Topic on Talk:Weapon Guide

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Re: countering weapons There are some raid types (melee only, sniper only are the big ones), and there are some non-rocket weapons that change how you fight raids (a sniper means you can't use snipers as well), but i still think defence tactics is the better place for it. Ideally it'd just be interlinked

Re: rewrite

I don't think I (or the wiki) should really be an arbitor of "this is good/bad at X", because, for a lot of weapons, it really does depend. How should anyone value Revolver's stagger vs Autopistol's DPS? AR's range might make it better against breachers, but a CR's damage might make it better... against the same target.'

Whenever a player would prefer any given choice (past clear differences like shotgun v AR) would depend a lot on playstyle, difficulty, base layout, and personal preference, which are impossible to fully control for. I understand the theorem of "tell new players a strict rule first, then let them learn to break it" but i'm not confident, in general, here.

(i also don't know what "branching progression" means here)