Topic on Talk:Spear

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For every individual damage category, the spear seems to have better DPS.


  • Spear - (23 dmg) / (2.6s) = 8.84
  • Sword - (23 dmg / (2.6s) = 8.84 (FOR BOTH ATTACKS - IGNORING DAMAGE TYPE)


  • Spear - (13 dmg) / (2.6s) = 5
  • Sword - (9 dmg) / (2s) = 4.5

If every possible attack is the same or higher, why would the spear do less damage? The LS is considered a higher DPS weapon even in the post-melee-verb-selection section.

I assume that (Average Damage) / (Average Cooldown) is better for LSwords. But unless I'm missing a mechanic (OTHER THAN STAB VS CUT), the spear would just be better in a game.