ["label"] = "right claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightClaws",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 10,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2.6,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 5,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["comps"] = {
      ["CompProperties_EggLayer"] = {
        ["eggFertilizedDef"] = "EggIguanaFertilized",
        ["eggFertilizationCountMax"] = 1,
        ["eggLayIntervalDays"] = 15,
        ["eggProgressUnfertilizedMax"] = 0.5,
        ["eggCountRange"] = "1~2",
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithClawsTailAndJowl",
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.20,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.5,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.28,
      ["foodType"] = "OmnivoreRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Lizard",
      ["wildness"] = 0.5,
      ["trainability"] = "None",
      ["petness"] = 0.15,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 12,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.09,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.25,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Dromedary"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Dromedary",
    ["label"] = "dromedary",
    ["description"] = "A large land mammal adapted to arid environments. Domesticated since ancient times, its wool and leather are both exceptionally good at insulating against the desert heat, and its milk is quite nourishing. It can be used as a pack animal, but its bouncing gait makes it too uncomfortable to ride for any distance.\n\nBy storing water in its large humps and reclaiming moisture from its breath as it exhales, it can go weeks without drinking.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 4.3,
      ["MarketValue"] = 300,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -22,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMax"] = 60,
    ["comps"] = {
      ["CompProperties_Milkable"] = {
        ["milkDef"] = "Milk",
        ["milkIntervalDays"] = 2,
        ["milkAmount"] = 12,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 9,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftLeg",
        ["label"] = "right hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 9,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightLeg",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 10,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 7,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithHoovesAndHump",
      ["herdAnimal"] = true,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 2.0,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 1.6,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.80,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Camel",
      ["wildness"] = 0.25,
      ["trainability"] = "Simple",
      ["packAnimal"] = true,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 28,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 45,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.25,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.5,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["BaseBear"] = {
    ["Abstract"] = true,
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 4.6,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -40,
      ["MarketValue"] = 700,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 17,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftPaw",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "right claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 17,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightPaw",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 23.6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2.6,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.5,
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 11,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["herdAnimal"] = false,
      ["predator"] = true,
      ["maxPreyBodySize"] = 3,
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithPaws",
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.35,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 2.15,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 2.5,
      ["foodType"] = "OmnivoreAnimal, OvivoreAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Bear",
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 30,
      ["wildness"] = 0.80,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 22,
      ["trainability"] = "Advanced",
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0.10,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0.10,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.4,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.8,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Bear_Grizzly"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "BaseBear",
    ["defName"] = "Bear_Grizzly",
    ["label"] = "grizzly bear",
    ["description"] = "A huge omnivorous mammal adapted for cold climates. Bears' thick blubber and fur keeps them warm in winter.\n\nWhile their usual diet consists of fish, berries, honey, and scavenged meat, the grizzly is capable of using its massive strength and deadly claws to kill live prey. They are startlingly quick for such lumbering creatures.",
    ["race"] = {
      ["wildness"] = 0.80,
      ["meatLabel"] = "bear meat",

  ["Bear_Polar"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "BaseBear",
    ["defName"] = "Bear_Polar",
    ["label"] = "polar bear",
    ["description"] = "A great white bear adapted for frozen climates. Their thick blubber and fur keep them warm in winter.\n\nWhile their usual diet consists of fish and scavenged meat, the polar bear can also use its massive strength and deadly claws to kill live prey. They are startlingly quick for such lumbering creatures.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -55,
    ["race"] = {
      ["wildness"] = 0.85,
      ["useMeatFrom"] = "Bear_Grizzly",

  ["BigCatThingBase"] = {
    ["Abstract"] = true,
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 5.0,
      ["MarketValue"] = 400,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 11,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftPaw",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "right claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 11,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightPaw",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 16,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 9,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithPawsAndTail",
      ["herdAnimal"] = false,
      ["predator"] = true,
      ["maxPreyBodySize"] = 1.0,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 1.4,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.3,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 1.3,
      ["foodType"] = "CarnivoreAnimal, OvivoreAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Panthera",
      ["wildness"] = 0.80,
      ["trainability"] = "Advanced",
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0.10,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0.10,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 26,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 13,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.25,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.5,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Cougar"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "BigCatThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Cougar",
    ["label"] = "cougar",
    ["description"] = "One of the most dangerous big cats, cougars are solitary hunters with long, sharp teeth and claws. They stalk prey from hidden positions before pouncing.\n\nWhile humans are not their normal diet, they won't turn down a meal of vulnerable human meat.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -25,

  ["Panther"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "BigCatThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Panther",
    ["label"] = "panther",
    ["description"] = "An agile and powerful big cat native to the jungles of old Earth. As solitary ambush predators, panthers are masters of taking down both large and small prey. Onlookers tend to focus on their graceful movements, while those in closer contact usually notice their skull-crushing strength.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -8,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMax"] = 50,

  ["Lynx"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Lynx",
    ["label"] = "lynx",
    ["description"] = "A wildcat larger than a housecat, but smaller than a cougar. Lynxes survive on a diet of small birds and animals. Their very warm fur keeps them safe from the brutally cold temperatures of their frozen territories.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 5.0,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -50,
      ["MarketValue"] = 250,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 9,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftPaw",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "right claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 9,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightPaw",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 12,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithPawsAndTail",
      ["herdAnimal"] = false,
      ["predator"] = true,
      ["maxPreyBodySize"] = 1.0,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.8,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.19,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.8,
      ["foodType"] = "CarnivoreAnimal, OvivoreAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Panthera",
      ["wildness"] = 0.80,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0.10,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0.10,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 26,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 9,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.2,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.4,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["BigBirdThingBase"] = {
    ["Abstract"] = true,
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "Bird",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Bird",
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 24,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBabyTiny",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.22,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.45,

  ["Cassowary"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "BigBirdThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Cassowary",
    ["label"] = "cassowary",
    ["description"] = "A large flightless bird with brightly-colored feathers. While it looks beautiful, its kick is vicious. It's known for being quick to aggression when harmed by violence or confronted by incompetent animal tamers.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 4.6,
      ["MarketValue"] = 200,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -8,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMax"] = 50,
    ["race"] = {
      ["herdAnimal"] = false,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.8,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.8,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.40,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["wildness"] = 0.80,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 45,
      ["meatLabel"] = "bird meat",
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0.10,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0.10,
    ["comps"] = {
      ["CompProperties_EggLayer"] = {
        ["eggFertilizedDef"] = "EggCassowaryFertilized",
        ["eggFertilizationCountMax"] = 1,
        ["eggLayIntervalDays"] = 17,
        ["eggProgressUnfertilizedMax"] = 0.5,
        ["eggCountRange"] = 1,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "claws",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 7,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Feet",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "beak",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Beak",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Emu"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "BigBirdThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Emu",
    ["label"] = "emu",
    ["description"] = "A large flightless bird with beady eyes on its ugly face. With its bad attitude, it is the jerk of the natural world. Bother it, and it is guaranteed to seek revenge.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 5.5,
      ["MarketValue"] = 200,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -8,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMax"] = 50,
    ["race"] = {
      ["herdAnimal"] = false,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.8,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.9,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.4,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["wildness"] = 0.95,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 45,
      ["useMeatFrom"] = "Cassowary",
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 1.00,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 1.00,
    ["comps"] = {
      ["CompProperties_EggLayer"] = {
        ["eggFertilizedDef"] = "EggEmuFertilized",
        ["eggFertilizationCountMax"] = 1,
        ["eggLayIntervalDays"] = 17,
        ["eggProgressUnfertilizedMax"] = 0.5,
        ["eggCountRange"] = 1,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "claws",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Feet",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "beak",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 9,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Beak",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Ostrich"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "BigBirdThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Ostrich",
    ["label"] = "ostrich",
    ["description"] = "The largest unmodified bird species, ostriches are known for their fast run, huge eggs, and powerful kick. It is easily angered.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 6.0,
      ["MarketValue"] = 250,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -8,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMax"] = 50,
    ["race"] = {
      ["herdAnimal"] = false,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 1.0,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 1.0,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.55,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["wildness"] = 0.95,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 45,
      ["useMeatFrom"] = "Cassowary",
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0.10,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0.10,
    ["comps"] = {
      ["CompProperties_EggLayer"] = {
        ["eggFertilizedDef"] = "EggOstrichFertilized",
        ["eggFertilizationCountMax"] = 1,
        ["eggLayIntervalDays"] = 19,
        ["eggProgressUnfertilizedMax"] = 0.5,
        ["eggCountRange"] = 1,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "claws",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 11,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Feet",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "beak",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 11,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Beak",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Turkey"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "BigBirdThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Turkey",
    ["label"] = "turkey",
    ["description"] = "A short, fat, flightless bird known for its hilarious 'gobbling' call. It has been long domesticated, but also lives in the wild.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 3.6,
      ["MarketValue"] = 100,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -8,
    ["race"] = {
      ["herdAnimal"] = false,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.6,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.6,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.50,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["wildness"] = 0.45,
      ["trainability"] = "None",
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 9,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0,
    ["comps"] = {
      ["CompProperties_EggLayer"] = {
        ["eggFertilizedDef"] = "EggTurkeyFertilized",
        ["eggFertilizationCountMax"] = 1,
        ["eggLayIntervalDays"] = 11,
        ["eggProgressUnfertilizedMax"] = 0.5,
        ["eggCountRange"] = "1~1",
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "claws",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 5,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Feet",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "beak",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Beak",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 4,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Chicken"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Chicken",
    ["label"] = "chicken",
    ["description"] = "The most traditional farm bird, the chicken is raised for its eggs and meat. It grows very quickly and lays eggs very often.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 2.1,
      ["MarketValue"] = 50,
      ["LeatherAmount"] = 0,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -10,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "claws",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 2,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Feet",
        ["label"] = "beak",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 3,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Beak",
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 1,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["comps"] = {
      ["CompProperties_EggLayer"] = {
        ["eggUnfertilizedDef"] = "EggChickenUnfertilized",
        ["eggFertilizedDef"] = "EggChickenFertilized",
        ["eggFertilizationCountMax"] = 1,
        ["eggLayIntervalDays"] = 2,
        ["eggCountRange"] = 1,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "Bird",
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.35,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.18,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.35,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["trainability"] = "None",
      ["wildness"] = 0,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0,
      ["mateMtbHours"] = 8,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 6,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBabyTiny",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.12,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.3,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Pig"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Pig",
    ["label"] = "pig",
    ["description"] = "The pig was one of the first animals domesticated by humans. It is commonly raised for meat, and is easy to feed because of its omnivorous diet. Though pigs are self-serving by disposition, they can be trained in complex tasks.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 3.9,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -5,
      ["MarketValue"] = 200,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 7.3,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithHooves",
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.75,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.7,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.45,
      ["foodType"] = "OmnivoreRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Pig",
      ["wildness"] = 0.07,
      ["trainability"] = "Advanced",
      ["meatLabel"] = "pork",
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 17,
      --[[["litterSizeCurve"] = {
        ["points"] = {
          {(0.5, 0)},
          {(1, 1)},
          {(1.7, 1)},
          {(2.0, 0)},
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 12,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.1,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.4,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Cow"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Cow",
    ["label"] = "cow",
    ["description"] = "A large domesticated ungulate, cows have been bred for millennia to produce huge amounts of milk, meat, and leather. They are exceptionally gentle creatures and will never seek revenge, no matter how many times they are harmed. Most of them are so adapted to farm life that they cannot survive in the wild.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 3.2,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -10,
      ["MarketValue"] = 300,
    ["comps"] = {
      ["CompProperties_Milkable"] = {
        ["milkDef"] = "Milk",
        ["milkIntervalDays"] = 1,
        ["milkAmount"] = 18,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8.8,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2.6,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 7,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
        ["label"] = "left hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftLeg",
        ["label"] = "right hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightLeg",
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithHooves",
      ["herdAnimal"] = true,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 2.0,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.85,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 1.5,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Plain",
      ["wildness"] = 0.05,
      ["trainability"] = "None",
      ["meatLabel"] = "beef",
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 20,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 22,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.2,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.45,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Alpaca"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Alpaca",
    ["label"] = "alpaca",
    ["description"] = "A medium-sized ungulate closely related to the llama, the alpaca is usually raised for its remarkably soft and insulating wool. Alpacas have also been used as pack animals since they hauled cargo on the rugged mountain trails of ancient South America",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 4.1,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -18,
      ["MarketValue"] = 350,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMax"] = 45,
    ["uiIconScale"] = 1.35,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 7.3,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftLeg",
        ["label"] = "right hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 7.3,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightLeg",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 7,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["comps"] = {
      ["CompProperties_Shearable"] = {
        ["woolDef"] = "WoolAlpaca",
        ["shearIntervalDays"] = 15,
        ["woolAmount"] = 100,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithHooves",
      ["herdAnimal"] = true,
      ["packAnimal"] = true,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 1.0,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 1.0,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.45,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Camel",
      ["wildness"] = 0.25,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 25,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 15,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.2,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.45,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Duck"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Duck",
    ["label"] = "duck",
    ["description"] = "A very common type of farm bird, also appearing in the wild, the duck is raised for its delicious meat. It grows quick but lays eggs quite rarely.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 2.1,
      ["MarketValue"] = 60,
      ["LeatherAmount"] = 0,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -10,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "claws",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 3,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Feet",
        ["label"] = "beak",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 4,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Beak",
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 2,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["comps"] = {
      ["CompProperties_EggLayer"] = {
        ["eggUnfertilizedDef"] = "EggDuckUnfertilized",
        ["eggFertilizedDef"] = "EggDuckFertilized",
        ["eggFertilizationCountMax"] = 1,
        ["eggLayIntervalDays"] = 3.5,
        ["eggCountRange"] = 1,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "Bird",
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.35,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.18,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.35,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["trainability"] = "None",
      ["wildness"] = 0,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0,
      ["mateMtbHours"] = 8,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 6,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBabyTiny",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.12,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.3,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Bison"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Bison",
    ["label"] = "bison",
    ["description"] = "A large plant eating mammal appearing in the savannah wilderness. Tamed are quite docile, but enraged are fast and dangerous.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 4.7,
      ["MarketValue"] = 350,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -55,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMax"] = 45,
    ["uiIconScale"] = 1.25,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 15,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2.9,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["label"] = "left hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 10,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftLeg",
        ["label"] = "right hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 10,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightLeg",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 10,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.5,
    ["comps"] = {
      ["CompProperties_Shearable"] = {
        ["woolDef"] = "WoolBison",
        ["shearIntervalDays"] = 25,
        ["woolAmount"] = 100,
    ["race"] = {
      ["herdAnimal"] = true,
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithHooves",
      ["baseBodySize"] = 2.1,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 1.75,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.85,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Plain",
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 28,
      ["wildness"] = 0.6,
      ["trainability"] = "Simple",
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0.1,
      ["packAnimal"] = true,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 15,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.25,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.5,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Goat"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Goat",
    ["label"] = "goat",
    ["description"] = "Naturally curious about the world, goats are among the friendliest domesticated creature bred by mankind.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 3.9,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -20,
      ["MarketValue"] = 200,
    ["uiIconScale"] = 1.2,
    ["comps"] = {
      ["CompProperties_Milkable"] = {
        ["milkDef"] = "Milk",
        ["milkIntervalDays"] = 2,
        ["milkAmount"] = 12,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 7.3,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithHooves",
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.75,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.7,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.45,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Plain",
      ["wildness"] = 0.07,
      ["trainability"] = "None",
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 17,
      --[[["litterSizeCurve"] = {
        ["points"] = {
          {(0.5, 0)},
          {(1, 1)},
          {(1.7, 1)},
          {(2.0, 0)},
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 12,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.1,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.4,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Goose"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Goose",
    ["label"] = "goose",
    ["description"] = "A domesticated bird kept by humans as poultry for it's eggs and meat. Lays eggs very often, however they take a long time to hatch.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 2.3,
      ["MarketValue"] = 90,
      ["LeatherAmount"] = 36,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -10,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "claws",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 3,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Feet",
        ["label"] = "beak",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 5.6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Beak",
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 2,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["comps"] = {
      ["CompProperties_EggLayer"] = {
        ["eggUnfertilizedDef"] = "EggGooseUnfertilized",
        ["eggFertilizedDef"] = "EggGooseFertilized",
        ["eggFertilizationCountMax"] = 1,
        ["eggLayIntervalDays"] = 1.6,
        ["eggCountRange"] = 1,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "Bird",
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.45,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.40,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.40,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Bird",
      ["trainability"] = "None",
      ["wildness"] = 0.6,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0.2,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0.25,
      ["mateMtbHours"] = 8,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 8,
      ["useMeatFrom"] = "Cassowary",
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBabyTiny",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.12,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.3,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Sheep"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Sheep",
    ["label"] = "sheep",
    ["description"] = "Sheep husbandry is practised throughout the majority of the inhabited worlds, however only recently it has been introduced to the rimworlds. Domestic sheep are relatively small herbivores, usually with yellowish wool and medium sized horns.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 4.8,
      ["MarketValue"] = 210,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -55,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMax"] = 45,
    ["uiIconScale"] = 1.3,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 14,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2.9,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["label"] = "left hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftLeg",
        ["label"] = "right hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightLeg",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.5,
    ["comps"] = {
      ["CompProperties_Shearable"] = {
        ["woolDef"] = "WoolSheep",
        ["shearIntervalDays"] = 10,
        ["woolAmount"] = 45,
    ["race"] = {
      ["herdAnimal"] = true,
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithHooves",
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.75,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.7,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.45,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Plain",
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 17,
      --[[["litterSizeCurve"] = {
        ["points"] = {
          {(0.5, 0)},
          {(1, 1)},
          {(1.7, 1)},
          {(2.0, 0)},
      ["wildness"] = 0,
      ["trainability"] = "None",
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0.0,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 12,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.25,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.5,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Horse"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Horse",
    ["label"] = "horse",
    ["description"] = "A large hoofed mammal with a short coat, a long mane, and a long tail. Horses have been domesticated since ancient times.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 5.8,
      ["MarketValue"] = 550,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -35,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMax"] = 45,
    ["uiIconScale"] = 1.1,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 10,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2.9,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["label"] = "left hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 7,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftLeg",
        ["label"] = "right hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 7,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightLeg",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 5,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.5,
    ["race"] = {
      ["herdAnimal"] = true,
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithHooves",
      ["baseBodySize"] = 2.0,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 1.75,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.85,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Plain",
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 28,
      ["wildness"] = 0.5,
      ["petness"] = 0.6,
      ["trainability"] = "Advanced",
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0.1,
      ["meatLabel"] = "horse meat",
      ["packAnimal"] = true,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 30,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.25,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.5,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Yak"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Yak",
    ["label"] = "yak",
    ["description"] = "Yaks are robust cattle with a bulky frame, short but thick legs, and rounded cloven hooves that are splayed to help them walk in snow.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 3.2,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -45,
      ["MarketValue"] = 320,
    ["uiIconScale"] = 1.15,
    ["comps"] = {
      ["CompProperties_Milkable"] = {
        ["milkDef"] = "Milk",
        ["milkIntervalDays"] = 2,
        ["milkAmount"] = 12,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8.8,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2.6,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 9,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
        ["label"] = "left hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftLeg",
        ["label"] = "right hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightLeg",
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithHooves",
      ["herdAnimal"] = true,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 1.9,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.85,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 1.5,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Plain",
      ["wildness"] = 0.11,
      ["petness"] = 0.3,
      ["trainability"] = "None",
      ["packAnimal"] = true,
      ["meatLabel"] = "yak beef",
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 20,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 22,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0.05,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0.02,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.2,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.45,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["GuineaPig"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "GuineaPig",
    ["label"] = "guinea pig",
    ["description"] = "Neither a pig or a creature from Guinea, these little rodents are bred to be a household pet and a delicious dinner.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 5.0,
      ["MarketValue"] = 150,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -15,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMax"] = 55,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 3.6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftPaw",
        ["label"] = "right claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 3.6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightPaw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 5.8,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 2,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithPawsAndTail",
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.28,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.4,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.34,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_GuineaPig",
      ["wildness"] = 0.60,
      ["trainability"] = "None",
      ["petness"] = 0.30,
      ["mateMtbHours"] = 8,
      ["nuzzleMtbHours"] = 24,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 14,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0.02,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0,
      --[[["litterSizeCurve"] = {
        ["points"] = {
          {(0.5, 0)},
          {(1, 1)},
          {(2.5, 1)},
          {(3, 0)},
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 4,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.15,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.30,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Donkey"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Donkey",
    ["label"] = "donkey",
    ["description"] = "A small relative of the horse, domesticated in ancient times for farm work. Its goofy call is simultaneously annoying and endearing.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 5.3,
      ["MarketValue"] = 320,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -25,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMax"] = 45,
    ["uiIconScale"] = 1.25,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 12,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2.9,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["label"] = "left hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftLeg",
        ["label"] = "right hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightLeg",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.5,
    ["race"] = {
      ["herdAnimal"] = true,
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithHooves",
      ["baseBodySize"] = 1.5,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 1.45,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.75,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Plain",
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 28,
      ["wildness"] = 0.03,
      ["petness"] = 0.60,
      ["trainability"] = "Advanced",
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0.05,
      ["packAnimal"] = true,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 24,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.25,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.5,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Rhinoceros"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Rhinoceros",
    ["label"] = "rhinoceros",
    ["description"] = "Despite being herbivorous, this large mammal is very easy to enrage. Once angered, its massive strength and sharp horn make it a brutal opponent. It has more muscle in one leg than most humans do in their whole body.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 5.0,
      ["MarketValue"] = 700,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -8,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "horn",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 19,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HornAttackTool",
        ["label"] = "horn",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 19,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HornAttackTool",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 19,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2.6,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 15,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithHoovesAndHorn",
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 1.5,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 3.0,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 3.5,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Rhinoceros",
      ["wildness"] = 0.90,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0.10,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0.10,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 43,
      ["nameOnTameChance"] = 1,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 45,
      ["herdAnimal"] = true,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.3,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 1.0,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Elephant"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Elephant",
    ["label"] = "elephant",
    ["description"] = "The largest unmodified land animal. Elephants has a long trunk they use to manipulate objects, and sharp tusks they use to gore attackers. A dead elephant's valuable tusks can be recovered by butchering it.\n\nIntelligent creatures with complex social relationships, elephants can be used as pack animals or trained to carry out the most complex of tasks. They live a long time, and are known to remember events and relationships from many decades before.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 4.8,
      ["MarketValue"] = 600,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -12,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMax"] = 50,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "tusk",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 25,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2.6,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "TuskAttackTool",
        ["label"] = "left foot",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 16.9,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftLeg",
        ["label"] = "right foot",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 16.9,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightLeg",
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 14,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["herdAnimal"] = true,
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithHoovesTusksAndTrunk",
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 2.0,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 4.0,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 3.6,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Elephant",
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 48,
      ["wildness"] = 0.75,
      ["nuzzleMtbHours"] = 24,
      ["trainability"] = "Advanced",
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 50,
      ["packAnimal"] = true,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0.10,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0.10,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.8,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 2.0,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Megasloth"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Megasloth",
    ["label"] = "megasloth",
    ["description"] = "A giant, solitary herbivore with two giant claws for warding off threats. Long extinct after being wiped out by the natives of Earth's American continent, the megasloth was later brought back using advanced cloning and artificial gestators. Its thick hide is exceptionally strong and insulating, and makes a great leather for cold-weather clothing. It is peaceful if left alone, but will shred anyone who disturbs it with its giant claws.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 4.8,
      ["MarketValue"] = 700,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -55,
    ["uiIconScale"] = 1.2,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 21,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftPaw",
        ["label"] = "right claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 21,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightPaw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 22,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2.6,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 15,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithPawsAndTail",
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 2.0,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 4.0,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 3.6,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Heavy",
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 55,
      ["wildness"] = 0.97,
      ["trainability"] = "Advanced",
      ["nuzzleMtbHours"] = 60,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 20,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0.10,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0.10,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 1.0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 3.0,
    ["comps"] = {
      ["CompProperties_Shearable"] = {
        ["woolDef"] = "WoolMegasloth",
        ["shearIntervalDays"] = 50,
        ["woolAmount"] = 400,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Thrumbo"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Thrumbo",
    ["label"] = "thrumbo",
    ["description"] = "A gigantic, graceful creature of unknown origin. The thrumbo is gentle by nature, but extremely dangerous when enraged. While its long fur is exceptionally beautiful, its hide is also incredibly resistant to damage. Its razor-sharp horn fetches a huge price.\n\nLegends say that an old thrumbo is the wisest creature in the universe - it simply chooses not to speak.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 5.5,
      ["MarketValue"] = 4000,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -65,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMax"] = 50,
      ["ArmorRating_Sharp"] = 0.60,
      ["ArmorRating_Blunt"] = 0.40,
      ["ArmorRating_Heat"] = 0.30,
    ["uiIconScale"] = 1.75,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "horn",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 23,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HornAttackTool",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 28,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2.6,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["label"] = "left foot",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 19,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftLeg",
        ["label"] = "right foot",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 19,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightLeg",
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 17,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithHoovesAndHorn",
      ["herdMigrationAllowed"] = false,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 4,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 3.5,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 8.0,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal, DendrovoreAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Thrumbo",
      ["trainability"] = "Advanced",
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 60,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 1.00,
      ["wildness"] = 0.985,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 220,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 2.0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 4.0,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["BaseHare"] = {
    ["Abstract"] = true,
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 6.0,
      ["MarketValue"] = 50,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -30,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 3.4,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 1.5,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithPawsAndTail",
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.2,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.23,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.4,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Light",
      ["wildness"] = 0.75,
      ["trainability"] = "None",
      ["petness"] = 0.08,
      ["mateMtbHours"] = 8,
      ["nuzzleMtbHours"] = 36,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 13,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0,
      --[[["litterSizeCurve"] = {
        ["points"] = {
          {(1.0, 0)},
          {(1.5, 1)},
          {(2.0, 1)},
          {(2.5, 0)},
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 8,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.1,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.3,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Hare"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "BaseHare",
    ["defName"] = "Hare",
    ["label"] = "hare",
    ["description"] = "This small, solitary herbivore can swiftly hop away from danger.",

  ["Snowhare"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "BaseHare",
    ["defName"] = "Snowhare",
    ["label"] = "snowhare",
    ["description"] = "This hardy animal survives the brutal winters of its homelands by burrowing through snow to find edible plants.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -55,
    ["race"] = {
      ["useMeatFrom"] = "Hare",

  ["BaseInsect"] = {
    ["Abstract"] = true,
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["ToxicSensitivity"] = 0,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMax"] = 60,
    ["race"] = {
      ["fleshType"] = "Insectoid",
      ["bloodDef"] = "Filth_BloodInsect",
      ["meatMarketValue"] = 0.5,
      ["foodType"] = "OmnivoreAnimal, AnimalProduct",
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0.35,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0.20,

  ["Megascarab"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "BaseInsect",
    ["defName"] = "Megascarab",
    ["label"] = "megascarab",
    ["description"] = "A large, genetically-engineered beetle. Once the worker caste of an artifical ecosystem of insectoids designed to fight mechanoid invasions, it is now often seen without its deadlier insectoid cousins. Still, its size and hard shell make it dangerous when it attacks. A eusocial creature, it cannot reproduce individually.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 3.75,
      ["ArmorRating_Blunt"] = 0.18,
      ["ArmorRating_Sharp"] = 0.72,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = 0,
      ["MarketValue"] = 100,
      ["LeatherAmount"] = 0,
    ["uiIconScale"] = 2,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "mandibles",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 5,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Mouth",
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 4,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.1,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "BeetleLike",
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.2,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.10,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.4,
      ["useMeatFrom"] = "Megaspider",
      ["wildness"] = 0.95,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 10,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "EusocialInsectLarva",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "EusocialInsectJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.03,
          ["def"] = "EusocialInsectAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.4,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Spelopede"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "BaseInsect",
    ["defName"] = "Spelopede",
    ["label"] = "spelopede",
    ["description"] = "A medium-sized bioengineered insectoid the size of a sheep. The spelopede is the middle caste of a hive, taking care of most work tasks as well as fighting with its digging claws. It's dangerous in combat, but slow on open ground.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 3.65,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -25,
      ["MarketValue"] = 200,
      ["LeatherAmount"] = 0,
      ["ArmorRating_Blunt"] = 0.18,
      ["ArmorRating_Sharp"] = 0.18,
    ["uiIconScale"] = 1.1,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "head claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 7,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadClaw",
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "BeetleLikeWithClaw",
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.25,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.8,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 1.7,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 12,
      ["useMeatFrom"] = "Megaspider",
      ["wildness"] = 0.95,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 6,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "EusocialInsectLarva",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "EusocialInsectJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.03,
          ["def"] = "EusocialInsectAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.2,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Megaspider"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "BaseInsect",
    ["defName"] = "Megaspider",
    ["label"] = "megaspider",
    ["description"] = "Not actually a spider, the megaspider is a genetically-engineered giant insectoid the size of a bear. Designed for heavy work and combat, its thick chitinous armor makes it hard to kill, while its long ripper-blades make it deadly at close quarters. It is, however, quite slow in open terrain.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 3.60,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -40,
      ["MarketValue"] = 500,
      ["LeatherAmount"] = 0,
      ["ArmorRating_Blunt"] = 0.18,
      ["ArmorRating_Sharp"] = 0.27,
    ["uiIconScale"] = 1.15,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "head claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 12,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2.6,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadClaw",
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 7,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "BeetleLikeWithClaw",
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.35,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 1.2,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 2.5,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 12,
      ["meatLabel"] = "insect meat",
      ["wildness"] = 0.95,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 6,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "EusocialInsectLarva",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "EusocialInsectJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.03,
          ["def"] = "EusocialInsectAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.2,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["YorkshireTerrier"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "YorkshireTerrier",
    ["label"] = "yorkshire terrier",
    ["description"] = "A small, even-tempered dog. Originally bred to hunt rats, it later became a show and companionship animal. Some consider it useless, but the mood boost it gives by nuzzling can outweight the cost of feeding it.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 3.1,
      ["MarketValue"] = 100,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -15,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 3.6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftPaw",
        ["label"] = "right claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 3.6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightPaw",
        ["label"] = "cute little teeth",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 4.8,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 2,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithPawsAndTail",
      ["petness"] = 1,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.3,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.30,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.4,
      ["foodType"] = "OmnivoreAnimal, OvivoreAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Dog",
      ["nameOnTameChance"] = 1,
      ["trainability"] = "Intermediate",
      ["wildness"] = 0,
      ["nuzzleMtbHours"] = 12,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 24,
      --[[["litterSizeCurve"] = {
        ["points"] = {
          {(0.5, 0)},
          {(1, 1)},
          {(2, 1.7)},
          {(3, 0.7)},
          {(3.5, 0)},
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 15,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.1,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.3,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Husky"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Husky",
    ["label"] = "husky",
    ["description"] = "A large, energetic dog with a thick fur coat for remaining comfortable in arctic environments.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 5.0,
      ["MarketValue"] = 250,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -50,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 9.7,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftPaw",
        ["label"] = "right claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 9.7,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightPaw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 14.2,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2.6,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithPawsAndTail",
      ["petness"] = 1,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.86,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.5,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 1.05,
      ["foodType"] = "OmnivoreAnimal, OvivoreAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Dog",
      ["nameOnTameChance"] = 1,
      ["trainability"] = "Advanced",
      ["wildness"] = 0,
      ["nuzzleMtbHours"] = 12,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 25,
      --[[["litterSizeCurve"] = {
        ["points"] = {
          {(0.5, 0)},
          {(1, 1)},
          {(2, 1.7)},
          {(2.5, 0.7)},
          {(3, 0)},
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 12,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.25,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.5,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["LabradorRetriever"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "LabradorRetriever",
    ["label"] = "labrador retriever",
    ["description"] = "A very versatile, medium-sized dog. Originally bred to retrieve birds shot on the hunt, the lab is also an excellent guard dog, play pal, and family friend.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 5.0,
      ["MarketValue"] = 250,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -30,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8.5,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftPaw",
        ["label"] = "right claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8.5,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightPaw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 14.2,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2.6,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 5,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithPawsAndTail",
      ["petness"] = 1,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.75,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.4,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 1.0,
      ["foodType"] = "OmnivoreAnimal, OvivoreAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Dog",
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 26,
      ["nameOnTameChance"] = 1,
      ["trainability"] = "Advanced",
      ["wildness"] = 0,
      ["nuzzleMtbHours"] = 12,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0,
      --[[["litterSizeCurve"] = {
        ["points"] = {
          {(0.5, 0)},
          {(1, 1)},
          {(2, 1.7)},
          {(3, 0.7)},
          {(3.5, 0)},
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 12,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.25,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.5,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Cat"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Cat",
    ["label"] = "cat",
    ["description"] = "One of mankind's first pets, the cat is a small mammal which hunts vermin. Known for their aloofness, cats are nevertheless popular companions because of their independence, calm disposition, and fine, pettable fur.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 4.4,
      ["MarketValue"] = 100,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -25,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftPaw",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "right claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightPaw",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 7,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 3,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithPawsAndTail",
      ["predator"] = true,
      ["maxPreyBodySize"] = 0.25,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.255,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.1,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.42,
      ["foodType"] = "CarnivoreAnimal, OvivoreAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Light",
      ["wildness"] = 0.2,
      ["petness"] = 1,
      ["trainability"] = "None",
      ["nuzzleMtbHours"] = 12,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 24,
      ["nameOnTameChance"] = 1,
      --[[["litterSizeCurve"] = {
        ["points"] = {
          {(0.5, 0)},
          {(1, 1)},
          {(2, 1.7)},
          {(3, 0.7)},
          {(3.5, 0)},
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 10,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.15,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.4,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Squirrel"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Squirrel",
    ["label"] = "squirrel",
    ["description"] = "One of the many hardy rodent species that follows humankind everywhere it spreads. Squirrels are distinguished by their bushy tails, which they use as umbrellas in bad weather.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 5.1,
      ["MarketValue"] = 35,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -35,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 4,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftPaw",
        ["label"] = "right claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 4,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightPaw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 5,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 2,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable"] = true,
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithPawsAndTail",
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.15,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.25,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.20,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Light",
      ["wildness"] = 0.75,
      ["trainability"] = "None",
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 13,
      --[[["litterSizeCurve"] = {
        ["points"] = {
          {(0.5, 0)},
          {(1, 1)},
          {(1.8, 1)},
          {(2.4, 0)},
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 8,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.11,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.26,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Alphabeaver"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Alphabeaver",
    ["label"] = "alphabeaver",
    ["description"] = "A large beaver-like creature genetically engineered to harvest wood with machine-like efficiency. In the absence of specialized feed, these animals will enter a manic state that compels them to eat trees whole, and are likely to attack if disturbed.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 3.7,
      ["MarketValue"] = 250,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -40,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 7.2,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftPaw",
        ["label"] = "right claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 7.2,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightPaw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8.5,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 3,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable"] = true,
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithPawsAndTail",
      ["herdAnimal"] = true,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.45,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 3.0,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.7,
      ["foodType"] = "DendrovoreAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Light",
      ["wildness"] = 0.75,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 17,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0.10,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0.10,
      --[[["litterSizeCurve"] = {
        ["points"] = {
          {(0.5, 0)},
          {(1, 1)},
          {(3, 1)},
          {(3.5, 0)},
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 12,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.15,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.35,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Capybara"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Capybara",
    ["label"] = "capybara",
    ["description"] = "The largest natural rodent, the capybara is well-adapted for steaming jungle environments.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 3.9,
      ["MarketValue"] = 150,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -10,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMax"] = 50,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8.4,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftPaw",
        ["label"] = "right claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8.4,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightPaw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8.5,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 4,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable"] = true,
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithPaws",
      ["herdAnimal"] = true,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.50,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.30,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.7,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Light",
      ["wildness"] = 0.75,
      ["petness"] = 0.08,
      ["nuzzleMtbHours"] = 60,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 20,
      --[[["litterSizeCurve"] = {
        ["points"] = {
          {(0.5, 0)},
          {(1, 1)},
          {(1.5, 1)},
          {(2, 0)},
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 12,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.2,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.4,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Chinchilla"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Chinchilla",
    ["label"] = "chinchilla",
    ["description"] = "A small, nimble rodent. Its fur is softer than just about anything in the universe, making it very valuable as a trade good.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 5.0,
      ["MarketValue"] = 150,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -15,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMax"] = 55,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 3.6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftPaw",
        ["label"] = "right claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 3.6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightPaw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 5.8,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 2,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable"] = true,
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithPawsAndTail",
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.21,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.4,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.30,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Chinchilla",
      ["wildness"] = 0.60,
      ["trainability"] = "None",
      ["petness"] = 0.20,
      ["mateMtbHours"] = 8,
      ["nuzzleMtbHours"] = 24,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 14,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0,
      --[[["litterSizeCurve"] = {
        ["points"] = {
          {(0.5, 0)},
          {(1, 1)},
          {(2.5, 1)},
          {(3, 0)},
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 9,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.15,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.30,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Boomrat"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Boomrat",
    ["label"] = "boomrat",
    ["description"] = "Either by deliberate genetic weaponization, or as an unusual defense mechanism, these rodent-like creatures create a powerful fire-starting explosion when killed.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 4.6,
      ["MarketValue"] = 100,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -15,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 5.4,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftPaw",
        ["label"] = "right claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 5.4,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightPaw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 4.9,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 3,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable"] = true,
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithPaws",
      ["deathActionWorkerClass"] = "DeathActionWorker_SmallExplosion",
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.2,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.35,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.4,
      ["foodType"] = "OmnivoreRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Light",
      ["executionRange"] = 4,
      ["wildness"] = 0.75,
      ["petness"] = 0.20,
      ["mateMtbHours"] = 8,
      ["nuzzleMtbHours"] = 60,
      ["canBePredatorPrey"] = false,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 14,
      --[[["litterSizeCurve"] = {
        ["points"] = {
          {(0.5, 0)},
          {(1, 1)},
          {(2.5, 1)},
          {(3, 0)},
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 8,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.1,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.35,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Raccoon"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Raccoon",
    ["label"] = "raccoon",
    ["description"] = "A small, hardy animal that ranges wide across forests and shrubland. It is happy to break into your garbage container, or your kitchen, to eat almost anything.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 4.1,
      ["MarketValue"] = 100,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -30,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftPaw",
        ["label"] = "right claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightPaw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 7,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 3,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable"] = true,
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithPaws",
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.3,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.4,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.32,
      ["foodType"] = "OmnivoreRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Light",
      ["wildness"] = 0.75,
      ["mateMtbHours"] = 8,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 14,
      --[[["litterSizeCurve"] = {
        ["points"] = {
          {(0.5, 0)},
          {(1, 1)},
          {(2, 1)},
          {(2.5, 0)},
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 8,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.15,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.4,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Rat"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Rat",
    ["label"] = "rat",
    ["description"] = "A widely-hated rodent known for soiling kitchens and spreading disease, rats have a way of following humans everywhere they go. It eats almost anything and lives almost anywhere.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 4.0,
      ["MarketValue"] = 35,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -30,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 3.6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftPaw",
        ["label"] = "right claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 3.6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightPaw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 2,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable"] = true,
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithPaws",
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.15,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.20,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.29,
      ["foodType"] = "OmnivoreRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Light",
      ["wildness"] = 0.50,
      ["trainability"] = "None",
      ["petness"] = 0.15,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0,
      ["mateMtbHours"] = 8,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 12,
      --[[["litterSizeCurve"] = {
        ["points"] = {
          {(0.5, 0)},
          {(1, 1)},
          {(2.2, 1)},
          {(2.8, 0)},
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 8,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.07,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.3,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Deer"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Deer",
    ["label"] = "deer",
    ["description"] = "A medium-sized herding herbivore which prefers to live in mixed forests and plains. Deer are very quick.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 5.5,
      ["MarketValue"] = 250,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -30,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 7,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftLeg",
        ["label"] = "right hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 7,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightLeg",
        ["label"] = "teeth",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.5,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 5,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable"] = true,
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithHooves",
      ["herdAnimal"] = true,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.9,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.9,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.40,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Plain",
      ["meatLabel"] = "venison",
      ["wildness"] = 0.75,
      ["nuzzleMtbHours"] = 60,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 24,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 15,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.2,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.5,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Ibex"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Ibex",
    ["label"] = "ibex",
    ["description"] = "The wild ancestor of the domesticated goat. Ibexes live on marginal territory where most antelopes couldn't survive, eating lichens and sparse mountain plants. They're famous for dextrously hopping across bare cliff faces - and for their violent ramming attack.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 4.6,
      ["MarketValue"] = 250,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -30,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftLeg",
        ["label"] = "right hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightLeg",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.5,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 10,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2.6,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable"] = true,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithHooves",
      ["herdAnimal"] = true,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.85,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.35,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.85,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Plain",
      ["wildness"] = 0.55,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 24,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 15,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.2,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.5,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Elk"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Elk",
    ["label"] = "elk",
    ["description"] = "A large member of the deer family, well-adapted to life in cold climates. Domesticated elk can be milked, but refuse to carry packs.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 5,
      ["MarketValue"] = 300,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -50,
    ["comps"] = {
      ["CompProperties_Milkable"] = {
        ["milkDef"] = "Milk",
        ["milkIntervalDays"] = 2,
        ["milkAmount"] = 12,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 10,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftLeg",
        ["label"] = "right hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 10,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightLeg",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 10,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.5,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 13,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2.6,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable"] = true,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithHooves",
      ["herdAnimal"] = true,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 2.1,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.85,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 1.9,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Plain",
      ["wildness"] = 0.75,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 25,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 18,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.2,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.6,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Caribou"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Caribou",
    ["label"] = "caribou",
    ["description"] = "A large member of the deer family, well-adapted to life in cold climates. Caribou can be milked, but refuse to carry packs.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 5,
      ["MarketValue"] = 300,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -50,
    ["comps"] = {
      ["CompProperties_Milkable"] = {
        ["milkDef"] = "Milk",
        ["milkIntervalDays"] = 2,
        ["milkAmount"] = 12,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 10,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftLeg",
        ["label"] = "right hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 10,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightLeg",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 10,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.5,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 13,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2.6,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable"] = true,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithHooves",
      ["herdAnimal"] = true,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 2.1,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 2.0,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.90,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Plain",
      ["wildness"] = 0.75,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 25,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 18,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.2,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.45,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["WildBoar"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "WildBoar",
    ["label"] = "wild boar",
    ["description"] = "This hairy omnivore is descended from escaped pigs and evolved for living in the wild.\n\nIts tusks make it a better fighter than its domesticated pig cousins. Unfortunately, it is too unruly to be trained in the most complex tasks.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 4.6,
      ["MarketValue"] = 200,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -23,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "tusk",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 9.7,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "TuskAttackTool",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8.5,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.6,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 5,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable"] = true,
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithHoovesAndTusks",
      ["herdAnimal"] = true,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.8,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.7,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.45,
      ["foodType"] = "OmnivoreRoughAnimal",
      ["wildness"] = 0.50,
      ["trainability"] = "Intermediate",
      ["useMeatFrom"] = "Pig",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Pig",
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 18,
      --[[["litterSizeCurve"] = {
        ["points"] = {
          {(0.5, 0)},
          {(1, 1)},
          {(1.5, 1)},
          {(2.0, 0)},
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 12,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.1,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.4,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Tortoise"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Tortoise",
    ["label"] = "tortoise",
    ["description"] = "This heavily armored land-dwelling reptile is known for its slow moving speed and surprisingly vicious bite. Because of its natural armor, it is tough to kill and can do serious damage during drawn-out melee fights.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 1.0,
      ["MarketValue"] = 200,
      ["ArmorRating_Blunt"] = 0.35,
      ["ArmorRating_Sharp"] = 0.50,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = 0,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMax"] = 50,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "beak",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2.6,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "TurtleBeakAttackTool",
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 3,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2.6,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable"] = true,
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["comps"] = {
      ["CompProperties_EggLayer"] = {
        ["eggFertilizedDef"] = "EggTortoiseFertilized",
        ["eggFertilizationCountMax"] = 1,
        ["eggLayIntervalDays"] = 20,
        ["eggProgressUnfertilizedMax"] = 0.5,
        ["eggCountRange"] = "1~3",
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "TurtleLike",
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.5,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.33,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.6,
      ["foodType"] = "OmnivoreRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Lizard",
      ["wildness"] = 0.75,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 180,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.15,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.5,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Cobra"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Cobra",
    ["label"] = "cobra",
    ["description"] = "A large predatory snake. Cobras can be highly aggressive if provoked, and their bite injects toxic venom into the victim.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 3.5,
      ["MarketValue"] = 150,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = 0,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMax"] = 60,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "venom-fangs",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 12,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Mouth",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 3,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable"] = true,
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["comps"] = {
      ["CompProperties_EggLayer"] = {
        ["eggFertilizedDef"] = "EggCobraFertilized",
        ["eggFertilizationCountMax"] = 1,
        ["eggLayIntervalDays"] = 20.0,
        ["eggProgressUnfertilizedMax"] = 0.5,
        ["eggCountRange"] = "1~2",
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "Snake",
      ["predator"] = true,
      ["maxPreyBodySize"] = 0.35,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.25,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.07,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.5,
      ["foodType"] = "CarnivoreAnimal, OvivoreAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Lizard",
      ["meatLabel"] = "cobra meat",
      ["wildness"] = 0.75,
      ["petness"] = 0.05,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0.10,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0.10,
      ["nameOnTameChance"] = 1,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 20,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.15,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.5,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Monkey"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Monkey",
    ["label"] = "monkey",
    ["description"] = "A small primate, the monkey can use its curly tail to grab on to branches, leaving its hands free to do other things. Monkeys are selfish but clever, and can be trained to carry out fairly complex tasks.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 4.3,
      ["MarketValue"] = 100,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -5,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMax"] = 50,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left fist",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 3.6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "LeftHand",
        ["label"] = "right fist",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 3.6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "RightHand",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 4,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.7,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 2,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable"] = true,
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "Monkey",
      ["petness"] = 0.50,
      ["herdAnimal"] = true,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.35,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.25,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.45,
      ["foodType"] = "OmnivoreRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Light",
      ["trainability"] = "Advanced",
      ["wildness"] = 0.60,
      ["nuzzleMtbHours"] = 24,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 16,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 30,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.2,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.4,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Boomalope"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Boomalope",
    ["label"] = "boomalope",
    ["description"] = "Engineered for chemicals production, the boomalope grows a large sac of volatile chemicals on its back. Though it is weak and fragile for its size, other animals have learned to avoid it because of the huge explosion it produces when it dies. It can be milked to produce chemfuel - very carefully.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 3.4,
      ["MarketValue"] = 350,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -15,
    ["comps"] = {
      ["CompProperties_Milkable"] = {
        ["milkDef"] = "Chemfuel",
        ["milkIntervalDays"] = 2,
        ["milkAmount"] = 12,
        ["milkFemaleOnly"] = false,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 7,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable"] = true,
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
        ["label"] = "left hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 9,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftLeg",
        ["label"] = "right hoof",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 9,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightLeg",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 10,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.5,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithHoovesAndHump",
      ["deathActionWorkerClass"] = "DeathActionWorker_BigExplosion",
      ["executionRange"] = 6,
      ["herdAnimal"] = true,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 1.5,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 1.3,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.65,
      ["foodType"] = "VegetarianRoughAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Plain",
      ["wildness"] = 0.6,
      ["canBePredatorPrey"] = false,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 28,
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 15,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.2,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.5,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Warg"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["defName"] = "Warg",
    ["label"] = "warg",
    ["description"] = "Heavily-muscled wolf-like creatures with vicious unnatural claws and an absurdly powerful bite. They will only eat meat or corpses. If disturbed in the wild, they are very likely to attack.\n\nScientists say wargs are the descendants of weaponized military animals created for population suppression. The superstitious see them as the tools of an angry god.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 5.0,
      ["MarketValue"] = 450,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -40,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 13,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftPaw",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "right claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 13,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 1.5,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightPaw",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "razorfangs",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 15,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.9,
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 5,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithPawsAndTail",
      ["predator"] = true,
      ["maxPreyBodySize"] = 2.3,
      ["petness"] = 0.5,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 1.0,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.25,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 1.4,
      ["foodType"] = "CarnivoreAnimalStrict",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Wolf",
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 26,
      ["nameOnTameChance"] = 1,
      ["trainability"] = "Advanced",
      ["wildness"] = 0.60,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0.35,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0.35,
      --[[["litterSizeCurve"] = {
        ["points"] = {
          {(0.5, 0)},
          {(1, 1)},
          {(2, 1.7)},
          {(2.5, 0.7)},
          {(3, 0)},
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 15,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.2,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.45,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["ThingBaseWolf"] = {
    ["Abstract"] = true,
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 5.0,
      ["MarketValue"] = 350,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -40,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 10.9,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftPaw",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.5,
        ["label"] = "right claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 10.9,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightPaw",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.5,
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 12,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.9,
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 6,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithPawsAndTail",
      ["predator"] = true,
      ["maxPreyBodySize"] = 2.3,
      ["petness"] = 0.1,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.85,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.18,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.99,
      ["foodType"] = "CarnivoreAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Wolf",
      ["nameOnTameChance"] = 1,
      ["trainability"] = "Advanced",
      ["wildness"] = 0.85,
      ["nuzzleMtbHours"] = 120,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0.10,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0.10,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 26,
      --[[["litterSizeCurve"] = {
        ["points"] = {
          {(0.5, 0)},
          {(1, 1)},
          {(2, 1.7)},
          {(2.5, 0.7)},
          {(3, 0)},
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 12,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.2,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.45,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Wolf_Timber"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "ThingBaseWolf",
    ["defName"] = "Wolf_Timber",
    ["label"] = "timber wolf",
    ["description"] = "A rugged predator long feared by many ancient Earth cultures. As pack hunters, wolves have complex social lives and are fiercely intelligent.",
    ["race"] = {
      ["meatLabel"] = "wolf meat",

  ["Wolf_Arctic"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "ThingBaseWolf",
    ["defName"] = "Wolf_Arctic",
    ["label"] = "arctic wolf",
    ["description"] = "An arctic variant of the old Earth wolf. As pack hunters, wolves have a complex social life and are fiercely intelligent.",
    ["race"] = {
      ["useMeatFrom"] = "Wolf_Timber",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -55,

  ["ThingBaseFox"] = {
    ["Abstract"] = true,
    ["ParentName"] = "AnimalThingBase",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 4.6,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -35,
      ["MarketValue"] = 200,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftPaw",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "right claw",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightPaw",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 9,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.9,
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 4,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "QuadrupedAnimalWithPawsAndTail",
      ["predator"] = true,
      ["maxPreyBodySize"] = 0.80,
      ["petness"] = 0.1,
      ["baseBodySize"] = 0.55,
      ["baseHungerRate"] = 0.12,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.70,
      ["foodType"] = "CarnivoreAnimal",
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Fox",
      ["nameOnTameChance"] = 1,
      ["trainability"] = "Advanced",
      ["wildness"] = 0.75,
      ["nuzzleMtbHours"] = 60,
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 21,
      --[[["litterSizeCurve"] = {
        ["points"] = {
          {(0.5, 0)},
          {(1, 1)},
          {(2, 1.7)},
          {(2.5, 0.7)},
          {(3, 0)},
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 9,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "AnimalBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "AnimalJuvenile",
          ["minAge"] = 0.15,
          ["def"] = "AnimalAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 0.35,
    ["tradeTags"] = {

  ["Fox_Fennec"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "ThingBaseFox",
    ["defName"] = "Fox_Fennec",
    ["label"] = "fennec fox",
    ["description"] = "A small fox originally from the northern part of Earth's Africa continent. It hunts small creatures and has very large ears for cooling itself in the heat.",
    ["race"] = {
      ["meatLabel"] = "fox meat",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -30,

  ["ThingDef"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "ThingBaseFox",
    ["defName"] = "Fox_Red",
    ["label"] = "red fox",
    ["description"] = "A small solitary canine evolved for hunting small prey in temperate climates. Chicken farmers hate foxes because of their ability to destroy a whole coop in minutes.",
    ["race"] = {
      ["useMeatFrom"] = "Fox_Fennec",

  ["Fox_Arctic"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "ThingBaseFox",
    ["defName"] = "Fox_Arctic",
    ["label"] = "arctic fox",
    ["description"] = "A small predator adapted for cold climates. It usually hunts small game like mice and voles, sometimes burrowing through a meter of snow to reach its prey.",
    ["race"] = {
      ["useMeatFrom"] = "Fox_Fennec",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -50,

  ["Human"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "BasePawn",
    ["defName"] = "Human",
    ["label"] = "human",
    ["description"] = "A baseline human, mostly unmodified by gene engineering and mostly unchanged by evolutionary pressures on non-Earth planets.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MarketValue"] = 1750,
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 4.6,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = 16,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMax"] = 26,
      ["LeatherAmount"] = 50,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left fist",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8.2,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "LeftHand",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "right fist",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8.2,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "RightHand",
        ["surpriseAttack"] = {
          ["extraMeleeDamages"] = {
              ["def"] = "Stun",
              ["amount"] = 14,
        ["label"] = "teeth",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8.2,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "Teeth",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.07,
        ["soundMeleeHit"] = "Pawn_Melee_HumanBite_Hit",
        ["soundMeleeMiss"] = "Pawn_Melee_HumanBite_Miss",
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 5,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["ensureLinkedBodyPartsGroupAlwaysUsable"] = true,
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["intelligence"] = "Humanlike",
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 80,
      ["leatherDef"] = "Leather_Human",
      ["body"] = "Human",
      ["baseBodySize"] = 1,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 1,
      ["foodType"] = "OmnivoreHuman",
      ["gestationPeriodDays"] = 45,
      ["meatMarketValue"] = 0.8,
      ["manhunterOnDamageChance"] = 0.20,
      ["manhunterOnTameFailChance"] = 0.02,
      --[[["litterSizeCurve"] = {
        ["points"] = {
          {(0.5, 0)},
          {(1, 1)},
          {(1.01, 0.02)},
          {(3.5, 0)},
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "HumanlikeBaby",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
          ["def"] = "HumanlikeToddler",
          ["minAge"] = 1.2,
          ["def"] = "HumanlikeChild",
          ["minAge"] = 4,
          ["def"] = "HumanlikeTeenager",
          ["minAge"] = 13,
          ["def"] = "HumanlikeAdult",
          ["minAge"] = 18,

  ["BaseMechanoid"] = {
    ["Abstract"] = true,
    ["ParentName"] = "BasePawn",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["PsychicSensitivity"] = 0.5,
      ["ToxicSensitivity"] = 0,
      ["Flammability"] = 0,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMin"] = -100,
      ["ComfyTemperatureMax"] = 250,
      ["MeatAmount"] = 0,
      ["ArmorRating_Heat"] = 2.00,
    ["receivesSignals"] = true,
    ["race"] = {
      ["fleshType"] = "Mechanoid",
      ["needsRest"] = false,
      ["hasGenders"] = false,
      ["foodType"] = "None",
      ["lifeExpectancy"] = 2500,
      ["bloodDef"] = "Filth_MachineBits",
    ["comps"] = {
      ["CompProperties_CanBeDormant"] = "/",
      ["CompProperties_WakeUpDormant"] = {
        ["wakeUpOnDamage"] = true,
        ["anyColonistCloseCheckRadius"] = 30,
        ["wakeUpSound"] = "MechanoidsWakeUp",

  ["Mech_Centipede"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "BaseMechanoid",
    ["defName"] = "Mech_Centipede",
    ["label"] = "centipede",
    ["description"] = "Heavy combat mechanoids that glide on dozens of tiny legs. Their thick carpace and firepower makes them very effective against bunched-up static defenders. They are somewhat vulnerable to mobile hit-and-run tactics.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 1.9,
      ["ArmorRating_Blunt"] = 0.22,
      ["ArmorRating_Sharp"] = 0.72,
      ["PsychicSensitivity"] = 0.75,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 17,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2.6,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
    ["race"] = {
      ["intelligence"] = "ToolUser",
      ["thinkTreeMain"] = "Mechanoid",
      ["body"] = "MechanicalCentipede",
      ["baseBodySize"] = 1.8,
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 4.32,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "MechanoidFullyFormed",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
    ["butcherProducts"] = {
      ["Steel"] = 30,
      ["Plasteel"] = 10,

  ["BaseMechanoidWalker"] = {
    ["Abstract"] = true,
    ["ParentName"] = "BaseMechanoid",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 4.7,
      ["ArmorRating_Blunt"] = 0.20,
      ["ArmorRating_Sharp"] = 0.40,
    ["race"] = {
      ["intelligence"] = "ToolUser",
      ["thinkTreeMain"] = "Mechanoid",
      ["baseBodySize"] = 1.0,
      ["lifeStageAges"] = {
          ["def"] = "MechanoidFullyFormed",
          ["minAge"] = 0,
    ["butcherProducts"] = {
      ["Steel"] = 15,

  ["Mech_Lancer"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "BaseMechanoidWalker",
    ["defName"] = "Mech_Lancer",
    ["label"] = "lancer",
    ["description"] = "Fast human-sized combat mechanoids built for medium and long-range combat. Their bodies are light, making them vulnerable targets at close range - especially in melee combat.",
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left fist",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 12.0,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "LeftHand",
        ["alwaysTreatAsWeapon"] = true,
        ["label"] = "right fist",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 12.0,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "RightHand",
        ["alwaysTreatAsWeapon"] = true,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8.5,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "Lancer",
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.72,

  ["Mech_Scyther"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "BaseMechanoidWalker",
    ["defName"] = "Mech_Scyther",
    ["label"] = "scyther",
    ["description"] = "Fast, spindly, human-sized combat mechanoids specializing in rapid approach and close-range combat. Their bodies are covered in points and blades, but their mostly use two arm blades to lop off limbs or gut their victims alive.",
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "left blade",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 20,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "LeftBlade",
        ["alwaysTreatAsWeapon"] = true,
        ["label"] = "right blade",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 20,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "RightBlade",
        ["alwaysTreatAsWeapon"] = true,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 9,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "Scyther",
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 1.32,

  ["Mech_Pikeman"] = {
    ["ParentName"] = "BaseMechanoidWalker",
    ["defName"] = "Mech_Pikeman",
    ["label"] = "pikeman",
    ["description"] = "A clunky multi-legged combat mechanoid specialized as a long-range weapons platform. While effective at distance, it is weak in close-range fights and in melee combat.\n\nVeterans of mechanoid wars know that often, the safest place to be around a pikeman is touching it.",
    ["statBases"] = {
      ["MoveSpeed"] = 2.5,
    ["tools"] = {
        ["label"] = "front left leg",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 12.0,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontLeftLeg",
        ["alwaysTreatAsWeapon"] = true,
        ["label"] = "front right leg",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 12.0,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "FrontRightLeg",
        ["alwaysTreatAsWeapon"] = true,
        ["label"] = "head",
        ["capacities"] = {
        ["power"] = 8.5,
        ["cooldownTime"] = 2,
        ["linkedBodyPartsGroup"] = "HeadAttackTool",
        ["chanceFactor"] = 0.2,
    ["race"] = {
      ["body"] = "Pikeman",
      ["baseHealthScale"] = 0.85,