Topic on Talk:Pack animal

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Basically, sorting as of right now is functionally useless if you're playing vanilla.

The wiki has tiered sorting. If you want to, say, sort by DPS but only want to look at animals (i.e. you don't want mechs interspersed throughout the list), you just sort by DPS and then sort by type. All the animals are now together, and they're sorted by DPS. Simple. If you're concerned about DLC specifically rather than Mech vs animal well then 1) its academic as the split is entirely along the mech/biotech and animal/core lines atm and 2) its easy to add a DLC column to allow the same functionality as above but explicitly for DLC rather than implicitly via type.

So basically, splitting the table doesn't actually help Core only players (DLC are vanilla, they're just not Core) but get in the way of DLC users.

. You simply don't need the same considerations for a mech as you do an animal.

If they can't figure that out from one table, splitting them into identical tables isn't going to help either. Arguably having them in the same table with food sections for mechs and bandwidth sections for animals dashed out BETTER highlights the differences.

Its also worth pointing out that the page doesn't go into detail about why you might pick a muffalo over a horse despite the horse being a better pack animal either, or when and where you might want to use a thrumbo over something with pack capacity. We aim for the lowest common denominator where possible, but this page has to assume some basis of knowledge. Its a table for comparisons where you know what the stats mean and how to interpret them. If you want analysis and a walkthrough, thats what text (and the analysis sections on the individual pages) are for.